In order to obtain vibranium, the military said that Su Ming could agree to any of his conditions.

Su Ming knew that it was enough to stop, and if he asked for too much, he seemed too greedy.

Anyway, vibranium is used to sell for money, and selling it to the state can not only make money, but also never worry about sales, and the state can also serve as a backstage for itself.

This kind of business that benefits the country, the people, and the people, fools do not do it.

“Major General Liu, since the military sincerely wants to buy vibranium, then I am embarrassed to refuse. Vibranium is manufactured from rare elements and metals extracted from meteorites and rare earths. Rare earths in our country are not worried, but meteorites are limited in the world. Sometimes even if you have money, you can’t buy it. ”

“I hope that the country can help me get the raw materials for meteorites.” The more meteorites, the higher the vibranium production. ”

Major General Liu nodded seriously: “President Su’s request is very reasonable. I will make a request to the top to buy the meteorites in the whole country. China will also buy meteorites from other countries, and some countries will come forward to obtain the number of meteorites, which must be much more than Huasheng Group spends money to buy. ”

Su Ming was excited: “This is great, the country’s ability must be ten thousand times stronger than mine.” With a large number of meteorites, the production of vibranium will increase many times. ”

Major General Liu narrowed his eyes with a smile: “President Su, without further ado, please draw up a contract immediately, and I will sign a contract with you on behalf of the military.” Because vibranium is so precious, if you sell to other companies, we are worried that those companies will sell it abroad at a high price after getting vibranium. ”

“Vibranium can create a super engine, and if Eagle Sauce gets vibranium and comes up with a more advanced weapon, it will be very unfavorable to our country.”

“President Su, the contract can be signed, but before signing the contract, we only have one request.”

“The state will treat vibranium as a strategic material and carry out strategic reserves, no matter how much vibranium you produce, we want it.” We ask you not to sell vibranium to any individual or other country. ”

Su Ming nodded: “Major General Liu is reasonable. If vibranium is obtained by foreigners, and they come up with superweapons to bully our country, then I will become an accomplice. ”

“I promised the military that vibranium would only be sold to the state. It will never be sold to any company or individual. But before, I have signed orders with some companies, worth 1 billion! Do I have to default? ”

“President Su, 1 billion liquidated damages, the military will help you compensate. We informed those companies that vibranium would be classified as a strategic commodity and would not be sold to individuals or companies. Those companies will not sue you before national laws. ”

Su Ming was overjoyed: “The sincerity of the military has already moved me. I prepare the contract right away. ”

Su Ming immediately asked the secretary to help him print a few contracts.

The content of the contract is very simple, that is, Huasheng Group produces vibranium steel and sells it to the military at a price of 100,000 per ton, and the military will buy vibranium in unlimited quantities.

Huasheng Group assures that the military is the only buyer of vibranium.

Huasheng Group guarantees that it will never sell vibranium to any individual or company except to provide vibranium to the military.

Major General Liu picked up the contract, read it carefully, and immediately signed it and stamped it with a national defense seal.

This contract is officially in force.

Huasheng Group, cooperation with the state, has produced legal effects.

After the two signed, Major General Liu was very happy.

“President Su, the military will send a few transport planes to land in the Huasheng Group, and for every ton of vibranium you produce, we will fly away. This prevents vibranium from falling into the hands of others. Do you have an opinion on this? ”

Su Ming laughed and said: “This is great, I am still worried that there will be problems during the transportation of vibranium!” Vibranium is 25 times more valuable than gold! Many daring robbers may be moved. ”

“With the help of the military, we can not only reduce transportation costs, but also do not have to worry about the safety of vibranium transportation.” The military is too considerate, I have no opinion. ”

Major General Liu said again: “President Su, the contract has been signed, in order to show sincerity, I will ask the financial department to transfer money to you, first transfer 30 billion funds to your company, are you satisfied?” ”

The military is awesome! One shot is 30 billion.

Before the vibranium was delivered to the military, the money was first credited to the account.

This kind of business of paying first and delivering later, made Su Ming a little excited.

“The military is so sincere, and this kind of cooperation excites me so much.” What we Huasheng Group lacks now is funds, and this 30 billion comes at the right time. ”

Major General Liu laughed: “30 billion yuan in front of other companies, it is a huge amount of money, but for the country, it is just drizzle.” President Su, you have to work hard! The more vibranium you produce, the more money you make. ”

Before it was shipped, it received 30 billion, and Su Ming narrowed his eyes with a smile: “Major General Liu is right, I will definitely strive to increase vibranium production.” ”

“President Su, there is one more thing to tell you. You are going to apply for a military enterprise certificate, which can take up to a week. ”

“After you get the certificate of military enterprise, you only need to pay 10% of the tax in the future.” China has preferential treatment for military-industrial enterprises. ”

“The general company, business tax, value-added tax, various taxes combined, almost 25% of the turnover, while your company, all taxes combined, only need to pay 10%. Are you satisfied? ”

Su Ming was excited again, the general company, all taxes combined, is almost 25%.

Now after cooperating with the state and becoming a military-industrial complex, you can pay 15% less in taxes.

Such a big discount package hit himself, how could Su Ming not be satisfied.

“Major General Liu, I thank the military for its help and the country’s care. The state attaches so much importance to and takes care of Huasheng Group, and Su Ming is very excited. If the military has any needs, we Huasheng Group will definitely support it. ”

As soon as Su Ming’s words came out, Major General Liu laughed: “President Su, what I’m waiting for is your words!” ”

Su Ming was stunned for a moment: “Major General Liu, what do you mean?” How do I feel like you’re putting a trap on me? ”

Major General Liu smiled and put his arm around Su Ming’s shoulder: “Eagle Sauce’s B21 has been tested and flew, this third-generation stealth fighter, too awesome.” Professor Fang of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has designed two super engines, one called ‘scramjet engine’ and the other called ‘detonation ramjet engine’. ”

“These two super engines, once they come out. Our country will be able to come up with a fourth, or even fifth-generation stealth bomber, which is more than enough to crush the eagle sauce. ”

Su Ming was taken aback: “Major General Liu, you’re not kidding!” The first generation of stealth bombers in our country has not yet been worked out. With vibranium, you can come up with a fourth, fifth generation stealth bomber? Directly across three or four eras? ”

Major General Liu said seriously: “President Su, national affairs, how can it be a child’s play.” What I just said is confidential, you have to keep it secret! You are the inventor of vibranium and a scientific genius. Since you have provided vibranium to the country, it is better for good people to do it to the end, and the military wants to invite you, help the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and jointly research and produce two super engines. With your help, we believe that the two super engines will definitely come out soon. ”

Su Ming regretted a little, he was too straight just now, and after seeing that the state sent his tax reduction package, he was excited, and said that the military had any needs and would definitely help.

Now that the words come out, the military really begged for help.

Su Ming wanted to resign, but couldn’t find an excuse.

“Isn’t it just 2 super engines! I only need to spend 2,000 contribution points to get out the engine technology of Marvel’s S.H.I.E.L.D.’s ‘Kun-style fighter’, which should be more awesome than the two engines designed by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. ”

“Hmm! Helping the country is not a big problem. When China’s super stealth bomber comes out, Eagle Sauce will definitely cry with suffocation, and their B21 production will not only not become the strongest in the world, but also become garbage. ”

“Fighting Eagle Sauce is everyone’s responsibility.”

After thinking about it for a while, Su Ming agreed: “Major General Liu, since you spoke on behalf of the military, then I will help the Chinese Academy of Sciences, hoping to help the country come up with two super engines.” ”

Major General Liu was overjoyed: “President Su, with the help of a super genius like you, two super engines will definitely be able to be manufactured.” The heavy responsibility of our Air Force to crush the world is entrusted to you. The responsibility of protecting 1.4 billion people is entrusted to you. ”

“Haha, Major General Liu, you are so heavy that I am embarrassed to praise. That grandson of Eagle Sauce almost sanctioned our company to bankruptcy, and there is a vendetta that is not a gentleman. Cooperation with the military, making money is only secondary, the main thing is to engage in eagle sauce mentality, I am very happy to see eagle sauce crying grievances. ”

“President Su, we are people of the same path! Eagle sauce, this little bully, is used to being domineering in the world, but many countries dare not speak out. It depends on a genius like you to cure him. ”

[Ask for collections, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, thank you.] 】

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