On the contrary, he is in the most vulnerable state to being defeated.

Among the many heroic epics in ancient Greece, only one is the most special - Hercules.

With many honors attached to him, he also has the reputation that there are only two kinds of heroes in the Greek world, one is Hercules and the other is other heroes.

In the final analysis, the great deeds accomplished by Hercules during his lifetime were simply too dioious.

Other heroes' noble phantoms can be found in the original mythology books. It is said that they were given by a certain god and forged by the xx god. They seem to be very powerful.

In fact, it still more or less relied on the prestige of the gods.

Even other mythological systems——

Even if it is as powerful as the Little Sun, when the divine spear it uses is introduced, it will be named as a divine weapon given by the Emperor Indra.

However, it was different only when it came to Hercules.

When it came to him, it turned into words like "Hercules used this thing".

His strength lies in himself, not in gifts from other so-called gods.

Even though he was deliberately tried to be killed by the Queen of Heaven since he was born, he still lived smoothly, and even eventually married Hera's daughter and ascended to the position of Hercules.

There is no need for others to cheat, he himself is the biggest cheat in the world.

Without the help of others (gods), in his own mythological system, there is no enemy (boss) that he cannot defeat alone.

Who can resist such a man (hero) who can be called the mythical version of Gundam.

However, in people's eyes, the berserker job that made Hercules become so terrifying and violent, and seemed to give him a strength bonus, was the job that was most suitable for him.

Coupled with the immortal body - it's incomprehensible!

There is such a misunderstanding, which is probably related to the astonishing sense of oppression that Hercules feels now.

Just when everyone was so shocked by the B-level Hercules that they lost their temper——

The above descriptions of Heracles's 'real power' suddenly flooded into people's consciousness...

And when seeing such exaggerated comments——

There were even such comments later.

‘If he were to appear in any other job, his martial arts would be considered the pinnacle of hand-to-hand combat among heroic spirits, coupled with his most powerful noble phantom, he could kill a hundred heads...

It's not that difficult to end the Holy Grail War overnight, right? ’

Because of the madness, even the most powerful Noble Phantasm cannot be released!

Isn't he already in his weakest state now?

And someone as powerful as him - the legendary hero Hercules, a myth in the mythology of the ancient Greek world, a hero among heroes... still needs a little bit of the so-called madness attribute blessing?

People who saw this message were dumbfounded for a moment... and they didn't know what to say to express their feelings at this time.

Ju... actually...

Can it really be exaggerated to this extent? !

That man——how many more surprises would he bring to them!

And this also made it difficult for people who saw the ending when Hercules lost in the end to recall the description they saw at this moment and find it hard to calm down for a long time.

I can’t even help but think——

If Uncle B is from another level, or even the Archer job agency that is most suitable for him——! Pinch fist!

This also makes it difficult for a group of people who will gradually be conquered by this powerful man's charm as a hero in the future (protecting children, being powerful and heroic, and breaking through the constraints of self-myth) to be overwhelmed!

Even those people in the future started quarreling with Flash Chefs on the forum later——

That’s another story…

Well, ‘I, Hercules Archer, cannot lose’,

What’s the ‘A level wearing seven in one night! Uncle B is invincible! ’ and the like,

Later, another flash chef shouted, "My big C-class pickup truck can also penetrate seven at once - strength and weakness don't matter. If your brain is strong, your combat power will not rise!" ’ and the like.

People can't even tell which one is Flash Kitchen or Flash Black.

All in all, the atmosphere was extremely joyful.

But Heroic Spirits don’t just come with whatever job they want.

Who can say for sure what will happen in the future?

Until now——

There are new changes in the immersive epic,

I was just shocked by the bug ability activated in the Twelve Trials of Hercules,

People suddenly heard Lin on the side making a confused voice.

"Huh? Archer?" She put her hand to her ear, as if she was contacting someone through the earphones. In fact, she was communicating with Red A's mind in the distance through the contract with the Servant.

Although people are not Red A's masters, they can still hear Rin and the others' voices from a God's perspective.


Their reaction was one step faster than Shirou and others.

"Stay away...what's going on?!" Rin said in shock.

People were also attracted by the movement here.

Did the red Archer take the initiative to contact you? !

That heroic spirit who has been fishing for so long finally made some moves?

Have you come up with any plan to break the situation?

Speaking of which, ever since Saber and Berserker entered the forest cemetery to fight, they haven't seen Red A's assistance attack anymore.

Only Rin saved the day in time when he was almost killed by Illya.

People almost forget that this is a 2v1 battle of heroes.

Chapter 1421: Pseudo Spiral Sword, is this archer also a pleasure monster?

‘That archer——I always feel a little unreliable. Could he really get involved in a fight of this magnitude? ’ I remembered that Red A couldn’t even break through Uncle B’s defense before.

Someone looked suspicious for a moment.

For a moment, I began to guess as if I had found the answer.

Could it be that he chose to paddle because he couldn't break through the defense, and what happened now?

Speaking of which, when Homura was chasing after the flower grower,

Although I didn’t know the identity of Red A at first,

But after shooting a few arrows at Red A for such a long time, the person became silent, and at that time he was complaining a lot in his heart.

Obviously, I had a close fight with Lancer before!

Now that he has changed back to his duties as an archer, the whole process will be lost.

If you didn't know better, you would have thought that Red A was just a third-rate supporting character hero with no reputation.

He can really endure it!

And when Homura turned it into an epic, even an immersive world and moved it to another world,

Now in another world, people feel ‘suspicious’.

But what they never expected was——

That's a man who doesn't even pretend to be cool, but when he starts pretending, he just makes it big!

A certain archer who deliberately wanted to kill his past self (trumpet) together began to show his true ability as an Archer for the first time.

trace——on! !

At this moment, people's vision suddenly changed.

Quickly pull closer to the red A in the distance,

"Beautiful, but not enough." Red A expressed his admiration for Saber killing Berserker, and then the red magic flame bloomed in the palm of his hand - a pseudo spiral sword was formed.

It’s different,

The moment I saw that precious phantom being constructed,

People seemed to feel the subtle difference——

Unlike before, Red A casually drew the bow and shot an arrow that looked like it was made of gathered magic power.

That strange feeling——

"Is it a Noble Phantasm? But why is it in that shape?! Is that really an arrow?!" A certain young man from another world who was also the Red A Master muttered with wide eyes.

He stared hard at the spiral sword——

Especially when I see Red A putting it on the long bow, his expression can be as wonderful as it is wonderful, or as confused as it is——

……What? That action——! Do you really want to launch it?

at the same time--

On the other side, Shirou suddenly seemed to feel something, and a burst of green magic circuits on his arms flashed past.

It seems to be Shirou's arm, and it also seems to be the red A,

At that moment, the two perspectives overlapped.

"That guy!" As if he was electrocuted, Shirou suddenly turned his head and looked into the distant sky where he couldn't see anything at all.

And that direction is exactly where the red A is——

Everyone: "...?!"

Surprised, many people had strange and astonished expressions on their faces.

Everyone saw Shirou's reaction just now——

‘Did he realize that Archer was about to take action? How could it be? ’

It's obvious that Shirou Emiya is just an ordinary person, and he can at most strengthen magic.

But soon people no longer had the time to think about those issues——

Although I'm surprised how the two are related...

However, Hong A shot out an arrow wrapped in red aura, like a comet rushing towards the distant land.

! ! !

People's vision looked at the perfect arc the moment the arrow was launched, and in an instant they returned directly to Uncle B.

At this time, Shirou had already ran over frantically, grabbed Saber and ran away.

Only Hercules, who had just completed his recovery, raised his head and looked at the illuminated starry sky above his head.

The brilliance of that arrow cannot be described in words——

And when it completely hit Hercules' body.

Boom~! !

A huge mushroom cloud rises from the forest!

Wow~! The light pollution, heat, and strong wind on the front, even if the final vision took them directly to the distant sky,

The aftermath also caused them a big loss.

Just now, that just now——was the Noble Phantasm released!

People's hearts are shaking wildly,

Only then did he realize what Red A had done!

madman--! Aren't you afraid of affecting your Master?

That level of attack,

Although I don’t know how destructive it is, the mushroom cloud is definitely not fake!

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