A series of perfect operations made those old mages call them experts, this is the real "magician"!

Thinking of this, the mages were moved to tears.

Finally, it's not about the Axe King or the Sword Saint.

For most magicians in the other world, they are more accepting of the traditional magicians!

Only those newbies who are new to magic, or complete outsiders, will think that melee magicians are the mainstream!

Although C's performance is a bit cold and cruel, this is war--!

The magicians in the other world don't think anything, they have seen more cruel scenes on the battlefield.

Compared with those unimportant things, they are more concerned about C's superb skills in magic.

It is simply the light that illuminates their way forward.

Back to the topic--

Shirou has lost Saber and lost the qualification to participate.

People don't know how the plot will continue.

Under normal circumstances, Shirou Emiya can only leave like this!


The next god-like Master also appeared.

On the one hand, he coldly warned Shirou not to get involved in the Holy Grail War and to withdraw to save his life,

on the other hand, he took his Servant to fight Caster alone, wanting to snatch Saber back and give it to Shirou to continue fighting side by side.

That’s right——

I’m talking about Rin.

And then came the classic plot in Type-Moon.

As an Archer, if you don’t backstab your Master, your life is imperfect.

(The next door Cang Yin's fragment world line - the great hero said he had something to say: "..."

That's right, he didn't backstab his master,

but he was indirectly pitted by the master.

The master was captured and coerced by the root princess and ordered to single-handedly kill Berserker.

Archer was okay with confronting Berserker head-on.

But the great hero is still a real, serious archer, who can't play double swords, light cannons, or throw treasures all over the map.

Afterwards, he was dragged to sacrifice, and joined the old sword to fight together.

Sacrifice yourself and illuminate the old sword to move forward.)

——Sure enough, do real cheaters know how to strike first?

As long as I backstab the master first, the master will have no chance to backstab me, lol jpg.

And Red A suddenly turned against the people's teacher in the middle of the battle, not only helping the people's teacher block Rin's magic bullet, but also taking the initiative to walk towards C's mother and begging her to stab him.

When they saw that even Archer was taken away, and there were already four Heroic Spirits in Group C, and a people's teacher whose fighting power was no less than that of a Heroic Spirit.

People all felt a sense of despair.

They were brought into the protagonist camp,

and now their faces were very exciting -


Fuck - ! ! How to fight this?

Which side to fight? !

Even Hermitos doubted his life and propped up his forehead with one hand and began to think.

He felt something incredible.

Even the gods were confused and helpless because of these confusing behaviors!

No, this was completely different from his fantasy.

Originally, I thought that since they were in such a disadvantage, the protagonists on Shirou and Rin's side would start to become anxious and think carefully about the next tactics.

In the end, what kind of wonderful strategy would be staged, using wisdom to successfully conquer the enemy and also conquer them, the audience.

The God of Alchemy was ready to start to enjoy!

In the end, you showed me this?

Chapter 1,473 Anxious magicians, how will the future magic world grow crooked?

It's okay to give it away for free...

Red A betrayed at the critical moment, which was something Hermitos had not expected.

So it seems that because of the disagreement on the matter of 'Shirou' before,

Red A also showed some special reactions several times.

Could it be that he betrayed because he couldn't do anything to Shirou with Rin!

After all, he is still a god-

At first, he just fell into a dead end of thinking.

After thinking it through, Hermitos quickly recalled all the things that were wrong with Red A before.

But even gods can't understand why someone has such a deep obsession with killing their past selves.

"——!" Hermitos.

Psycho——! In fact, he really wants to curse now!

Taking a deep breath,

After his mentality eased a little, the God of Alchemy began to think about what kind of existence Red A is.


He remembered the second time Rin dreamed about the memory of Red A.

Yes, it was the second time.

Just before Red A betrayed today, Rin had a new dream in the morning.

It describes the setting of the guardian under the restraining force, and through Rin's voice, tells people such words-

Fighting for the happiness of others in life, and paying for the stupidity left by humans after death,

Having to work as an executioner,

In the end, even that ideal betrayed itself, and it was completely lost.

It was obviously the sins committed by humans themselves, and they reaped the consequences...

But the guardian had to deal with it.

This is the existence he saved.

'Has he gone crazy after being betrayed by his ideals? Has he given up his ideals? 'The crazy Alchemist God murmured, not knowing how persistent and stubborn the Emiya family was, and only thought about the problem with his own guesses.

If he didn't regret it and didn't want to do it anymore, who would be so bored that he would run over to kill himself?

And he was so crazy that he didn't even care about Rin's safety.

It's hard to imagine that the man is the same person as the current Shirou Emiya.

Everyone thinks that Rin and the others have no chance of winning,


People don't know if Red A has a change of heart,

and completely surrenders to Group C in exchange for a condition to let Rin and the others go...

Anyway, he is no longer a Master.

In an instant, everyone: "?!"

You are wrong——!

Did they think wrongly, Red A didn't rebel just to kill Shirou?

Such a good opportunity is not wanted?


People's eyes swept over Shirou and Rin, and finally stopped at Rin.

Or did he ask for this because of Rin? !

In the morning, when Rin fell asleep on the table in the park, Red A covered her with clothes.

Speaking of which, the relationship between the two was very good before,

which is one of the reasons why people couldn't believe that Red A would betray at first.

But when Rin mentioned that she wanted to take back Saber for Shirou, Red A paused for a moment, and then she never said a word.

"!!!" Could it be that it was at that time that Red A made up her mind to surrender to the enemy!

People: "..."

They felt that they seemed to be very close to the truth.

On the other side, after Shirou and Rin left in embarrassment.

C's mother also began to look for the Holy Grail in the church.

But even a little expert like C's mother who is proficient in magic of the Age of Gods,

it is impossible to predict that the true identity of the Holy Grail is Illya.

She still has too little information!


Sitting on the five Heroic Spirit-level combat power, C's mother, who is almost invincible in the eyes of the people, also felt powerless and discouraged for the first time.

I can't find the existence of the Holy Grail, no matter how I look at it!

In the end, C's mother, who could only lean against the wall and raise her head helplessly, suddenly fell into memories.

It was also a desperate and helpless rainy night.

And everything has to be recalled from an earlier time, when her master was not yet a people's teacher.

On the other side——

People who watched this scene,

"What about Caster's previous experience?" At this time, some people who had already given up were no longer thinking about how Shirou and his friends would defeat the invincible C-mother. Instead, they began to be interested in C-mother's experience.

Then they saw C-mother's previous master,

Middle Eastern magician Atram,

an oil tycoon with a bad temper.

With his superpowers, he got many innocent children as materials for magic refining,

and on the day when he summoned Medea, he showed off his crystal refining technology to the magician of the Age of Gods.

Watching the light, countless children in the test tubes were directly crushed into a meat-like mist and dissipated, and finally a small magic crystal was obtained in the machine at the center.


"Using human bodies to refine?! Heresy!! This is heresy!"

"Disgusting guy,

Too cruel! The Holy Grail would actually choose such a magician?!"

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