
Back to the point, people suddenly thought,

Group B has been killed.

Who can help Shirou and his friends now?

Even if Shining finally let Shirou and his friends go,

But one thing is one thing,

there is no one left that Shirou and his friends can beat!

Unless Shirou starts cheating right now and shows them a short video of tearing Archer apart with his bare hands, and even double-killing archers!

Otherwise, relying on the current combat power.

Wouldn't it be funny to want to defeat C-mother who has the combat power of multiple Servants?

Seemingly, they are about to fall into a dead end again.

People are almost giving up hope for Shirou and his friends' next move.

Suddenly, the scene changes... A blue figure appears on the high wall of the road that Shirou and Rin must pass.

It seems that they have been waiting for a long time.

And the moment they saw the true face of that figure, people's hair stood on end and they became nervous all of a sudden.

Lancher? ! !

Chapter 1500 Everyone has a different definition of justice!

Why did Lancer appear here!

Everyone:! ! !

Speaking of which, when Cu Chulainn first appeared, it seemed that he was also mentioned in the introduction that he was a demigod...

Another demigod heroic spirit——

It just happened that Shirou and his friends met him at this time.

Or, he was originally here to hunt down Shirou and his friends.

People's faces changed slightly...

They all looked at Dog-ge with suspicion.

Compared to Hercules and the hero king Gilgamesh, who were already known,

People only knew Cu Chulainn by name,

and at most, they had only seen his battle scenes a few times in the beginning.

People still didn't know what kind of character this hero had.

But this didn't stop them from making the worst plan.

This guy had chased down Shirou Emiya without hesitation before!

Just when people were worried about the safety of Shirou and Rin,

On the other hand...

The two quarreled over who would cover the rear, and both wanted to stay alone to buy time for the other.

People: "..."

Looking at the two people who were getting closer and closer, as if they were "fighting" with anger,

I actually worried about these two idiots...

What a waste of their feelings,

At least pay attention to the situation around them!

Now they are facing an unprecedented crisis!

The Master without a Servant met the enemy Servant, and it would be good if the Lancer didn't take advantage of this opportunity to kill two heads in seconds.

On the other side, what also made people strange was...

Lancer had never shown an attacking posture since he appeared, and his aura was not sharp.

Instead, he watched the interaction between the two with interest.

He jumped down,

The sound of landing successfully attracted the vigilant eyes of Shirou and Rin,

"Oh? Finished? Anyway, there is no rush, you guys solve your own problems first.

Wait a minute, I don't mean to start a fight." Looking at the two people who suddenly posed an attacking posture towards him again, Gou Ge raised his hands as if surrendering and joked.

People were stunned--

What does this Lancer want to do?

Really not attacking?

Why... Obviously, they were both terribly cold when they met last time,

Fierce as a bulldog, full of aggressive tendencies.

Hmm... People suddenly thought of the memory fragment of C's mother before, and people speculated whether Brother Dog had let Medea go at the end.

Perhaps he was unexpectedly a gentle man?

And those teasing words seemed to be watching Shirou and Rin's flirting with relish.

People felt that their impression of this man had changed a little.

Thinking of this, everyone's faces became a little strange.

They were obviously demigods, why were Shanshan and Uncle B stronger than each other,

and here appeared such a... uh,

weird guy!

For a moment, people felt that they were not in front of them.

But those old ladies who were full of gossip and curiosity could never be satisfied.

The scene of Brother Dog eating dog food silently and enjoying it really made people doubt life.

On the other hand,

he was still explaining his harmlessness to Shirou and Rin, and it seemed that he really had no intention of fighting.

On the contrary——

"I came out to help because I couldn't stand it." Dog brother said that he came to help them fight Caster.

Because of the order of the Master, they were going to attack Group C,

but the other side of the flash didn't look like a guy they could get along with.

Berserker had already left the stage again.

"So we can only choose Shirou and the others?" People spoke in astonishment, never thinking that it would be because of this situation that Shirou and the others came to the door.



Even if they want to cooperate, they should find other Servants, find two magicians who no longer have Servants to cooperate with.

How can Lancer's Master think too much?


By the way, who is Lacner's Master! He is still hiding behind the scenes.

Everyone was filled with great confusion.

For the Master of Lancer who has never appeared...

At this time, people did not doubt Kotomine Kirei.

After all, it was obvious that Shanshan knew Mapo.

And at first, people thought Mapo was Shanshan's Servant!

If Mapo was also Lancer's Master, how could Lancer not know that he was in the same group with Gilgamesh.

At this time, Rin could not help asking if that was the intention of the Lancer Master?

But Cu Chulainn said: "No...choosing you two is just my personal preference."

Personal preference? !

Such a straightforward character, Cu Chulainn who spoke his mind frankly, made people stunned.

All a little confused.


Such a willful word was said.

But it doesn't seem to be a lie.

This kind of lie is very easy to expose! There is almost no possibility of lying.

But...that's right, if it wasn't out of his own willfulness,

they said how could Lancer's Master think of joining forces with two magicians who had lost their Servant,

even if he went to Shanshan's Master...to persuade Erye to form an alliance, it would be much more reliable than this!

Who would expect two magicians to have the fighting power to fight against the heroes!

So -

Are they really just trying to help Shirou and Rin?

The people who finally came to this answer in their hearts were shocked and couldn't understand these heroes.

Just like the wise king, there is also a brutal side of Chuuni Flash.

The cold-blooded spearman when he first appeared, but also has a free and righteous side.

For the former enemy, and the people who are indifferent to him, he lends a helping hand at the critical moment.

Just because he "can't stand it"...

For a while, people have a kind of enlightenment in their hearts -

How many justices, in the beginning, are not because of "can't stand it"?

Because there is a bottom line, there is a different kind of justice in the heart.

But what is justice...

Help others, protect the people you cherish? Or for the comfort in your heart?

It is precisely because the beliefs held by the heroes are different that countless heroes gather in the same era.

The confrontation of beliefs and the embodiment of the personality charm of each hero are so attractive to people!

The most mentioned and most concerned issue is justice!

What is... justice——!

For a moment, people thought of many answers,

but none of them were certain,

but they still recognized Lancer's goodwill and relaxed. It seemed that Shirou and the others were fine.

However—— on the other hand,

Shirou said how could Dog know that he would agree to cooperate,

after all, he was almost killed by him twice!

It's okay to stab him in the heart twice!

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