Hurry up, Fujimaru Ritsuka!

Chaldea has begun to leave the Temple of Time!

Go to the spirit transfer location, hurry up!

We will wait until the last minute! "

"...Hurry!" Guda.

Shaking, Guda began his final sprint!


One hundred steps, ten steps... getting closer and closer, getting closer and closer to the place where the spirit can be transferred!

At this time, people couldn't help but hold their breath.

"——There's still one step left...!"

Everyone's hearts were in their throats.

The next moment——

To everyone's bewilderment, their vision suddenly fell into darkness.

! ?

? ? ?

! ! What the hell... did you go back in the end?

It's like countless ants scurrying in people's hearts.


In the darkness, a voice sounded.

Guda: "——Bang.'s only a little bit close..."

Such words gave people an extremely bad premonition.

The last step——!

Didn't step out? !

? ? ? : “It’s not over yet, stretch out your hand——!

Senior, extend your hand——! "

! ! ! ! ! !

When the vision in front of me is restored again,

People discovered that at some point, they had been brought into Guda's perspective.

Lift your head...!

From the strong light transferred by the spirit son,

There was a looming figure that suddenly stretched out its arms.

That crucial helping hand,

Follow the line of sight to his face! !

Everyone:! ! !

No, impossible!

Guda: "——, ahh...!"

It's Matthew! ! Matthew!

Everyone was in tears and shocked instantly.

Is this a miracle?

When that warm hand holds your own hand.

At the last moment, we enter the familiar channel of spirit transfer together.


People seem to have returned to the time when they first saw this epic story of human salvation.

The hands held tightly in the ruins.

Even if all the crows in the three thousand worlds are dyed red, I will never let go!

The deep bond the two had left behind.

It's just that the objects of rescue this time have been slightly swapped.

"Ma Xiu!" People lost their voices.

If this is not an illusion,

It's not the figure that Guda imagined because he fell into the abyss after failing to take the last step.

Joy and worry surged into my heart together.

Ah, ah...!

But what's the reason?

Goetia is not dead. If the human form is just a residue,

Then why did Mashu come back to life?

I couldn't figure out what happened or what was going on in my mind.

——People are confused!

Chapter 59 At the expense of intelligence! The complete resurrection of the dead!

The dead cannot be resurrected...

That is the miracle of life;

Even though he is as powerful as the Nordic dragon-slaying hero,

The mythical Valkyrie...

Or maybe the king who has been passed down from generation to generation, the saint who has been saved, will also die at that moment.

It’s just that heroes are remembered and praised by people,

Finally, he achieved the body of a heroic spirit and ascended the throne.

If we look at her merits, there is no doubt that 'that girl' has the qualifications to become a Heroic Spirit.


In that unknown singularity, the story of salvation.

Can it really be passed down and can it become a heroic spirit?

‘Is the heroic-turned-Mashu back?

Just like that King Gilgamesh! ’ Confused people and shocked people couldn’t help but guess.

Woohoo~! Matthew is back!

As for another speculation about Mashu’s true resurrection.

Although everyone hopes, they dare not repay the extravagant expectations.


People's vision gradually changes.

The passage from which the spirit son was transferred disappeared.

People's consciousness comes to a mysterious space.

At the same time, many messages emerged in everyone's minds.

Time goes back to when Matthew just died.

Matthew: "——.

——. "

? ? ? : "——.

——. "

Whether it is a conscious body or a soul body.

In the mysterious space, a dark shadow of a small beast appeared in front of Mashu.

? ? ? : "——.

--Very good. You're still here, Matthew.

You are completely wiped out.

Reached the end of life.

Even so, your will remains in this nothingness.

Even so, you still have things to accomplish.

So I won’t say anything to you, ‘Thank you for your hard work’.

Although I will bid you farewell and say 'goodbye'. "

Matthew: "——."

Is that...?

Everyone looked at the figure of the little beast in shock, feeling that it looked extremely familiar.

It was as if I had seen that figure there.


This shape! !

People widened their eyes and thought of a certain little white beast—Fu, Fufu?

Is it Fufu?

Will Ma Xiu's reappearance and rescue of Gu Da have something to do with Fu Fu?

Fufu can actually talk? ! ! wow!

Even though I had learned about Fu Fu’s true identity a long time ago,

It is also a Beast, a beast of comparison.



In people's minds, Fufu has always made a sound like "Fufu, Fuwu".

This is as incredible as when Ash died and Pikachu suddenly became able to speak.

They had long been accustomed to Fufu's existence as a mascot and pet.

Even though they knew it was a terrible beast, they were not afraid of it at all.

And the next moment,

people heard words that shocked them.

? ? ?: "There is no time, let me make it short,

I plan to bring you back to life."

Death, resurrection? ! It really is...

? ? ?: "I have the principle of 'comparison'.

It feeds on competition and growth, jealousy and regret among humans,

and is a beast with the characteristic of 'being stronger than the other party'.

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