The evil Moriarty has been waiting here for a long time, so let's call him 'Professor' to distinguish him.

‘Professor’: “Are you here?”

Matthew: "This is the evil Mr. Moriarty."

‘Professor’: “No need to address him as sir, he is evil after all.”

Matthew: "Ah, well, that's true."

Alter: "Hmph.

I thought it was some kind of monster, but it didn't look any different. "

The 'Professor' smiled slightly: "There is no difference.

Good and evil are ultimately transient.

I'm a villain, and I'm surprised that I still have a kind heart.

Not to mention that good intentions can actually turn against me. "

Moriarty: "Huhahahaha!

Ouch, you are so right!

I'm surprised that I still have such a kind heart! "

Holmes: "And of course I was surprised."

Alter: "I'm not interested."

Guda: "Moriarty, he

What a good person. "

‘Professor’: “I can actually have such a close relationship with the Master.

But I have no interest in the existence of good intentions.

To me, this is nothing more than a being that needs to be eliminated.

For me, there is only one parsing object.

That is the Chaldean Master.

You are captured and rescued by the hand of Sherlock Holmes,

Then he appeared in front of me again——.

This is definitely not fate.

It is a situation achieved after careful calculation. "

Everyone: "...?! What...!"

Impossible, people subconsciously want to reject it,

If it was intentional, what's the reason? Why let go of that great opportunity to catch Holmes?

It was the same before. It was obvious that the Master could be killed directly.

But he allowed things to progress to this point.

What on earth is this man thinking?

What is his real purpose? !

People can’t understand it anymore! A look of confusion flashed in his eyes.

Want to destroy the world,

But he spared the brave men who saved the world. This is to support the enemy!

The enemy's biggest mole is actually the boss?

Everyone took a deep breath...

Even fairy tales don’t dare to write like this.

Chapter 81: The rotten country - more men than men!

Guda: "...What do you mean?

Is it inevitable? "

The corner of the 'Professor''s mouth curled up slightly: "It is inevitable.

Nothing wrong at all.

The calculation is very correct.

Yes, I have been waiting for this moment for 3,000 years——.


What on earth am I talking about?

No, that's not right.

I wasn't looking forward to it.

It's an illusion. "

Listening to the murmuring that seemed to be insane.

Everyone was confused, what exactly did he want to express...

Or are you simply unwilling to admit some true thoughts in your heart?

And then someone noticed,

Holmes, who was Moriarty's old enemy during his lifetime, looked a little indifferent and didn't know what he was thinking: "...

...Hmm. "

These wise men are always good at discovering many things that people can't see from the smallest details.

As an old enemy, what Lao Fu saw, who originally knew Moriarty better, seemed to be normal.

Thinking of this...

People say they miss the time and space they had at that time.


It would be great if I could hear Holmes's voice at this time.

At this time, the 'Professor' brought people a very bad news: "Come on, Fujimaru Ritsuka.

The last master of Chaldea.

Asteroids have come flying from the universe (sky).

With the power of magic bullet shooter.

As long as I characterize that meteorite as a bullet.

Then it will be loaded into this 'gun body' exactly.

I don't want to die.

Although I don’t want to die——.

But for one thing, I would prioritize killing planets over my own death. "

What……? ! !

Everyone looked at the 'Professor' with eyes wide open in shock and disbelief.

Why come here...

Not only is he cruel to his enemies, he is also cruel to himself.

From a long time ago, people have been thinking about how these evil villains will survive if the world is destroyed.

Could it be said that they have their own way to escape the annihilating blow and survive in the post-annihilation world of the Great Depression?

But if it were Broken Star, could these servants still survive and drift in space?

Looking at it now, this means that he has no intention of letting himself live at all!

Although the 'Professor' is a villain, he doesn't look like a madman. He's not a criminal with a crazy personality who just wants to destroy.

A qualified villain should also have the personality charm of a villain.

Or for a particularly grand and lofty dream or ambition,

Or to realize an obsession in your heart,

Maybe it's to verify your own abilities...

But pure destruction is a meaningless act.

The biggest difference between humans and beasts is knowledge and wisdom.

The heroes and villains in epics are so attractive to people from other worlds precisely because those heroes and villains are all extremely distinctive and have their own unique styles and personality traits.

Everyone lived their own way of life.

Let’s get back to the topic – for what reason did the ‘professor’ make such a crazy choice.

This makes people who have already gained a lot of favor from the 'good' Moriarty really don't want to define it as the behavior of a madman.

Could it be the same hatred as the Wolf King? What is he hating that makes him want to destroy the world even if he dies?

Let the world be buried with him?

What a romantic and terrifying idea it sounds like.

Everyone was bold in thinking...

They even imagined the love-hate entanglement and bitter drama between Moriarty and Holmes before their death. There are many examples of people doing all kinds of crazy things just for revenge...

It is wrong to create this world for the one he loves, and the bitter male protagonist who wants to destroy the world...

Ahem! ! People almost forgot that according to the previous setting,

Moriarty is an extremely lonely wise man,

Holmes at least has Watson to accompany him, but in the impression of old Watson,

Moriarty is always alone...

Perhaps Holmes, his lifelong enemy, is so important in his heart that he can reach a different kind of love?

Hiss~! !

People successfully thought wrongly.

There is even a feeling that everything is suddenly clear.

Could it be true?

Wonderful! !

If they knew that the new country established on the land of Great Britain was also called the country of rottenness, and that Old Fu and Moriarty were both rotten people, they would be more certain of their guess!

In the life environment of the average male Tong, two enemies who loved and killed each other appeared, which seemed to be...

It really was hatred (love)! ! ! !

Even if they didn't know anything, just thinking about it made many nobles in the other world excited.

It must be said that although the nobles in this world are not necessarily perverts,

But for the noble ladies who have seen all kinds of entertainment,

they are tired of seeing opposite sexes attract each other,

There are many rotten girls.



'—— But is it really something as simple as hatred? ' Hermitos also thought of that possibility, but he was still puzzled. From the evil Moriarty, he did not feel the same bitter hatred as the wolf king.


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