
Everyone: "...!"

No, not only is he not a fool, he is also a hero.

Even if he is an idiot, he is still a handsome idiot!

When I saw that Billy had just been attacked,

People are more worried about their physical safety than he is.

“Some things have to be done by someone, right?

A man who dares to face hardships and goes against the grain,

Ah...those people are all heroes. Hermes chuckled.

I wonder how Fujimaru Ritsuka and the others are doing...

At this moment, people were attracted by the sight of handsome Billy the Kid single-handedly dominating the undead army.

We all sincerely hope that Guda can go faster and faster! !

As long as the emperor can be awakened...

So--……! !

Chapter 217 Reality Version - The Spiritual Base Returns!

Talking about the heroic spirits of the moon world...

In addition to special epics, existences such as King Arthur and the King of Heroes are well-known and highly sung.

The rest... is probably related to the rarity of heroic spirits in the game.

Heroic spirits with good-looking cards and higher rarity have more chances to be remembered by people.

Even if he is a hero,

Only the most shining ones are often remembered.

The rest become the faded ones, the foil for the shining heroes.

Just like the wrong world...

In this world where heroes are sung, there are still a few people who remember the legend of the original hero Argo.

The boy who has the same appearance as Bell in the mobile game.

Back to the topic——

For fgo players,

There is only the Billy Boy on the three-star card surface and a non-distinctive vertical painting on the card surface.

Really inconspicuous...

Many people can't even tell whether he is a three-star star or a one-star star.

For players who pursue strength and rarity,

Even many four-star gold cards are not worth remembering, not to mention you are a man who is neither cute nor beautiful.

LSPs won't pay for it either.

But the hero——

It should never be divided based on the so-called rarity.

At the right time, they will also show their own charm and style.

People looked at Billy the Kid on the battlefield, using his own body to face the enemy's endless army...

Billy the Kid gasped hard. In this cold Lostbelt, even though the heroic spirit's body was very strong,

Injury in such a harsh environment, continuous high-intensity fighting, and breathing in the biting air must be an extremely uncomfortable battle.

Billy the Kid helplessly laughs at himself as an idiot...

Only the fighting movements were not confused at all,

“But I would never relinquish the role of lone wolf (outlaw) to someone else.

Putting my 'boy' (Billy) name on the line.

But...this is getting tiring. "

Looking at the army in front of us, it seems that the number of troops has not been reduced.

“I’m overwhelmed now…

...Is what Da Vinci said really reliable? "

With the memories of Billy the Kid——

It's like going back in time,

Back when I was on the Chaldean chariot not long ago,

In Leonardo da Vinci’s cabin workshop full of drawings,

Little Leonardo da Vinci: "Can you let me play with your gun?"

Billy the Kid: "Hey, I don't want it. What did you say suddenly!?"

Little Leonardo da Vinci: "Even as an all-powerful genius, I

Nor can you attack weapons forged by gods or famous craftsmen.

After all, compared to the time I lived in,

Those are mysteries from the far beyond.

There are people in this world who can even modify other people's weapons.

Heroic spirits who suffered retribution, but that was another matter.

However, the gun in your hand still has room for improvement.

That's all because your weapons are mass products.

This is a treasure created by chance and chance in a mass product.

Mass production can even out performance,

But there will inevitably be an element called chance.

Your weapon miraculously has the best finish.

But if it is not left in the hands of famous craftsmen and geniuses, it can only stop here. "

Billy: "But I think the current balance is the most harmonious."

Leonardo da Vinci: "This is what is called an illusion.

I promise you, I can guarantee it.

As long as I adjust it myself, this gun can shoot magic bullets that can penetrate everything!

However, if you want to use it, you must have considerable awareness.

Are you interested in raising the spiritual base to a higher level of completion? "

Everyone:! ! !

Huh? ! Some whispers of disbelief.

Spiritual base increases the level...

Isn’t this the setting in the game?

No, it turns out that the spiritual base of heroic spirits in reality can really be improved manually.

Although it is not unheard of to see certain heroic spirits become much more powerful than normal history at a singularity due to various special personalities and identities.

But man-made things are completely different!

The first thing everyone thought of was the return of the Spiritual Base.

And on the other side,

The memories end here...

Returning to reality, Billy remembered his exchange with little Leonardo da Vinci.

He murmured: "...There is only one way to activate it.

Concentrate, overcome, break through.

Toward the limit of limits.

The thunder that shines in the other side.

Run towards there with all your strength.

Sit on the horse of love and move forward bravely toward glory and destruction.


——Let’s decide the outcome, Killing Hunter. "

Billy the Kid responded with a sudden attack from the Killer Hunters.

This familiar scene instantly made people break out in a cold sweat.

Subconsciously shouting: "No!"

This time, although Billy the Kid was still being approached, he ducked out of the way very calmly and keenly, and then quickly drew his gun and fired.

Bang bang~! ! !

There were far fewer gunshots than before,

Before, one shot killed each Jaeger, but now there were two shots.

However, all the Killing Hunters in the front row turned into black powder and were shattered into dust.

At that moment, a row of armies fell, and even the seemingly endless black sea was forcibly vacated by the mighty force.

He immediately stunned everyone with his handsomeness.

"...Him!" And when people subconsciously looked at Billy, why did he suddenly become so fierce? They didn't look like the same heroic spirit as before.



? ! ! ! Everyone was stunned, staring stupidly at the handsome figure in front of them.

This, this...who is this?

Suddenly a western cowboy hat appeared on his head.

He wore a bright red square scarf around his neck, and the two red ribbons fluttering in the sudden rising wind and snow had many broken gaps, which added to the chill and weather-beaten atmosphere.

Even the magic gun in his hand has changed drastically. Billy is holding a black pistol with red patterns:

“...Uh, uh, uh. Uh, uh, uh.

The gunfire became more solid,

But the grip feels the same as always.

Despite the change in weight,

But the balance has also been improved, so it’s no problem.

The destructive power is tripled.

...Well, this is great! "

"This is great!!" At the same time, there were the voices of countless people outside the epic who were amazed and excited xN!

woc... the spirit base returns! !

Listen to the sound of battle music suddenly becoming intense in the background.

Who can resist a man who can henxin (transform) in battle.

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