"The omniscient and omnipotent God..." In the palace, Her Royal Highness the Saint trembled as she looked at the King Arthur series recommended to her by the little princess.

There was a hint of worry on her beautiful face.

How could there be such a powerful pagan god.

In the west of the continent...among the major human faiths, their religious country has always been the stronger.

The churches of other gods have been suppressed.

In order to compete for faith, it has become a common thing for the church of a powerful god to suppress the church of a weak god.

Thinking of Christianity and the terrifying god of Christianity that exists in books.

——It’s troublesome!

As the Arthurian books expose the existence of this god, there are bound to be some people who try to believe in this powerful deity.

If the church of the omniscient and omnipotent God originated and was born near their theocratic country, then what kind of attitude should it have towards it...

Whether it will attract the attention of the legendary omniscient and omnipotent God has become a big question.

But if left alone, the belief in the gods they believe in will be divided again in the future.

On the same land.

The rise of a new church is accompanied by the division of beliefs in other churches. This is a historical necessity.

"King Solomon, the omniscient and almighty God... the seventy-two demonic pillars!!!" When the saint was worried, she didn't know there was a real god and was also frightened by the things described in the book.

Hermitus thought of the demons who once united the gods to fight against them.

Now in this book, that kind of terrifying demon god has become the servant god of a human king? !

What is the difference between this and being a slave?

Although most of the story this time is about Galahad, the Holy Grail Knight, there is only a brief description of another king who got the chance to make a wish.

But this one stroke invariably caused the hearts of gods and humans to tremble and panic.

Hermitos' consciousness was a little blank for a while, and he couldn't even understand the story behind it.

Chapter 314: The jealousy of the knights will lead to a painful future!

The death of Galahad devastated Lancelot.

She once couldn't face her children because of Princess Elaine's incident.

When she wants to get close to Galahad...

Galahad lacked his father when he was young. Even when his mother died, his father never came back.

This resulted in Galahad never recognizing Lancelot and never calling her "Daddy".

This also became the most painful thing for Lancelot.

Although as a woman, wanting to be called "Daddy" for once... sounds strange and shameful.

But Lancelot has always had this unspeakable desire in his heart.

Even her most beloved king did not dare to tell him these things.

When there is too much accumulation of suffering, people will become depressed.

Especially after Galahad's physical death.

Even though everyone told her that Galahad was not really dead, his soul had ascended to heaven to accompany the omniscient and omnipotent god.

But Lancelot couldn't accept this answer.

Galahad's death - along with the pure white soul, the bright red color on the red-handled sword seemed to fade away as well.

When Lancelot inherited the sword from Galahad's relics, it had completely transformed back to its brilliant and dazzling appearance.

Later, Claire, Rhine and the others saw Lancelot holding the sword in the lake and being invincible on the battlefield.

The story seems to have returned to calm.

Only everyone is still sad about the disappearance of Galahad, and they still feel sorry for Lancelot.

In a place that neither the other round tables nor the king noticed.

The Knight of the Lake just holds the hilt of the sword, and the memory of its previous owner will not disappear.

Only she still lives in pain.

The expression on Mingming's face was calm and calm.

But inside I am more anxious than anyone else.

At this time, Claire and the others couldn't help but recall that when Galahad was still there, if they saw their 'father' being so useless and in pain, they would definitely wake her up with a shield blow!

Thinking of the scene of Lancelot being hammered into the city wall, Rhine couldn't help laughing, but at the same time he missed the pure white knight.

At this time, the plot in the book has also entered the next stage.

When the backlog of longing reached a certain level, Lancelot finally couldn't help but confide her troubles to others.

'As a person to confide in, of course you can't choose a man, it's best to be a considerate woman. ’

Although brave and calm, intellectual and beautiful in front of outsiders...she is a flower of the battlefield that cannot be defeated by anything.

But as a warrior, Lancelot also needs a woman who can talk to her behind her back.

Queen Guinevere is such a woman who combines wisdom, kindness, gentleness and beauty.

"Running like a shooting star on the battlefield and in the wilderness, protecting women and respecting beautiful girls - this is the romance and duty of a knight." This was because of his merits. Lancelot, who would become the God of War in the future, once said out words. (God - Lancelot)

Although he has never had a good look towards Princess Elaine, in fact, Lancelot has always been relatively humble and kind to girls who are as beautiful as himself.

Otherwise, she would not have rescued the suffering girl from the tower after hearing what others had to say.

After choosing someone to talk to.

Lancelot often ran to Guinevere.

Guinevere's beauty and understanding soon conquered the proud knight.

She began to visit the queen often after battles and confide her feelings to her.


As a knight...even though they are both women, there is "Princess Elaine's incident" as a precedent.

Lancelot's too frequent contact with the king they all loyal to - Arthur's queen, finally attracted the attention of the Knights of the Round Table.

The three are headed by the Iron Agagon, the Sun Knight Gawain, and the knight Mordred who joins the Round Table in the name of King Arthur's nephew... and has never taken off his helmet.

A group of round tables formed and consciously became hostile to Lancelot.

Everyone was jealous of Lancelot as the king's right-hand man and the king's most trusted and favorite knight.

At the same time, the status of King Lancelot's first knight is also their goal.

Coupled with the fact that Lancelot and the queen were too close, this made it unbearable for the knights who believed in King Arthur as a god.

"Lancelot, don't act beyond your authority again. I'm warning you, don't let me find out what you are doing to betray the king, otherwise I will execute you with my own hands." During an encounter in the palace, Agguiwen, known as the Iron Commandment, reminded Lancelot in a cold voice.

But Lancelot, who maintained the pride of a warrior in his heart, did not pay attention to the threat of the other party. Instead, he mocked in the same cold voice: "My loyalty to the king is evident from heaven and earth. I don't need you to supervise me!"

Although he also knew that he often ran to the queen, as a knight, this behavior was wrong.

But she can guarantee that she has always respected and loved Wang in her heart, so how could she possibly do anything to disgrace him!

And she and Guinevere are both women!

How could something happen? These people must have looked at her too harshly!

The Round Table was dissatisfied with Lancelot's arrogance.

King Arthur seemed to be aware of it, but he did not say anything, but held a grand joust.

He told everyone that he wanted to find a reliable knight to protect the queen, and this competition was to select a knight worthy of my trust.

Whether it is the original version of King Arthur's story or Homura's version, the final result is of course Lancelot's victory.

So the round tables that originally hoped to take this opportunity to protect the queen and separate Lancelot from the queen failed again.

Unparalleled martial arts of an era, it was an amazing skill that was enough to create a Noble Phantasm after Lancelot's death.

In terms of force alone, except for the king who holds the holy sword and is always victorious, who else can be her opponent!

"Ah! That's great. Then Lancelot won't be criticized if he stays with Guinevere again!" At this moment, the little princess in the palace happened to see this.

As a new volume of King Arthur was sent to Her Majesty the Saint, there was no way she would not read it.

At this time, I saw in the illustration, the knight wearing silver armor, holding a spear and a sword in the lake, standing in the center of the competition field.

The little princess couldn't help but reveal a smile.


The girl still underestimated the conflicts within the Round Table. Although they all respected and loved the king, they would also fight with each other for various reasons.

For the continuation of Britain, Agguan will do whatever it takes.

In order to gain the recognition of the king, the jealousy in the hearts of Mordred and Gawain can burn away their rationality.

Corresponding to the round tables in the book who are each calculating something, the text gives such words.

‘——Only when the pain really comes, the knights will feel regret! ’

Seeing this sentence, the girls became slightly uneasy.

Haven't you already obtained the status of Queen Guinevere's bodyguard? Lancelot should be able to see Guinevere easily next, and he won't be gossiped about, right?

Why is there still "pain"?

Chapter 315 King: I have lost one of the noblest knighthoods!

At the end of the 12th century, the French poet "Christian" adapted the story of Arthur to suit the French trend of thought and atmosphere at that time.

He and many poets were deeply influenced by the "palace love" norm at that time. In addition to establishing meritorious service on the battlefield, warriors must also possess a series of virtues.

Therefore, in his writing, the character of Lancelot combines the characteristics of gentleness, generosity, piety, and courtesy.

In the knight's duel in the arena, Lancelot's stunts surpassed those of the others and won the heart of Queen Guinevere. King Arthur also trusted Lancelot, the leader of the Knights of the Round Table, and Lancelot became The queen's bodyguard.

Although in subsequent stories, Lancelot worked hard to defend the queen's honor, some of her actions still aroused dissatisfaction among the knights.

This is the original version of the special rumor about the relationship between Lancelot and Queen Guinevere.

And as Claire and the others read and follow their stories, the book...

Rumors of an ulterior relationship between Lancelot and Guinevere also began to circulate in the palace.

This made the girls very angry.

‘——Why is this like this! Isn't Lancelot now Arthur's personal guard? Why do these people still criticize Sir Lancelot? ’

Claire, Rhine, and the little princess couldn't understand the psychology of the round tables and what they were thinking.

"Jealousy" distorts and drives people crazy.

——It can make Morgan, who was once "gentle and beautiful like a Valkyrie" in the eyes of the sage Meili and the knight Gawain, become a calculating and vicious witch the next time they meet because her father chose to pass the throne to her younger brother instead of herself.

That was a change that no one had expected.

It can also make the well-behaved and virtuous Knights of the Round Table ignore Lancelot's loyalty, be jealous, and deliberately exclude and eliminate her.

The reason given by the knights was that "Princess Elaine" once transformed into Guinevere's appearance to seduce Lancelot, but Lancelot did not withstand the temptation.

Morgan and the princesses of other countries also mentioned that Lancelot's heart belonged to Queen Guinevere.

As the rumor spread more and more.

In the palace, Lancelot and Guinevere were staying together.

"Those people are too much. They actually slandered you like this." Guinevere said to Lancelot. She was quite troubled by the rumors circulating in the palace recently.

The one she deeply loves is King Arthur, and this is as clear as the sun and the moon, just like Sir Lancelot's loyalty to the king.

But Agrawen and the others always bite the fact that "Princess Elaine" used her image to induce Lancelot to leave her bloodline.

If the king alienates herself because of the rumors, it will be a terrible thing for Guinevere.

But she will not choose to blame "Lancelot" for this. After all, it is the other round tables that are always causing trouble!

She knows that Lancelot is the king's most trusted "friend" and also a friend worthy of her trust. Poor Sir Lancelot who has lost Galahad...

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