Then there was a detailed description of the Ex-Machinas.

Through Riku's inner world, they thoroughly understood what kind of race the Ex-Machinas were.

——Mechanical life forms, and the distinction between analyzers, observers, combatants, etc., with descriptions of personality, ability, and intelligence.

After reading the detailed settings of the Ex-Machinas, the elves were confused.

——A race of mechanical life forms?

——A mechanical life form without "emotions"?

——And what about the ability to analyze (learn)! Just analyze the enemy's attack once and you can learn and use the magic and abilities of other races at will! This is too abnormal! Even the magic of their "elves" was learned!

After understanding how powerful the learning ability and racial talent of the Ex-Machinas are!

——Humans are crazy, and the elves are crazy too!

Many people looked at the description of the Ex-Machinas in the book with fiery eyes, envious. If you can have such a powerful talent, then becoming stronger will become as easy as eating and drinking water?

Although the book also said that the analysis ability of a single analyzer has an upper limit.

But it is also said that the analysis ability of the Ex-Machina can be superimposed on each other.

I wonder if those Ex-Machinas can analyze and copy even the power of Gods when they analyze all of them.

Wait, it was said before that the Ex-Machinas and the Flügels were the "only two" races that achieved [God-killing] during the war.

That proves that the upper limit of their analysis ability has surpassed the seventh step and reached the level of true Gods, right? !

Thinking of this, everyone is even more afraid of the Ex-Machinas!

Too powerful! The potential of this race is really terrifying!

If the Ex-Machinas are still alive, the division of the major racial forces on the continental plate may have to be redivided again.

Now, apart from this epic, there is no legend about the Ex-Machinas in the known myths and legends. Could it be that those terrible guys died in the final war?

Thinking of this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

It is better for such a terrifying race not to exist!

——What is unexpected is that this idea did not last until they actually saw the sacrifice of all the Ex-Machinas, and at that time they shed tears of regret!

As the plot progresses

People saw that Schuebi was teased by Coron and thought that she was Riku's concubine.


"Really~ Don't be shy! In this era, the most important thing is to have children, and the second is food! And the third, fourth and fifth are all about having children!" Coron.


The elves who have always lived in the Elf Forest and have simple minds have never seen such straightforward and impactful words.

Almost all the elves blushed after seeing this progress.

Some humans looked at the cute Schuebi in the illustration.

Suddenly I remembered the cute words of Schuebi when Riku set up the personality for Schuebi.

That timid tone and cute expression, if you think about it carefully...

At that time, even Riku, who had the Heart Lock, was stunned for a moment, as if he was shot in the heart. This Ex-Machina seems to be quite... cute...? awsl!

Ex-Machina——It doesn't seem to be a particularly scary race!

Soon after this thought began to emerge...

Everyone saw that Coron came up with a divine assist and pushed Riku and Shubi into the bathhouse, allowing them to bathe together and warm up their relationship.

In the capital, a group of male animals blushed. Oh, oh, oh, oh! !

After holding it in for a long time, they finally couldn't help but say these words: "This is really-too...too much (great)...!"

No, what's wrong with this inexplicably happy (actually joyful) feeling.

Wait, Riku won't really complete the unfinished...reproduction thing with that Ex-Machina!


When Coron jumped over Riku and asked Shubi's name in person.

Shubi pretended to be timid and hid behind Riku. Facing the enthusiastic Coron and Riku who kept winking at him to cooperate.

Shubi continued to say something that was misunderstood.

"...Shubi...kissing...forced...sexual reproduction..."

-Okay, here comes the question! ! !

Almost subconsciously, not only Coron, but also Claire and the others were stunned the moment they read those words.

Then the girls' faces instantly turned red and they took a deep breath!


Almost everyone would immediately misunderstand this statement!

Who would understand that Shubi was talking about her behavior of forcing Riku, not Riku forcing her.

And then——Coron did misunderstand, and she waved her fist like a hammer in anger with shame and embarrassment.

"Those kinds of things——you should first take refuge in a safe area————!!" She swung her left fist as if digging into her chest, and said with a roar that shook the cave.

As a sister, she thought that she had failed in her life education for her brother.

——He is a young survivor in the destroyed settlement.

He was forced to do that kind of thing when they first met!

The story of Riku and Shubi soon spread throughout the settlement.

Many people lamented that Riku actually did that kind of thing outside.

Of course... For example, our (leader) brother is actually a pervert who likes smaller bodies! This kind of problem is actually not mentioned by anyone.

Even though they are a little younger, in that war-torn era that made people crazy, the guys in this settlement were already hopeless...

"Can't you look older?" Riku complained with a 'spare me' look.

"...This appearance line with human males...Riku's preferences." Although Hubi was like this from the beginning, she was right!


Match Riku's preferences! The truth is out!

Poof! I can't help it!

Seeing these many people looked at them with respect, contempt, pity, and even couldn't help laughing.

——So you are such a Riku.

(Riku: No! I didn’t! I’m not! Listen to my explanation! Asshole!)

Riku looked at the book and rushed for various explanations, but Hubie repeatedly questioned Riku with examples and easily exposed the essence.

Unknowingly, people and elves were attracted by the interesting interaction between the two.

For a moment, they all forgot that these were two existences that could never intersect.

...They also forgot that the Ex-Machina was the race that Riku was wary of, and they had forgotten that before, they were worried that Riku would be killed by the Ex-Machina.

If Homura sees this scene, he will definitely sigh, no matter in any world, this is the case!

——Cuteness is justice!

Chapter 365: Ancient ‘knowledge’ discovered from epics!

Riku's room was so dark that only a faint, dim yellow oil lamp could be seen.

The Ex-Machina girl Hubi is inviting Riku to play a chess board game.

- but was rejected.

From the day the village was destroyed, Riku never touched chess again.

The most recent time was when I met Hubie before, and I was forced to play a game and lost to him on purpose.

That kind of game certainly doesn't feel joyful.

Answering in a tone that sounded like spitting, Riku said: "I refuse. Things like games are just boring stuff to trick children."

Riku's words made the little princess and the others slightly stunned.

‘—rejected. ’

If they remember correctly, Riku's favorite chess board game when he was a child!

Thinking back to how much Riku loved games, even the strange looks from adults could not stop his love for games at all.

Everyone was looking at this moment... Riku who blurted out without any hesitation.

In a daze, they suddenly had the feeling that the Riku in front of them was not his original appearance at all.

In my mind, I can vaguely recall the white-haired boy with a bright and excited smile on his face, fighting with his "air friends" with all his strength, and being so serious and focused that he was sweating profusely.

The impression of simplicity and innocence that it gives everyone is definitely not false.

So has Riku really changed now, or is he just pretending? The current Riku is fake, is he in the past the real him?

In any case, Riku will resist the game without any hesitation. This must be related to the environment in which he lives.

Everyone was guessing.

They once again felt the cruelty of the 'era' world in which Riku lived.

If Riku had grown up normally in a peaceful era, how could he have become so indifferent now.

Thinking of this, the little princess's nose felt a little sore.

"...?...Why...?" Hubie tilted his head and asked calmly.

"Because reality is not as simple as games."

It has no rules and no victory or defeat.

Either live or die, that's all. In such a world——

"I have neither time nor margin to spend needlessly on trivial matters like games."

Compare the memories at the beginning of the epic, and the narration that made everyone confused and confused at the time.

Seeing the current Riku speaking those words indifferently, everyone felt a little hurt in their hearts.

Many people suddenly understood.

The man in front of me must be traumatized inside!

Facing this broken and crazy world - I have to completely give up the dream I once loved. Until now, he has disguised himself as this strong person.

In fact, his spirit was already riddled with holes!

"...What if it's doesn't matter?" Hubie suddenly said.

Unknowingly, she had opened the chess card without permission and arranged the chess pieces on one side.

"...As long as I can defeat Hubi... Hubi will reveal... the information Riku wants."


"...For example, the reasons why the war started...the reasons for ending the war...and so on..."


Reason for the war! The reason! ?

Everyone was shocked!

Hermitos' eyelids jumped when he saw this! His vision suddenly became anxious.

Hubie in the book mentioned what he wanted to know most.

The gods were willing to start a war because of it. What was the war at the beginning of the world for?

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