While catering and thinking, everyone laughed proudly and excitedly.

The machine that was originally an insurmountable mountain in people's eyes, with its amazing calculation power, no longer seems to be invincible at this moment!

Even if they looked at it according to Riku's thinking, they were pleasantly surprised to find that the chance of victory seemed to be very high!

In the book, Likuna's blood starts to flow again, and his heart beats fiercely. The emotion even affects them outside the book!

However, no one noticed the astonishing 'change' that was happening to Riku.

Fatigue has been swept away, Riku suddenly accelerated his thinking, and suddenly——

"...Riku, you are laughing..."

Just when everyone was watching with enthusiasm, Hubi's words stunned everyone.

"——What?" That was Riku's voice.

Hearing these sudden words, Riku opened his eyes wide and touched the corners of his mouth with his hand.

——He is smiling?

——Indeed it was true—— His eyes widened even more when he noticed that the corners of his mouth were raised.

The eyes of the little princess also widened even more!

When they saw this, many people were stunned.

Riku is...laughing? That Riku who has always sealed off his emotions, remained aloof, cold, and even absolutely rational to the point of cruelty... Even if he unlocked his heart, he could only see Riku crying in despair and roaring with powerless rage. Is he laughing?

Finding this out, especially after finding out that they were so surprised simply because Riku smiled.

Everyone's inner emotions felt extremely complicated for a while!

People's excitement cooled down, and a sense of heaviness fell on their hearts.

Chapter 367: The "apology" of the Machina, getting to know Hubie again!

Hubie didn't seem to notice that Riku was frozen, and she pointed at the chess piece and continued:

"...In the game...Riku will not be closed...yet..."

It won’t close anything, does it mean the [Lock of the Heart]?

Many people thought curiously and were keenly aware of this.

Just when everyone was thinking carefully in their hearts.

Facing Hubi's words, Riku's heart was trembling.

‘——Stop talking, don’t ask, don’t speak, don’t listen to her—a voice shouted, but—” That was Riku’s heartfelt voice.

"——What are you talking about——"


————Ji Li.

[...In such a world, for human beings to survive...from a biological perspective...it is abnormal...]


It was a very strange voice, and everyone had a bad premonition when they saw it.


The little princess swallowed.

She saw the word "abnormal".

I subconsciously thought that Riku wouldn't be angry because of this!

To be honest, as a human being, she felt a little uncomfortable with such straightforward words!

As the little princess thought——

Even living in the normal world she felt uncomfortable.

For Riku, whose spirit is always on the verge of collapse and explosion...——That would be even more painful!


"...That factor...I want to know...Riku's [Heart]——"


——In Riku's heart. - Something makes a noise.

"You guy, do you look down on people?!"

——It collapsed!

Roaring... Riku, who suddenly became emotional, seemed to have turned into another person, wrapped in darkness and acted.

The whole person seemed to have turned black.

When he came back to his senses, he had already grabbed Hubi's neck and lifted her up with a strength that could crush his fingers.

ah! !

Humans and elves were panicked and looked at this scene in astonishment.

Li, Liku? ...What is he going to do? !

He actually took action suddenly!

The first thing they thought about was whether Riku's head would be blown off by Hubi's wind blade!

...! !

——Oops! Oops!

Everyone was a little panicked!

Although it seems that Riku has the upper hand now, people are very aware of how irrational it is for Riku, a human, to actively provoke the Ex-Machina.

How could Riku, who had been holding on until now, suddenly explode? Weren't you fine just now?

...Is it because of those few sentences before?

"Riku, don't be impulsive...ah!" A certain elf girl who was reading a book muttered timidly and anxiously.

It's a pity that Riku couldn't hear——

Riku doesn't want to hear that kind of thing now.

His emotions need to be vented! I can’t even control how horrific the goal of my catharsis is.

Just when Yuzuha and the others were worried about Riku's safety and thought his behavior was very irrational...!

"Killing so many of us, taking away everything from us, and repeating that behavior forever, what do you think you are going to say... You asked [Hey, how do humans feel?] Haha, the [heart] of humans? , OK, let me tell you." Roar! A sudden storm rushed into everyone's hearts.

That was the angry Riku, the roaring Riku, the hysterical Riku.

In just one sentence, a vivid and distinctive image was engraved into everyone's mind.

Just like Riku's fragile and desperate side that was exposed to everyone before.

At that time, Riku was also so shocking, but he looked even more powerless and sad.

But now there is more anger than despair and powerlessness!

People were shocked by Riku's words. Just from his tone, they could sense how much caution, tension and pressure Riku had been holding in facing the Ex-Machina, Shubi.

After all, it was a race that could easily kill humans, and it was like their [natural enemy].

They had to pretend to be indifferent to the [natural enemy] they hated. They hated it to death, but they had to bring it with them to chat and laugh for the safety of the settlement.

Now the wounds in their hearts were peeled off layer by layer!

Hermitos saw this.

Even as a god who was used to seeing the misery of the world, he felt that the ancient human named Riku was too pitiful and his life was too depressing.

"All of you go to hell!" Riku shouted angrily.

——The bones of his fingers made a mournful sound. If this continued, his fingers would really break.

It was obviously not an Ex-Machina. If he did this, the only one who would be hurt would be Riku!

But the strength in his hands did not weaken at all.

The astonishing hatred that didn't even care about his own body made the elves and humans stunned.

It seemed that the good and tacit atmosphere between Riku and Shubi was fake.

But was it really fake?

Hermitos believed that the human protagonist named Riku didn't hate Shubi so much.

It was more like hating Shubi's identity as a Mecha-Machina and hating the cruel and unfair world.

He himself actually enjoyed the process of getting along and playing games with the Mecha-Machina girl!

And racial hatred is not so easy to wash away!

Just as Hermitos thought.

At this time, Riku clearly knew that those things could not be blamed on Shubi, and the war was not Shubi's fault alone.

He clearly knew that even if he did such a thing (grabbing Shubi's neck), what would happen?


When the string in his mind broke, reason and emotion gave the same answer in unison for the first time——Shut up, I don't care!

"——Haha, hahaha, hahahaha!" Riku laughed at himself sarcastically and continued to roar.

"Do you know how many people died because of you!? How many people were killed!? How many people——"

How many people did you force me to kill——

Yuzuha and the others were so scared that their hearts almost jumped out of their throats.

Even Yanlong, one of the three strongest dragon spirits, killed the Mecha.

...The loli in your hand is super dangerous! Riku!

The dragon spirit is equal to the dragon, and the strongest dragon... was killed by the Mecha group.

So the current scene, in the eyes of Yuzuha and the others, is like a baby trying to strangle a strong man with his hands.

It makes people afraid that Hubie will get angry and kill him.

After all, the heroine is just their guess! What if Hubie is not the heroine and Riku is killed!

But Riku can't hear!

"...I'm sorry..." Hearing Riku's angry roar, Hubie whispered an apology.

Can an apology be enough? Riku was about to yell, but Shuvi stroked Riku's cheek.

"... Shuvi made Riku cry... So it is assumed that Shuvi said something too much..."

-... What?


The Ex-Machina - the girl named Shuvi by Riku, suddenly apologized!

Riku was stunned in surprise, and this move also surprised Yuzuha and the others.

An inexplicable feeling flowed through everyone's hearts. They opened their eyes wide and seemed to have re-recognized this Ex-Machina named Shuvi with Riku.

The image of Shuvi in ​​people's minds gradually became more profound.

Chapter 368 It's not me (them) who is wrong, it's this world!

The most surprised person to see the hand that Shuvi touched his cheek was covered with tears.

"... I have grasped... Riku's [heart]... I want to kill Shuvi..."

Then I heard Shuvi's next words.

"Are you kidding me?" The little princess stared with a surprised expression, stuttering as she watched the next scene!

"...Shuvi...disconnected..." The implication was that there was no need to worry about other Ex-Machinas finding out.

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