Seeing this, the elves blushed as they thought.

And in the subsequent communication between Riku and the others, they also let everyone know that Shubi had already come to the vicinity of the settlement.

She arrived about a year ago.

So she was gradually attracted to Riku after observing for a year and then developed a heart?

Everyone guessed in their hearts.

And they thought that the answer might not be correct!

Or maybe Shubi began to develop a [heart] in an earlier period!

Think about why she disintegrated with the large group.

Everyone's thoughts returned to the day when Riku's village was destroyed.

The moment when those glass-like eyes and Riku's deep black eyes looked at each other.

At that time, Shubi had the idea of ​​analyzing the emotional [heart] hidden in Riku's eyes, but failed!

In a trance, everything was connected together.

Only then did they realize that the somewhat confusing and bewildered story at the beginning of this epic...

Not only did it engrave Riku's childhood experience, but it was also the beginning of the result that Riku would meet Shubi.

What kind of changes will these two people bring to that broken world——

No one knows!

But they are looking forward to it even more.

With the help of Shubi, Riku will surely lead the more than 2,000 humans to become stronger and live better!

Until——the day when the war ends!


"Shubi...I want to ask you, how many Gods are there?"

In the narrow room, Riku was playing chess with Shubi while supporting his cheek with his hand. Such a meaningful question suddenly came out.

'Gods——? '

Noticing that term, the god of alchemy Hermitos, who had been watching silently for a long time in the crowd, focused his attention.

Chapter 372 The elves' suspicion caused by the forest god Kenus!

"...Theoretically, it is [infinite]...proportional to the number of concepts...but most...[activity conditions] do not hold..."

"The so-called Gods are basically [Gods of War] or [Gods of the Forest], right?" Riku added.

Shubi nodded.

"...The former is Artosh...the creator of the Flügel...the latter is Kenus...the creator of the Elfs."

Boom! The creator of the Elfs - Kenus?

Eh——! ?

Eh hey hey————! ! !

A group of elves were stunned when they saw this. As if they were struck by a bolt from the blue.

"Elvens...that's not——"

Liar, lie——! The elves were trembling, suspicious, and stunned.

No...anyway, what is said in this epic is false! There must be something wrong!

It actually said that their ancestors, the Elfs, were created by a certain god! ?

An inadvertent remark actually involved such a horrifying thing.

(Surprisingly, the elves did not even reject the idea that the forest elves were their ancestors, but they thought it was too absurd that the forest god was their creator.)

The story of Riku and Shubi, the hardships of mankind, the ruin and madness of the world, and Ivan's unforgettable dazzling soul.

These things... are too heavy!

Subconsciously, the elves did not want to deny that they were all fake.

Such an epic that is so moving...

The epic that moved them to tears must have really happened somewhere in the world, at a certain time, right?

The elves are a group of creatures who like nature and beautiful things.

Although many things and scenes during the war seem very cruel and have nothing to do with beauty.

But what attracted them to watch was not the war, the terrifying power, etc.

But it was the novel and detailed amazing settings.

Everything has a reason and a trace to follow.

It is the shining human faith and soul in the story.

Those beautiful emotions, under the cruelty of the world, are even more beautiful!

Actually... the elves don't hate epics or stories.

Although the elves didn't like to read heroic biographies in the past, it was because other bards wrote too badly.

Some bards' stories are so bad that even older children can't read them.

If it weren't for the support of some loyal readers who dreamed of being heroes every day, those bards would have changed their careers to write other books or go farming.

But the charm of No Game No Life Zero made the elves unable to resist.

If it weren't for the unbelievable thing involving the Creator, they wouldn't want to question the authenticity of No Game No Life.

But no one wants to suddenly have a strange master who they don't know.

And the Creator, in a sense, is more noble than the Master and is difficult to accept.

"You're wrong! It should be true that those goblins and dwarves were created by the Gods. But it's said that we elves also have a God Creator-" an elf said with a look of disbelief on his face.

If the elves really have a Creator, then what does it mean that they now believe in the Goddess of Life-?


Saliva slid down the throat, and the elves felt uneasy and confused when they thought of this.

‘Fake - all fake. There must be something wrong.’

As long as the elves don’t have a creator god, then if they believe in other goddesses, the forest god Kenas will not blame them!

It is not even certain whether this god exists or not, and whether this god is alive now.

Even if they want to punish them, it should be impossible.


If the elves really have a creator, they do not believe in their creator god, but turn to other gods.

Even if they think that the existence of the forest god is completely fictitious, some elves are getting more and more panicked.

‘Isn’t this betrayal? ! ’

‘——Betrayal of the gods, betrayal of the existence of their mothers or fathers who created them! ’

This kind of thing is absolutely unimaginable for the elves.

It will definitely be a stain on their lives.

There is no time to think carefully about why Riku suddenly mentioned the gods.

Now the elves’ minds are in chaos.


Riku remembered the boy with a smug smile on his face who he saw in the depths of darkness when he was a child, and he could never beat him——

“Let me ask you——Is there a god of games?”

When Hemitos saw Riku’s words, his eyelids jumped again.

‘The god of games! ’

At the end of the topic, Shubi verified Riku’s conjecture.

There are as many gods as stars.

As long as it is a concept that humans can put forward in language, it is possible to give birth to [Essence], that is, the body of God!

But there is not now!

…Since the concept of games exists, there must be a god of games. But due to the active conditions, [Essence] determines whether the god is [actually existing] now.

That is, at least not now.

‘——At least not now, but it may appear and be born at any time. ’

The emergence of this concept.

The little princesses who saw this did not realize what it represented.

That would be the crucial information to turn everything around in despair.

“Gods are born from human thoughts and prayers… Will even gods with concepts like games be born in the future?” Hermitos couldn’t help but wonder.

…In theory, any [concept] can become a god.

But he really hadn’t heard that there was a god with the concept of [games] in this world.

Games are also considered to be something that only children like in the other world.

Unlike humans and other races on Earth, who have so many entertainment things, the concept of games is still very superficial.

The most popular games are just gambling and the like.

Because there are many believers (gamblers), there may be one or two gambling gods, but there will not be the concept of game gods.

This cuts off the conditions for the natural formation of gods.

It won't be a natural god (too difficult)!

However, powerful creatures who can hold high the divine fire and achieve the eighth step will not choose the concept of games as their [reason].

Those who can cross the life level are all the strongest among the strong, and the [reason] they understand is mostly related to the habitual fighting method.

Unless there are people who can become stronger by playing games. The more they play games, the stronger they become, and finally they break the limit of the life level and achieve the status of God!

Is this kind of exaggerated thing really not Bai Riyiyin?

Given the difficulty of that hellish level.

Hermitos believes that the game god that Riku thought of may never be born in his lifetime.

It has not been born in their era until now, and it should be even more impossible in the future! (Hermitos believes that the God of Games has not appeared since Riku's time, so the legend of the God of Games cannot be heard now.)

But what is the special meaning of Riku suddenly mentioning that kind of God?

Hermitos pondered in his heart.

Even if there is a hint in the book about Riku's "transparent boy player in human form [Air Friend]".

Hermitos did not think that it was the God of Games.

Unless it is a god formed naturally because of faith.

But even in their era as the "future", there are no humans who have a firm belief in the God of Games.

How could anyone in the past firmly believe in the existence of such absurd gods?

Just relying on Riku's love of games when he was a child?

Chapter 373 For humans, gods are "evil"?

It is not meaningless for Riku to ask about the God of Gods.

No one understands what he is thinking.

After that, Riku did not mention this matter again.

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