No, if that’s the case—”

Roman's words and Wang's speculation suddenly reminded the blacksmith's son of Jin Gu's missed blow in his first battle with Wang.

It penetrated the coast and formed a huge sinkhole, but it did not harm Gilgamesh in the slightest.


Could that, could it be——!

His breathing suddenly became rapid, and he felt like he had caught something in his mind, but he didn't quite understand it.

But no matter what, if Jin Gu is really related to Enqi, even...

People simply don’t want to imagine that Sean, who was once the best friend, fought with the idea of ​​killing each other! What is the relationship between Jin Gu and Eun Qidu?

Chapter 980 The oldest drift car god and the goddess dedicated to the underworld!

Originally, it was for the purpose of resting in peace after his death that he entrusted his friend's body to Gilgamesh, the goddess of the underworld...

People can't imagine that even though he remained calm and rational on the outside at this time, he must be so angry and painful deep inside.

How could they guess the king's heart——

People stared at Wang absentmindedly for a while. They didn't see the reason and could only give up in despair.


Gilgamesh suddenly said: "Didn't he also call himself Jin Gu?

In this case, let's just treat it like this.

Look, compared to this one, you have already seen the fourth door, right?

What will be the next problem? Why not let us look forward to it. "

There was a smile on the corner of Wang's mouth,

It’s time for a new quiz!

When they thought of the strange topics they had seen before, the heavy feeling in people's hearts was swept away, and they all suddenly looked at Itar.

People's expressions were extremely strange, with a touch of pity in their eyes, as if they had seen something extremely pitiful.

‘Someone else is going to suffer! ’


After passing the fourth gate, even though Guda chose Ailei this time, the gate gave Guda the green light in a happy mood.

But Ishtar was still shocked and shrank again.

Gilgamesh even expressed that he couldn't stand it anymore.

If this continues, by the time we get to Ereshkigal, Ishtar's fighting power may be gone.

When Mashu and others couldn't help but ask the king, is Ailei's divinity far more powerful than Ishtar?

Gilgamesh gave a negative answer.

He said that Ishtar is the beloved daughter of heaven. As the favored object of the gods, she can get whatever she wants as long as she acts like a spoiled child.

The weirdest thing is——

Gilgamesh: "Not to mention the god Enki of the Abyss. He once got drunk by Ishtar and had all his property stolen."


People swallowed their saliva and looked at the petite Ishtar with wide eyes, somewhat disbelieving.

Has she ever done that kind of thing? !

Even the god who controls the abyss actually——

Ah, who is the devil here?

Even the most evil and cunning demon in the abyss must bow his head when he sees his Lord God being bullied like this! People thought with shock and complexity,

What goddess of Venus? This is probably not a golden devil!

Gilgamesh: "That time was really outrageous. It can be said to be the most serious fraud in the world of Mesopotamia and the biggest laughing stock of the gods.

The god Enki was so drunk that he gave up all his divinity to Ishtar.

After waking up from the alcohol, I found that I had no breath in my sleeves. "

Hahahahaha! Hermitus laughed happily again.

Is there anyone worse than him?

Having found someone more embarrassing than himself, the God of Alchemy couldn't help but feel a little confident in front of him.

He is very poor!

At least you don't have to worry about an evil goddess like Ishtar trying to trick you out of your treasure.

Knowledge such as alchemy is the most valuable asset he has.

But that kind of thing cannot be taken away from his mind.

Hermitus felt strangely happy in his heart. Today is such a happy day!

Gilgamesh continued: "And Ishtar had already put the treasure on Maanna and was driving back to the earth.

Although the god Enki hurriedly sent his servants to chase Ishtar,

But this guy kept running away at an astonishing speed.

God Enki could only burst into tears, hugging his head and crying.

If this continues, the ruler of heaven and earth will turn into that stupid woman! Someone come and save me! "

Black history~! !

A blazing flame of gossip rose in the eyes of a group of melon-eaters,

This is the dark history of the gods, and even more so the dark history of the main god of the abyss. The most important thing is that it also involves the familiar Ishtar.

Ahhhh, that sounds so interesting.

I didn't expect that the Lord of the Abyss was a bit - funny? !

People only dared to think these words in their hearts, but they couldn't help but raise the corners of their mouths.

Gilgamesh: "The gods and humans who could only watch couldn't help shouting.

‘What a superb driving skill that is!

Can Tianzhou corner at such high speed and briskly? "

Twinkle shouted,

That exaggerated gesture made people laugh.

"This is simply impossible to catch up with. It is simply a track record that can go down in history!

At this moment, Uruk’s strongest chariot god is confirmed! "

Gilgamesh: "Damn it, even though I'm angry, I can't help but think this!

Did that guy Ishtar actually save something for a moment like this? "

Ishtar smiled and said: "Oh~ah~! What did you say!"

She said that the automatic driving was broken that day, so she drove the car manually.


Although he said something seemingly humble, his expression looked more like he was complacent.

Gilgamesh did not respond to the woman but looked at Guda: "How about it, Fujimaru Ritsuka.

This is the urban god of Uruk. Can you understand my hard work? "

Guda: "Ishtar-sama is really unrestrained."

Such a nonsense goddess is still very novel to everyone.

But when I thought that the other party was the city god of Uruk——

At this time, people couldn't help but rejoice that that was not the urban god of their own country.

Although she is a bit of a devil sometimes, she is a kind-hearted goddess who is not bad in nature...

But this goddess is really tormenting!

We can only express our deepest sympathy for the people of Uruk who are in dire straits every day.

Gilgamesh: “Ishtar is such a goddess who desires much and is constantly growing.

Ereshkigal, on the other hand, desires nothing. "

Gilgamesh's words distinguish the two goddesses very clearly,

Just like the heaven and earth they correspond to, they are completely opposite.

People gradually stopped smiling, were attracted, and listened carefully.

Speaking of which, they don’t quite understand Ereshkigal’s performance in mythology.

Except for Ishtar's entry into the underworld, which was mentioned once,

All that's left is the impression when the singularity appeared.


Curiosity may be satisfied, but expectations sometimes do not necessarily respond to themselves.

Gilgamesh: “...she was created when the underworld was created,

An existence dedicated to the underworld as a cornerstone. "

"...Foundation stone?" Two simple words silenced everyone, giving them a somewhat ominous feeling.

That's not a good adjective!

Who is the goddess of the underworld——

Originally, people thought that a goddess who could control the entire underworld should have quite a status, but that didn't seem to be the case.

For a time, people's minds were shrouded in fog.

Chapter 981: The God who has been managing the souls of the dead for thousands of years, the sorrow of not being able to meet him

Gilgamesh: "Because one of the gods must go to the underworld to take up his post.

This responsibility was placed on Ereshkigal.

The newborn Ereshkigal was thrust into the underworld.

In this way, she became the mistress of the underground. "

Speaking of which, Airei and Ishtar are sister gods.

Have the two people's situations been completely separated since so early?

People fell into silence, thinking complicatedly...

The children of the same father, God An, have been born... Why can the gods have the heart to treat Ereshkigal like this!

Gilgamesh: "As a god who has been in charge of the dead for thousands and thousands of years.

He has never spent even a moment on earth or in heaven. "

Matthew: "This is indeed... very sad.

Although I may not have felt this way before, I can feel it now.

…It’s not about being sad about not being able to go out.

It’s because I can’t experience new worlds and new encounters,

This is very sad..."

"..." Everyone fell into confusion.

Matthew's condition didn't seem to be much better at the beginning.

At that time, he must have been locked up in that small place in Chaldea.

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