"——I still don't understand what you want to say."

Facing Sora's question, Jibril bowed her head respectfully, moved the aperture behind her head, and folded her wings——

This is a gesture of loyalty only shown to the master. Jibril held her hands and said as if praying:

"As long as you say you will give birth to a child for me, Jibril will be willing to give birth to the Lord at any time——"

I haven’t finished speaking yet,

The hearts of everyone who heard it almost jumped out of their throats. Their eyes widened and they stared at Jibril in shock.

She, she wants? !

Is it because the owner regrets that he can't get rid of his virginity because of the conditions of the sea-dwelling species?

So I actually want to use myself...

No, how can I put it... This is no more tempting than a mere idiot sea-dwelling species.

Although the name of the god-killing weapon is still terrifying.

But Jibril is absolutely harmless now...

The respect for blankness also comes from the heart.

People can see this even if they are not stupid.

Since it is a harmless thing——

No matter how powerful the power is, now that it has not been revealed,


People swallowed hard.

WOC, they suddenly envy Sora! !

Ah, there are actually such and such subordinates who can fight, are powerful, and have good intelligence.

This is simply the pinnacle of life.

And I wonder if the Flügels would be able to give birth to hybrids if they came to their side of the world?

Little Flügel? Hybrid human?


Although Jibril has emphasized before that she is a "life" and not a "creature\

,"But this does not stop people from fantasizing passionately.

A man's dream cannot be interrupted.


A cold drink suddenly interrupted people's fantasies, forcibly interrupting their sweet dreams, and also interrupted Jibril's continued words.

"...Jibril...shut up..."

Bai's sharp gaze forced Jibril to shut her mouth.

At the same time, "We're here~~~~~~~!"

Sora raised his head to look at the high-pitched voice that seemed to take over.

"I've kept you waiting! This is the queen's room!"

Amira stretched out her hand and slowly opened the door——

——I saw light flowing out.

Everyone: "Is this...?"

Chapter 1,221 Sora is... that? shock!

A familiar scene——

A faint sense of familiarity came to everyone.

The queen's room is quite spacious, with a pink canopy and velvet carpet.

The seaweed that emits a faint light on the wall is like decoration, woven into regular patterns and illuminating the room.

Stained glass is embedded in the high ceiling to bring sunlight reaching the sea floor into the room.

But those little bits of sunlight don’t seem to be needed—

On the shining throne directly below, there is a huge crystal that is dazzling and gives off a sense of presence——

No, that's a beautiful, transparent, crystal-like... ice cube.


Seeing that scene, everyone was speechless.

I haven't noticed it before,

When they saw the beautiful queen lingering in the crystal again, people were shocked and moved by the beauty of that moment.

"...Hmm." Some people thought of the fairy tale about Sleeping Beauty in the fairy tales of the troubadour Anderson.

For loyal fans of the legendary bard, even if it is not an epic, as long as the story is exciting enough, people can still enjoy it.

Because of this——

The scene in front of them was highly overlapping with that in the fairy tale, and even made them have a strange and ambiguous thought that made their faces turn red and their heartbeats beat.

If you step forward and kiss the queen now,

Will it awaken that beautiful person as described in the fairy tale?

But the prince's kiss is the kiss of true love...

If it were them, would it still be effective?

Although it is not clear whether it has any effect, looking at the beautiful figure in the crystal, no one can refuse this temptation!

Everyone was thinking with their hearts beating rapidly.

At this time, Amira also solemnly - at least she tried to pretend - announced to everyone:

"Introducing to you - this is the queen of the sea-dwelling species... Her Majesty Leila Lorelei."

Everyone also subconsciously looked at the beauty in the ice.

The long blue hair like waves falls on the young and crystal face.

The snow-white body is decorated with dazzling gold, which turns into bright scales from the thighs down.

Those scales reflected the light shining in the room, making them look colorful.

The "Queen" wrapped in light and gold is in the ice coffin, quietly closing her eyes on the jade throne of the bivalve shell.

So this is her name?

——Laila Lorelai……

As the only special individual among the sea-dwelling species that can happily take you to heaven without having to do anything.

At this time, the men were still a little excited...

Well, I have even thought about the name of the child. The boy will be called... the girl will be called...

Just when everyone was immersed in that atmosphere,

Bram and Amira were whispering to each other.

"A, Amira-sama... Regarding asking them to wake up Her Majesty the Queen... Your Majesty Kong and the others said that they hope that everyone here can challenge the game together... Is that okay?"

Hearing what Bram said, Amira looked troubled for a moment, but she still answered:

"Okay, no problem~ But is there any problem with Bram?"

"Yes... So, I want about thirty people to help compile the technique."

"Yeah." Amira nodded.

"OK~ Then I'll go prepare to wake up the queen~

Since we want everyone to use magic together, we also need blood ~ Wow~ Amira will call the others,

Please Bram, please~”

"Yes... then, then I will prepare to enter the queen's dreamland..."

After bowing, he and Amira exited the room.


But no one seemed to notice that they were leaving.

Just looking at the ice where the Queen sleeps.

"What, what beautiful women..."

Stephen seemed to have forgotten that he was also a woman and praised him enthusiastically.

Everyone nodded subconsciously and admired in their hearts.

Hmm...if only this sea-dwelling species wasn't also an idiot.

But when she was asleep, her charm was still... amazing?

Although people already know how willful this sea-dwelling queen is, there are problems...

But now it doesn't affect people's appreciation of her beauty.

And on the other side——

In fact, it goes without saying that Ino had such a gorgeous appearance, but so did Jibril, Miko, and even Izuna.

They were just confused and their eyes were deeply attracted, but——

"Hmm...? Is she that beautiful? Shiro?"

"...I don't quite understand either..."


Everyone was stunned at the two people who tilted their heads to express confusion.

"Are you two sane!? This woman is not a beauty, so who will be a beauty!?"

"...You just need to calm down. She's not so beautiful that it deserves a fuss, right?"

In response to Stephen's protest, Sora just frowned impatiently and said.

He returned his gaze to the Queen.

——Laila Lorelei, the mermaid princess sleeping in the ice cap.

Her appearance was truly beautiful.

However, it can be clearly asserted that it is "different".

For example, her beauty is different from Jibril's beauty that makes even works of art eclipse.

It is very different from the almost divine and coquettish beauty shown by the witch under the moonlight.

Not even as pure and innocent as Izuna's cuteness, let alone——

"……?elder brother……?"

Sora looked at his sister beside him——who tilted her head in doubt. Sora could firmly conclude.

"——They can't be compared at all. No, it should be said that Stephen is still above her, right?"

"...Then, if you flatter me so obviously, I won't be happy either!?"

"No, what's the use of me trying to please you now..."

Sora looked like he couldn't stand her, and from behind, Ino quietly patted Sora's shoulder.

"Mr. Sora...no, it's okay, it doesn't matter."

Then he said in a friendly voice: "You don't have to worry - sheep impotence can be cured. Next time I will introduce you to turtle hotpot -"

"It's definitely not like that. Stop ruining my reputation!"

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