What is the difference between a bicycle and a steam car?

Two synonyms for transportation that only the city of Ceylon has came to his mind again.

That's completely incomparable performance difference.

The disparity in strength is too great——!

If you continue like this, you will lose...

(W-I will be overtaken soon. What should I do!?) Bram also shouted in his heart.

However, Sora and Shiro looked back calmly——

at this time……

That's the few seconds everyone was thinking about,

Several figures can already be seen.

"Four without a queue."

"...Words, one, three..." Use numbers to refer to the 'characters' given to each Flügel that I remembered before.

The powerful memory at this moment helped Bai Bai quickly make use of the available information.

Listen to the voices of the two communicating.

On the other side, people are also thinking subconsciously...

While evading capture, you have to formulate the word spirit to use in your mind - and you also have to observe the numbers on the opponent.

All right--

Just one of these items makes people feel dizzy.

I automatically gave up this option after taking a slightly blank perspective.

Obediently watching Bailan's actions, he stared nervously at the two groups of figures approaching in the air.

"...one wing base...three left flanks."

"One white and three me, come on!"

——Speaking of this conversation, which Bram did not understand the meaning of, they completed the discussion in an instant——


Just as Plum made a questioning sound, Sora and Shiro had slightly changed their course.


"Hey hey~ I'm the first~!"

"Take it!" As expected, they didn't take the five-minute concession seriously. Two Flügel were already approaching.

The two hands came close to Sora and Shiro——but they caught nothing.

""————Huh, Huh!?"" Sora and Shiro were not caught, and they could not understand why they disappeared from the field of vision in an instant. The two of them made questioning sounds at the same time. At this moment——

""Yeah!!"" - behind them.

One at the base of the wings and the other on the left side of the abdomen - the copied words were touched, and each of them let out a delicate cry.

woc——lsp means, this scene...hiss~! Some can't hold on.

Everyone's eyes widened in an instant... looking at the scene in front of them without blinking.

Wait—what happened?

They didn’t understand it either! It was obvious that the blank just now was so fast——

They were almost caught, and even because it was too fast, they didn't have time to worry and be nervous about Bai Bai. In the blink of an eye, their positions seemed to have been reversed.

(Advanced hunters often appear in the form of prey - this sentence inexplicably flashed through Yuye's mind,

This is also one of the internet term truths that comes from Hitti’s teachings.

This...is this the reality of the world? ! )

At the same time, on the other side, a moment later——

The other two Flügels who followed him also lost sight of the blank figure and looked around.

That's of course. At this time, the blank space has already followed the spiral trajectory and flew towards the connected squares.

Fly between the gaps - through the streets of Abant Heim - to connect the blocks.

——The two "texts" are already in their hands.

"...Huh?...What just happened...!?" After a brief encounter, even Bram, who was hanging around their necks, couldn't understand what was going on.

On the other side of the illusion magic, Plum's eyes widened in surprise, and Sora said to her:

"Barrelro (barrier) - dodge straight-line flying objects that are faster than yourself. Is this a basic skill?"

——What...what B...what o?

Everyone showed a confused expression——

At this time, I was completely confused about the direction.

Until people saw that comment.

——Feeling the pursuers coming behind them, Sora and Shiro drew them to a very close distance, and then slightly changed their course. They turned slightly so that among the four approaching people——the two who held the text could catch up.

"Wait - what is this?"

I can understand every word, even paragraph by paragraph...

But when the whole sentence was understood, people began to be confused!

Is this an operation that ordinary people can complete? !

Chapter 1,261 Memory Maze——Probably!

This is like those people who say that high math is easy, can't they do it with their hands?

Because I can do it and feel it is feasible, I do it...

A sliding shovel can kill a dragon! Even if the probability is small, it sounds like it is inevitable and miraculous when put here.

And the explanation for this blank is simply——

After that, when he was about to be caught, he opened his wings and just flipped diagonally forward and sideways.

As a result, the direction of travel remained unchanged, and Sora and Shiro decelerated as they drew a spiral.

On the other hand, since the Flügel were too fast, it seemed to them that Sora and Shiro seemed to disappear from their horizon—in a word, they simply "overshot."

I'm not used to the manipulation of wings yet, and even if I'm proficient, I still can't reach the speed of a Flügel, then——

"Since you can't control the wings, then just stop. For a Flügel species that ignores aeronautical mechanics - a mere air combat maneuver of a fixed-wing fighter..."

"... Even if they knew... they didn't care..." The two of them showed scornful smiles, and their hands were like Bai's declaration - the two 'Words and Spirits' they had just obtained were flowing in their hands.

Bram was later surprised that Blank didn't remember all the words.

The current situation is like deliberately searching for the required text...

However, under Sora's prompting and remembering Shiro's terrifying calculation power, Bram automatically closed his mouth.

What I didn’t even expect was——

Next, Blank plans to collect the words one by one and take advantage of the fact that the opponent is not familiar with "air combat maneuvers" and initiate an attack.

Such a natural attitude makes people open their eyes in surprise.

They were playing tag with the Flügel, but it was as if they were claiming that they were the ghosts.

And the special urban buildings around here——

People have noticed it before, but never thought it could be used in the game. Now it seems to be a blank and natural prop to hide the figure.

Let the Flügel be unable to detect them for a while and surround them.

Watching Sora and Shiro flying through the city of Abant Heim as if they were "slipping through the gaps."

Everyone finally determined the possibility of victory...

Could it be that Jibril believed that Blank could win just because she knew this would happen?

People can't help but think.


On the other side, just after the Flügels set off, there were only two people left on the floor.

Jibril and Azriel looked at the projection in the sky side by side.

The emotions that came and went in Jibril's chest quickly turned into a thought of "surprise".

Shiro memorized all the transcribed words, their owners, and even their locations in his mind.

That's why they were able to do the avoidance and word recycling so superbly - but what shocked her even more was that they knew this city so well that they flew around as if it were their own backyard.

Jibril couldn't hide her surprise at these two masters.

Abant Heim has complex overlapping squares. In the darkness with only the dim light and moonlight, they flew through the slight gaps formed between the squares as if passing through a pinhole.

They still lack speed, but in this case, if the pursuers are too fast, they will get rid of them.

The narrow passages and gaps formed between the two squares - even whether the two of them can pass through is difficult to determine.

Only blank space can be accurately calculated like this.

(…It’s really amazing…but in that case——)

Blank's behavior seemed to exceed Jibril's expectations...

People were a little surprised by this, and what they didn't expect was even so——

After the analysis, the doubts Jibril held in her heart did not seem to be completely dispersed, but instead became deeper.

‘What’s going on? ’ Everyone.

Although I believed that Sora could win, I was actually surprised that Sora escaped the pursuit in such a manner...

Uh... Hey, Jibril isn't really an undercover agent, is she? !

Everyone complained in their hearts, even though they knew that was impossible.

Then they heard Xiaoji's voice.

Jibril did not deny that the Flügel race tended to rely on brute force to win.

However, even so, they can still "act cooperatively."

If they can't do that, then they don't deserve to be called "weapons".

Since "speed" doesn't work, they will switch to the "encirclement" strategy——


This word makes people's hearts tremble,

That was what people were most worried about before.

Hearing this, everyone's expressions even changed before they had time to react.


On the other side, at this moment...

"Eh!? Eh, why——!?"

The Flügel girls screamed, and they lurked in front of the gap where Sora was waiting for people to fly in. There was only one exit—

The two people flew out from a completely unexpected place.

That's right, Sora and Shiro had completely escaped their encirclement.

They only saw the map for a short moment. In such a short time, did they already know everything about this city (Abant, Heim)?

--impossible. If it were Bai, one of the masters, it would be possible to memorize the map in a few seconds.

However, this city is made up of complex stacked three-dimensional high and low objects. It is impossible to grasp the gaps and secret passages in the city by relying only on maps. So how did they do it——

When people saw Jibril's expression again, it seemed that she herself was a little surprised and confused.

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