Suddenly, their eyes couldn't help but look at the only "gamified" city.

Chapter 1,273 "Answer" and "Answer" - Aren't they already brought?

In the end, the children made an agreement with Izuna to play again after eating, and then left happily——

They waved their hands and ran away like a typhoon.

——People just looked at their retreating figures.

Until he completely disappeared from sight, he was speechless for a while.

My mood is extremely complicated...

And on the other side,

——Even though the bustle had passed, Stephen confirmed that the excitement surging in his chest still remained like charcoal fire.

"Haha... the answer must be just this..."

...I don’t know when, but the atmosphere emanating from the surroundings also turned into confused emotions.

It may still be too early...

But in the near future, when those children become adults... the hatred between different races will definitely become a joke.

With such hope, Stephen smiled.

——The world will change, is changing, and will continue to change.

If the feeling hasn't changed - it's just - I'm not looking -

‘You’re just not watching? ’

Looking at the last scene, people's eyes were a little dazed——

‘A big multiracial family that lives together harmoniously? ’

For a brief moment, they actually froze.

Speaking of which - if the Age of Gods had not faded away, would it be possible for the future of this world to be like the one in the epic?

——The whole world is replaced.

The vision returned to Abant Heim, and shortly after Azriel broke out.

"Uh-oh, oh-oh, what is this!?" Sora and the others were flying in the night sky. Affected by the sudden explosion and storm, they fell in the air.

That is the power that shakes the world and different dimensions——

Even the Flügel cannot achieve this.

It subdued and distorted the world with its power, forcibly replacing the scenery—no, completely altering it.

Is it really bad to ask Bram out of the air? when——

"Not only is it bad——!! This, this kind of power belongs to the divine species, otherwise it would be——" Bram suddenly stopped mid-sentence.

Because she suddenly thought of the true identity of the city she was flying in - "Abant Heim". The fantasy species ranked second only to first and second.

This, this is—?

Everyone who had just reacted to the change in the scene in front of them had no time to think about it, and the instinctive trembling feeling in their bodies came back.

Not just words,

When the power that makes heaven and earth scream, the power that distorts space appears before your eyes and grinds in your ears——

Only now did people truly feel the horror of the war six thousand years ago...

Is this the power of a truly powerful existence that survived that period?

"...I don't understand, we can't understand." At this moment, Azriel was standing in the void, and her familiar voice sounded in people's ears.

Her face no longer had that angelic, perfect smile.

There isn't even the illusion of "death" that the Flügels have when their eyes glance over...


That's because the power is so powerful that even trying to create an illusion is impossible.

With a power beyond cognition and imagination, everyone's skin felt as if it had been roasted, and goosebumps arose.

What was the reason that caused Azriel to look like this now? !

People were thinking quickly with cold sweat on their heads, and then it suddenly dawned on them... It seemed that Jibril's last words had stimulated Azrael... and made her hurt and broken?

But what is the situation now?

Under the Ten Covenants, aren't you allowed to use power that harms others?

Is it just to destroy the surrounding buildings and vent the frustration?


Hermitus quickly remembered what Bram had just said.

He guessed that the power in front of him might not come from Azriel, but from the city under his feet, Abant Heim itself.

That fantasy species suddenly burst out with such powerful power,

Whether it was intentional or simply lending Azrael her power, there was something wrong.


When Azriel spoke again, a somewhat familiar tone appeared,

Not Azriel, but the same feeling as when Abant Heim's will appeared before!

At this moment, it stepped in,

"'Final Individuals' - we cannot understand what kind of dreams you have in them. "

The empty voice without any emotion said: "——Therefore, we ask you to provide us with answers directly."

Before the scenery finally settled, "that existence" made this declaration.

Seeing this scene, Sora and Shiro were speechless.

The cracked sky was dyed blood-red, the raised dust even reached the stratosphere, and the scorched earth spread to the horizon.

The sky and the earth were broken apart, the seas dried up - lifeless.

Countless broken rocks floated around - the remains of the earth.

The Flügels participating in the game, as well as the countless battleships that exude an ominous aura, look like a strange aerial fleet——

"...What, what is this?" Sora's voice, who had recovered from the shock, asked the common sentiment of everyone.

This is like an inherent barrier, a scenery presented in the world of the mind——

The bloody sky that was both familiar and unfamiliar—made everyone stunned.

It was as if I had seen the world in the early days of the war, the epoch-making war - the world before the sun.

‘Change, change the world? ——Is it an illusion? 'Hermitus.

But soon, he denied that conjecture himself.

No, everything in front of you is a real scene. It is by no means a simple hallucination, nor is it the embodiment of mental images!

As a god, Hermitus, who sees more and understands more, is more able to discover the essence of the world in front of him - and his mouth suddenly opened up.

This is what the real world used to look like——

It's like time has gone backwards, showing the past.

What's the meaning?

For a moment, no matter whether you are a person who understands the terrible meaning of the scene in front of you, or someone who does not understand...

The same blank expression was on his face at the moment.

Halfway through the game——

What is the meaning of a sudden burst of power to interrupt and present such a scene?

Is it related to the blank question you just asked? That...what 'answer'?


Looking around, people were stunned when they noticed the expressions of the Flügels.

at this time--

The Flügels flying in the sky - they showed pained expressions, and showed no reaction even to Blank who was standing still.

It seemed that I suddenly lost interest in the game.


‘They are familiar with this situation that brings trauma to their souls! ’ That kind of description sounded in people’s hearts.

The memories of the Flügel's long past suddenly appeared before people's eyes.

Chapter 1,274 That is an independent "world"!

——Six thousand years ago——At the end of the "Great War".

As the creator of the Flügel, the spirit race gathered all the individual "Sky Strikes" into its own power and unleashed a strike.

That power that shattered the earth, destroyed the sky, and even the stars were shot down and broken - that was the "divine strike".

This is the scene caused by that blow, the scene of the end of the world——

It is also a description that has been engraved deep in people's minds.

‘Is it the world created after that blow? ’ The picture in front of them made the princesses and the others in a trance, and finally they had a clear understanding of the name of the strongest.

Even after the static state, the appearance of the world after destruction is already so terrifying.

What a trembling grace there was in the moment before the blow that destroyed everything fell——? !

Thinking of this - people fell silent.

Look again at Azrael, who is hanging in the sky at this moment, with her back to the apocalyptic world...

People seemed to see a trace of Artexio's past, and they couldn't help but show a look of fear.

Artosh's strongest state is the winged state, and the prototype of the Flügel is their original master, the God of War.

As the strongest among the Flügels, Azriel is probably one of the few beings who can imitate a bit of the aura that made her the strongest in the past.

For a moment, people could only look at Azriel in silence, waiting with their eyes wide open, wanting to see what she would say——

No, to be precise, I want to see what they (Azriel and Abant Heim) will say!

Then, people heard——

"——We fought and lost in the past." Azrael.

Behind that doomsday world—a huge land exuding an ominous aura emerged simultaneously with Azriel’s words.

That was exactly what Abant Heim looked like during the "war".

Like a whale floating in the sky - composed of countless turrets and blue eyes filled with murderous intent.

Until this moment, Abant Heim seemed like a living being rather than a simple city.

The appearance of this fantasy species made everyone gasp, their heartbeats suddenly accelerated, and their pressure increased sharply.

It also completely recalled the cruel appearance of the world during the Myth War! ! woc——~!

Sure enough - I just felt that something was wrong from before.

It turns out that Abant Heim’s beautiful aerial courtyard painting style is very different from the image of war weapons in people’s perception!

at the same time--

Azriel continued:

"——The master released the biggest blow——but it was "rebounded". Our entire army was destroyed, and the master was killed as a result. "

(People's eyes moved slightly and they immediately reacted. People who have read the prequels know that this refers to the "Ex-Machina".)

——What changed Jibril?

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