At This Moment, There Are 72 Hours Left Until the Fusion of Hogyoku!

039 Million Shields And Sword Pressure, Completely Collapsed!

Reiatsu keeps climbing like there is no limit, as if reaching another dimension.

Unimaginably huge benefits, different influx into the body.

For a long time, Shinji was at the limit of Shinigami, and Reiatsu, who couldn't grow again, seemed to break the limit and improve crazily.

"Still improving..."

Shinji moved his hands indifferently, his body trembled slightly, a change that cannot be observed with the naked eye was acting on the body under the power of Hōgyoku.

Genes seem to be disintegrating and reorganizing, and life forms seem to have undergone some changes.

Shinji lowered his eyes suddenly, looking at his chest.

There, a mysterious blue-purple pattern, like a blood vessel, faintly began to spread and spread all over the body.

With that comes all-round improvements in strength, speed, defense, stamina, and Reiatsu, among others.

"It seems to be able to destroy everything at will... This is the Honji fusion state, the pupa stage..."

Shinji slowly fell to the ground.

The blue-purple veins gradually recede and recondense back into the Hōgyoku.

Only in the very center of the chest, there are those blood vessel lines remaining, connected to Hōgyoku, like a heart.

"Fortunately, my evolution form is different from that of Aizen, and I still maintain my human form."

"It seems that compared with Aizen, I don't need to become that kind of "Hollow" alien form, and I can't return to the Shinigami form until the "Hengliu Fusion State"."

After observing his current form for a while, and confirming that he has not turned into an inhuman form, Shinji heaved a sigh of relief.

Feeling the Reiatsu that has completely surpassed the limit of Shinigami, and various explosively increased qualities, Shinji is sure that his current level of life has completely surpassed Shinigami.

While silently familiarizing himself with the body, Shinji put on his clothes to cover his chest, and at the same time waved his hand to release a glass-like, completely transparent shield in front of him.

Single shield...?

Shinji squeezed his palm slightly, and the transparent shield collapsed.

Single shield is a skill that can only be used after entering the fusion stage.

The Reiatsu released from the body surface forms a glass-like transparent shield, which can be used at any time during the battle. The defensive power is average, but it is also enough to block the slashing attacks of the captain-level Shinigami.

Shinji pointed his finger in front of him again.

This time, the transparent single shields were superimposed continuously, and in the blink of an eye, an incalculable amount was superimposed.

"Millions of guilders."

Seeing this, Shinji had a smile in his eyes.

The 1,000,000 layers of Reiatsu that will be released will form a single shield that is continuously superimposed, and finally form a huge shield that completely blocks any attack, and the defense is amazing.

With Shinji's current defense, even if there is an attack that can penetrate a million shields and then hit Shinji, it may not be able to break through the defense at all.

"It's just that there are still some flaws. The direction of defense needs to be set in advance, and some improvements need to be made."

Shinji tried to analyze the principle of million dong, and considered ways to optimize it.


Shinji held Zanpakutō slightly, and slashed at the purple poisonous mist in front of him that couldn't even break the defense at the moment.


A sword pressure of blue-purple light, with an unimaginable shock wave, directly annihilated the poisonous mist, and hit the barrier unabated.


A deafening explosion sounded suddenly, and the barrier was shattered without even blocking it for a moment.

A terrible explosion began to erupt, the ground was directly shattered, all the big trees along the way collapsed, and even the entire mountain was cut by the sword, and it was suddenly severed from the middle and divided into two parts.

All the animals on the mountain wailed and fled here in horror. Some of the Quincy Masters who had awakened stared at this doomsday-like scene in horror.

Even the human beings in Karakura Town in the city center noticed the movement here, and looked at the clearly visible mountain peak in horror, and suddenly broke.

Spectacular, yet depressing.

The vibration after the sword's pressure and slash did not subside for a long time, and the entire sky was covered with a layer of dust and foggy.

"Is this the sword pressure of the "Benger Fusion State"?"

Shinji looked at this scene slightly surprised.

The sword just now was just cut by him casually, without any Reiatsu attached to himself, let alone using Hōgyoku's power.


It's just the power of his body to swing the Zanpakutō once, swinging the Reiatsu on the Zanpakutō out!

It's already so terrifying!

""Renji", are you okay?"

At this time, Kurosaki Masaki's unbelievable voice sounded, "Renji" is fine after being poisoned by that captain-level Shinigami?

How can this be!

You know, Kurosaki Masaki still relies on the protection of the static blood outfit to be immune to this toxin, and her clansmen have no resistance at all after being poisoned.

Then "Renji", who just gave up resistance completely, why is it all right now?

Kurosaki Masaki knelt down on the ground, her beautiful eyes were full of astonishment, her small face was full of surprise, but there was also a hint of doubt.

Beside her were ruins.

That was the damage caused by the aftermath of Shinji's sword pressure and slash.

"Hey, maybe the poisonous fog just now was just used by him to cover his sight."

Shinji spread his hands and smiled.

"How is it possible, my Static Blood Equipment was activated just now, how could..."

Kurosaki Masaki still looked puzzled.

At this time, there was a low moan sounded like nothing.

Seeing "Renji" look over, Masaki Kurosaki shook her head quickly: "It's not me, I didn't speak."

Shinji: "..."

"No, I know that although you didn't speak, you have already spoken."

Glancing blankly at Kurosaki Masaki's spread legs, Shinji walked towards the collapsed stone.


Kurosaki Masaki stared blankly and did not speak for a long time.

"It was buried directly."

On the other side, Shinji covered his face with his hands speechlessly, and then pulled out Nilu who was buried in the soil.


The crooning just now belonged to Nilu.

"You... are you okay? Nilu thought you were going to die."

Just after being pulled out, Nilu climbed up Shinji's body like a koala, hugging his head and crying loudly.

"Damn it, don't crawl all over my face on my face."

Shinji swears, and twitches, pulling Nilu's collar away, looking at the Quincy girl who is still wondering what Shinji said before.

"Where's the Kurotsuchi Mayuri people?" Shinji looked around.

"Run away." Kurosaki Masaki replied naturally.

Shinji: "???"

PS: Add more, today's fifth update has been completed, please feed.jpg

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