“We… This is into the giant’s den?! Elder looked around at the giant who was gradually awakened because of the sunlight, and his heart was cold.


Swallowing his saliva, Oluo, who had always been the main attacker in the team when Levi was away, felt cold hands and feet, and the exhaustion accumulated after a night of rushing completely dissipated at this moment… Frightened.

As the only woman in the entire team, Petra has long been unable to maintain her original gentle and smiling expression, and the whole person is confused.

On the contrary, Ronan, with a calm face, looked around at the giants who had not fully awakened, drove the horse to Elder’s side, and spoke:

“Take advantage of the fact that the giant has not fully awakened, speed up, you can shake off one end is one, it really can’t work, then you can only fight, not only us, everyone in the convoy has to go!”

“That’s it~”

Hearing Ronan’s words, Elder quickly calmed down, and found that what Ronan said was the optimal solution now, as the temporary person in charge here, he immediately let the team speed up, and he and Petra drove to the front to lead the way…

As for Ronan and Oluo, they were responsible for cleaning up the giants after the rear of the convoy was broken.

“There are too many of them, rookie, we may not be able to leave this time.” Oluo looked grim.

Hearing this, Ronan raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: “Old bird, if you want to die, I haven’t lived enough!” ”

“I really can’t like you!”

“Me too~”

Ronan and Oluo looked at each other and smiled.

Despite these words, Ronan and Oloo are the best compared to the rest of the team, which speaks for itself.

Soon, as the sun fell, the giant attributes all looked at Ronan’s convoy.

Not only them, but the area where the patrol in the distance was located all fired signal guns representing the existence of giants at this moment.

“It’s good that we ran fast and weren’t surrounded in the middle, otherwise we really wouldn’t be able to run!”

Looking around, especially in front, Oluo was pleasantly surprised to find that they had actually run out of the encirclement net, and now there are giants in the three directions of the left and right, and the rear, and they only need to rush forward.

“Don’t be too happy, the general species is indeed no longer a threat, but those three strange species, we should not be able to escape.”

Looking at the strange giant who had regained his ability to move and got up and chased straight towards his area, Ronan directly pulled out his double knife, and the meaning was self-evident.

Seeing this, Oluo also pulled out his double swords, looked directly at the three-headed giant with chaotic steps, no rules to speak of, but fast blocking, and said bluntly:

“The two ends on my left and the one on your right, that’s it!”

Not giving Ronan a chance to object at all, he drove his horse straight over.

“Don’t die…”

Without making a gesture, Ronan drove his horse straight to the left.

This is a giant of the strange species more than five meters tall, running on its own, with its hands swinging irregularly like a twisting song, very fast, the fast swinging hands are a big threat, one will be thrown by its arms or grabbed without noticing!

Once caught by the giant, there is no room for maneuver.

Ronan didn’t know how powerful the giant was, and he didn’t want to know by being caught.


The sound of horses’ hooves is urgent, and as long-trained mounts of the survey corps, these horses that can get out of the wall are not very afraid of giants.

Key giants also don’t actively harm creatures other than humans for no reason, which is fucked up.

This time, Ronan did not attack from the front, but prepared to drive the horse to the side of the Qixing species, but the other party was obviously not prepared to give him this opportunity, and directly rushed over head-on, very fast.

Under such circumstances, Ronan made a quick decision and chose to go head-to-head, staring at the strange giant in front of him with dead eyes.






After entering the optimal range of the stereoscopic machine, Ronan directly pulled the trigger, and two cold rays shot straight towards the knee of the strange giant.


The sound of the jet suddenly sounded, Ronan held the handle of the knife with both hands, and the whole person shrunk into a ball in the air, about to touch the hands of the strange giant, arms, waist, feet… All the muscles in his body burst with force, and the two knives slashed towards the giant’s wrist that was close at hand.


The powerful forward momentum, combined with Ronan’s terrifying explosive power and physical strength, coupled with the extremely sharp black gold bamboo knife itself, broke the giant’s wrist almost without hindrance.

The momentum of the forward rush did not decrease, and it broke straight through the giant’s arm defense and came to its crotch.

With another chill, the giant’s ankles were cut off almost directly, unable to support the weight of his body anymore, and fell straight down, and Ronan disarmed the fixator fixed to his knee and instead aimed at the back of his deadly neck.

After successfully approaching, clean swing of the knife, clean slash, without the slightest delay.

From the beginning of the attack to the end of the battle, it took less than ten seconds in total, which was really a quick victory.

Seeing the support coming from the rear, Elder and Petra were very shocked, and they all spoke out in unison:


PS: Second more!

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