Shen Yiqiu's physical fitness is not good, and the long-distance running test has always been struggling on the edge of passing. But on the way to Xinting Hotel this time, she never felt tired, and she was not worried that she would not be able to run.

She still wanted to cry, but crying at this time would only make a mistake.

Shen Yiqiu bit her lip hard, reminding herself to be awake and calm. Her cell phone was held tightly in her hand, she kept calling Qin Qianrou in the taxi, and a cold female voice reminded her that the other party had turned off.

The warm liquid fell on the tiger's mouth and then flowed onto the phone, and all the seams were soaked, but Shen Yiqiu didn't care about it at all. She blamed herself for being stable for too long, and for taking the induction seriously. There were so many opportunities to let her sister avoid danger, but she just lightly reminded her a few words.

Finally, the New Hall Hotel has arrived.

She didn't alarm the front desk, but tried to calm her breath, adjusted her state, and passed through the lobby, pretending to be an ordinary guest. Together with the other guests, she entered the elevator and leaned against the innermost corner with her eyes closed.

She didn't know where Qin Qianrou would be, but she sensed the sign of the Xinting Hotel. But the moment she stepped into the door, she felt it again.

This time, she saw the room number.

2332, this not too high floor is as far away as a tower. She sent Li Wan exact information, and she couldn't wait any longer. Even if she is alone, she must rescue her sister first.

Successfully found room 2332, Shen Yiqiu rang the doorbell, but there was no movement or response.

She knocked on the door anxiously, but still no response.

Shen Yiqiu frowned, and even wanted to smash it away with brute force. She changed her hand to hold the mobile phone. When she sent a message before entering the elevator, she realized that her hand was full of blood.

She shook the handle vigorously, and suddenly heard a click, and it turned on automatically.

After only three seconds of stunned, Shen Yiqiu rushed in like a bolt of lightning.

The room is not too big, passing through a very short corridor, you can see a large double bed placed in the center. Everything in the room seemed to be blurred, and Shen Yiqiu's eyes only saw the man lying quietly on the bed.

Qin Qianrou's coat was taken off and thrown on the footstool at the end of the bed. She closed her eyes, very calm. I don't know anything about the people entering the room.

Shen Yiqiu knew her, Qin Qianrou couldn't have slept so deeply, and she didn't respond to her movements.

She rushed to the bedside, not caring how embarrassed she was, raised her hand to caress Qin Qianrou's face. I was so anxious that I finally got a moment of peace when I saw her.

"Sister, wake up." Shen Yiqiu called Qin Qianrou in a low voice. Although she didn't know what caused Qin Qianrou to fall asleep, she had to take her out of here as soon as possible.

The situation in the room is very similar to the picture she once sensed, but it is different. For example, at this time, Qin Qianrou was the only one in the room, and there was no young man wearing a yellow tie. Even Qin Qianrou was still wearing a shirt.

In this room, it seems to be a little unreal, Qin Qianrou seems to have been sent in a hurry, so she ignores it.

No matter what the reason is, in short, Shen Yiqiu is still very distressed. She quickly called Li Wan and told her that she had found Qin Qianrou and asked her to come over quickly.

Li Wan was so anxious that she didn't even dare to drive the car by herself. After coming out of the TV station, he couldn't get a car, and he didn't dare to alarm his colleagues in the station, for fear that the news would not affect Qin Qianrou badly.

The driver's response was quick, but after all, it was a bit of a delay. Li Wan couldn't bear to wait on the TV station, and regardless of the fact that she was still wearing medium-height leather shoes, she walked to her destination alone with her arms folded against the cold wind.

"Shen Yiqiu, I'm downstairs, I'll be there soon."

Shen Yiqiu called Qin Qianrou several times, and when she saw that she was still asleep, she helped her up. Her thin cashmere sweater has also been taken off and thrown on the other side of the bed, but fortunately the shirt is still intact. Shen Yiqiu got up to get the down jacket at the end of the bed and wanted to wrap it for her.

At this moment, a low voice suddenly came from her ear, and Shen Yiqiu immediately turned her head.



Qin Qianrou replied softly, not knowing whether it was an instinctive reaction or she really heard Shen Yiqiu's voice.

Shen Yiqiu looked out the door vigilantly, no one came.

This place is very unsafe, Qin Qianrou must be taken away as soon as possible.

Shen Yiqiu put on the down jacket for her and helped her get out of bed. But Qin Qianrou was completely powerless, and almost all of her weight was leaning on Shen Yiqiu's body.

"I'll take you home."

Shen Yiqiu gently kissed her ear, and the light bloodstains left by the touch just now were very eye-catching.

"Autumn..." Qin Qianrou's consciousness recovered a little, but she still had no strength.

She barely opened her eyes and saw Shen Yiqiu beside her. I want to laugh, but I don't have the energy.

"It's me, I'm late." Shen Yiqiu sniffed hard to keep herself calm, "Let's go now."

There were footsteps in the corridor, and there was some confusion. Shen Yiqiu hugged Qin Qianrou tightly and took a protective posture.

Fortunately, Li Wan and her driver appeared.

"How is Qianrou?"

"Not very good, take her away first."

With the assistance of the tall and strong driver, Qin Qianrou was quickly transferred to Li Wan's car.

Close the door and head straight for the hospital.

"What the **** is going on here?"

Shen Yiqiu put her arms around Qin Qianrou, gently tidying up the messy hair beside her cheeks for her, and quietly looked at her sister with her eyes closed.

Qin Qianrou occasionally wakes up, but falls asleep again within a short time, which is obviously an abnormal state.

"I don't know what's going on." Shen Yiqiu's voice was dull and hoarse.

She has not even drank saliva until now. Every time I say a word, my throat hurts. But no matter how painful it was, it couldn't compare to the pain in her heart at this time.

Li Wan sat in the passenger seat and glanced sideways at Shen Yiqiu and Qin Qianrou in the back row.

A person who is usually strong and capable to the point of being invulnerable, but now leans on others weakly and helplessly, unaware of the surrounding environment. An older child who was usually soft and good-natured with a smile, but at this time supported Qin Qianrou's hope with his immature shoulders.

For the first time, Li Wan felt that Shen Yiqiu's youthful face flashed with reassuring perseverance and composure.

Li Wan's car just entered the hospital, and the doctors and nurses waiting there greeted her. On the way, she had already said hello in advance.

In fact, they rarely come to this private hospital, but the human resources are still there. In addition, the doctor and Rong Fei were acquaintances, so naturally they were very concerned about Li Wan's call.

"Don't worry, leave the rest to us." The nurse pushed Qin Qianrou over, the doctor patted Li Wan's shoulder lightly, and comforted Shen Yiqiu with his eyes.

Before leaving, he glanced at Shen Yiqiu's hand and asked, "Do you need to deal with your hand?"

Shen Yiqiu had time to look at his hand carefully, and quickly shook his head to refuse: "No, I'm not hurt."

Seeing her like this, the doctor did not force her and left quickly.

"Let's go there and wait, don't worry." Li Wan's voice was still faintly trembling.

Shen Yiqiu tore off her schoolbag and took off her down jacket, only then did she feel how uncomfortable she was. But she didn't have time to pay attention to this, and still looked in the direction where the nurse had left from time to time.

"Don't worry too much when you get to the hospital, it's very safe here."

Shen Yiqiu nodded, she believed it. It's just that she can't slow down for the time being, and it's a bit like the rest of her life.

"I'll be back soon."

Shen Yiqiu not only needs to clean up the blood on his hands, but also needs to wash his face to wake him up. She is relying on perseverance to support, and now needs to breathe.

She was the same face in the mirror, but the vague fear still remained. She didn't even dare to recall how she felt when she didn't find Qin Qianrou.

At that moment, she was really afraid, afraid that she would be late after all.

Wiping her face and hands, returning to the waiting area, Li Wan handed her a cup of hot milk tea.

"Have a drink."

"Thank you, Sister Li Wan." Shen Yiqiu leaned against the wall, her legs still shaking.

"Today's incident really scares people enough."

Shen Yiqiu didn't answer, took a sip of milk tea, and her throat felt better.

"The Xinting Hotel, and the room number, are these what you sensed?" Li Wan finally expressed her doubts. I didn't have time to think about it just now, but now I think about it, it's really incredible.


"Then... can you sense who treats Qianrou like this?"

Shen Yiqiu frowned and shook his head unwillingly.

"I can't sense it." If she could, why would she wait here stupidly, she would have gone desperately long ago.

Who dares to touch her sister, she really dares to fight with that person!

Li Wan was also a little disappointed, but after thinking about it, it is now a fortune among misfortunes.

"The nurse came over just now and said that the preliminary examination was not life-threatening, so let's not worry too much."

Hearing this, Shen Yiqiu finally regained some spirit.

"I have to say hello to her family about this. I agreed to take care of her in Mengcheng, but now that something goes wrong, it's all my responsibility."

After finishing speaking, Li Wan called Wen Shaoze. After thinking about it, she called Wen Yirong again.

Before Li Wan called Wen Yirong, she gave Shen Yiqiu a special look and saw that she had no special reaction, so she got up and walked to the wall.

Simply say a few words about the situation and the call is over.

Li Wan walked back and thought about it: "Qianrou's family said they will come over immediately."

Shen Yiqiu just hummed to show her understanding.

Li Wan glanced at her again, and saw that she seemed to be caught in her own thoughts and didn't care about what she said just now.

"Qianrou's mother will come."

"I know, I've met Aunt Wen." Shen Yiqiu thought that what Li Wan was worried about was that they would meet.

Li Wan was worried, but seeing Shen Yiqiu's current appearance, she couldn't bear to say anything else.

Let's take a look and then talk about it, maybe Aunt Wen is here, and she may not bring Qianrou back to Haicheng.

"It's good to see, anyway, sooner or later you will meet." Li Wan had to change her tone.

The doctor was very dedicated and did a detailed body examination for Qin Qianrou before sending her to the ward.

"How is she, doctor?"

"The current situation is stable, but an unknown drug has been injected into the body, and we still need to wait for the test results."

"Unknown drug?"

The doctor saw their nervous expressions and indicated that they should not be too nervous.

"She is currently in a stable physical condition, and there is not much drug residue in her body, which should be digested through the metabolic cycle."

Li Wan was still not at ease, thinking that Shen Yiqiu said just now that Qian Rou only wore a shirt and slept on the bed, which was actually not in line with her character.

Qin Qianrou will not go to bed before nightfall, even if she is really sleepy and needs a short break, in a place like a hotel, she will definitely not only wear a shirt.

She hesitated, but asked, "Doctor, what effect does the unknown drug have? Will it cause any reaction?"

Seeing their solemn expressions, the doctor guessed what they were suspecting.

"Mainly sedative, which can cause a person to fall into a deep coma for a very short period of time, and then sleep for many days."

"That's all?"

"For now, that's all."

"You can see the patient later, but don't stay too long."

The doctor left again, Shen Yiqiu didn't speak just now, but Li Wan had already asked her what she wanted to ask.

"Shen Yiqiu, didn't you say you sensed a man..."

Li Wan was still a little bit twisted when she said this, even if it didn't happen, she felt uncomfortable just thinking about it. What a proud person Qin Qianrou is, if she was really taken advantage of when she was in a coma, even if her reason can make her strong, she will have permanent scars in her heart after all.

"I don't know why, but I kept feeling the same picture on my way to the Xinting Hotel." Shen Yiqiu was temporarily relieved at this time, willing to go to recall the past details.

"I saw my sister being helped into the room with her eyes closed, and then she kept repeating this scene, like a cassette tape."

Cassette? Li Wan also found it difficult to understand.

"I was so anxious that I had a nosebleed. I didn't even know it was dripping on my hand, and it was all over my phone."

Li Wan sized her up, listening to her say this in a light tone, and thinking of the dazzling red on her hand just now, she felt uncomfortable.

"Why are your lips broken?"

"Then did you sense the room number later?"

"Yes, I almost thought I was going to find a needle in a haystack to try my luck. But as soon as I entered the lobby of the New Hall Hotel, I had a new feeling."

Li Wan still thinks it's magical, but it really happened. Maybe this kind of superpower really exists in the world, but it cannot be solved by science for the time being.

"I'm really thankful for you, otherwise I really don't know what to do today."


Li Wan stayed in the ward for a short time, after confirming that Qin Qianrou's condition was stable, she left. Shen Yiqiu stayed in the hospital to accompany her, but the person in front of her was still sleeping peacefully. Shen Yiqiu moved the chair and sat beside the hospital bed, holding her hand gently.

"Sister, don't snooze, sleeping late in the hospital is not a good experience. If you are tired, can we go home and rest?"

Qin Qianrou didn't respond to her. If it wasn't for the doctor's repeated emphasis that the patient's drug effect was not over, Shen Yiqiu would really worry about whether Qin Qianrou would ignore her in the future.

"I'm actually very scared, I'm afraid I can't find you, I'm afraid that our relationship will be affected after you are hurt. I'm also afraid that my ability is too poor to save you, and I'm afraid that I can run slowly , the stupid brain can't find you."

Shen Yiqiu was a little incoherent, repeatedly talking about his panic. She has been forcing herself to be calm and calm, and only now did she dare to reveal her vulnerability in Qin Qianrou's ward.

"Sister, can you punish me when you wake up? No matter what you ask me to do, I will accept the punishment." Shen Yiqiu put Qin Qianrou's hand on her face, her His hands were a little cold, so Shen Yiqiu used his own temperature to warm them up.

"So, will you wake up quickly?"

Qin Qianrou, who was sleeping peacefully, was very beautiful, her face was paler than when she was lying in Shen Yiqiu's arms, but she was still the same.

Shen Yiqiu held her hand, and tears suddenly flowed out.

"It's my fault, I should follow you and protect you..." Shen Yiqiu lowered her head, buried her face beside the quilt and sobbed.

She didn't know how to vent the depression in her heart. When she was waiting for the results of the inspection outside just now, she realized that at this time, Yuan Qi was the only one who could send messages.

It turns out that the most intimate people in this world are only Qin Qianrou and uncle Biao.

Shen Yiqiu doesn't want to experience the experience of losing a loved one anymore. She just wanted Qin Qianrou to be well, and she even wondered if it was because she insisted on bringing down Shao Qidong that Qin Qianrou got into such trouble.

Sister, it's all my fault.


Yuan Qi had already booked a flight ticket and left Mengcheng next week. Since the last time I talked to Shen Yiqiu about this, he started preparing to leave and didn't contact Shen Yiqiu very much.

Suddenly received news today, he rushed over immediately.

According to the information given by the nurse, Yuan Qi went to the ward area, but did not expect to see a familiar figure in the corridor.

The man walked in front of him and looked like he was visiting a doctor.

Yuan Qi involuntarily slowed down, hesitating to come back another day?

But the person walking in front suddenly stopped and turned around as if inductively. In the empty corridor, two people not far from each other stood still, but no one spoke.

Yuan Qi suddenly made up the chaotic scene of lightning and flint around him, but his feet seemed to be injected with lead and could not move.

Wen Shaoze walked towards him step by step, Yuan Qi's eyebrows gradually twisted into twists.

Yuan Qi didn't come back to his senses until Wen Shaozhe was about to come to him. He stepped back again and again, and was almost one step away from turning around, but was taken a step forward.

"A Yuan, don't go."

Yuan Qi's brain twitched, the name A Yuan has not been heard for a long time. During the journey around the world, some people once called him that, but they couldn't touch him now.

Even though it has been a long time, he will still remember the past when he hears this person's voice.

"Mr. Wen, long time no see."

Wen Shao smiled bitterly. He was thinking about A Yuan, but A Yuan only wanted to call him Mr. Wen.

But it's better than a few years ago. He remembered the last time we met, and the name A Yuan gave him was a bastard.

"Are you here to find Shen Yiqiu?"

Yuan Qi first nodded, and then explained, "Xiaoqiu sent me a message, I'm here to visit Qianrou."

Wen Shao suppressed his inner ecstasy. He searched in Mengcheng for a long time, and kept silent for a long time. He didn't expect their reunion to be in this place.

"Let's go see Qianrou first." Wen Shao still remembered the business, and knew that this was the only reason why Yuan Qi would not leave immediately.

When these two people appeared in the ward at the same time, Shen Yiqiu was a little surprised.

"Uncle Biao, Brother Minor, why did you two come together?"

Yuan Qi and Wen Shaoze both had different degrees of convulsions on their faces, but Shen Yiqiu didn't have much energy to pay attention to this now.

"We met in the corridor, and we came in together." Yuan Qi walked over, approached the bed, and glanced at Qin Qianrou.

"How's it going?"

Shen Yiqiu put Qin Qianrou's hand back into the quilt intimately, and said softly, "The doctor said it's fine, just rest for a few days."

Wen Shao stood on the other side, watched silently for a while, and suddenly said, "I must tear that **** with my hands!"

The author has something to say: Guess what?

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