The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

"They started."

"Young people are impatient, let's give them an unforgettable memory!"

"The genius on the list of Xia country..."

The figure swayed, they stood in front of the window, through the window, they could see a remote intersection, and every move of Lu Zhe and his team here.

"The fourth brother is here to prevent anyone from escaping; Goren will take a few people to get rid of the two little guys." The figure pointed in the direction of Lu Zhe.

He will treat the genius well with the second and third brothers!

The third-level extraordinary cannot easily enter other countries, this is the rule.

For this calculation, the above sent four second-level and ten first-level members!


When the power was cut off, the security guards on patrol immediately became alert.

"Rosse, go see what's going on?" A fully armed strong man opened the safety of his gun.

"Don't panic, it should be just a power outage." The man called Rose pointed to the two streets that also had a power outage and said helplessly.

"You watch here, I'll turn on the generator." With that, Rose turned and walked into the museum, leaving the strong man to guard.

The strong man did not relax his vigilance and focused on observing the surroundings.

But in a place where he didn't pay attention, a small black sword floated in the darkness and stabbed him hard in the back of his head!

With a sound of "Puff!"

The strong man's head was pierced without any awareness, and he lost his life.

Chu Qingcheng and Huang Yunfei walked out quickly.

"There are 9 more."

Huang Yunfei dragged the body to the corner, and the two acted separately. In less than ten minutes, they solved the remaining security guards and got the key to the inner door.

The two came to the museum and saw the antiques stored here. In the middle was a simple bronze sword, which was the target of Chu Qingcheng's mission.

"It's this!" Chu Qingcheng was delighted and was about to go forward to get it.

But at this moment, her expression suddenly changed and she stepped back!

The next moment, a blood-red beam shot in front of Chu Qingcheng, burning a 5-centimeter-diameter deep hole on the floor.

"Who?!" The two changed their expressions and looked forward vigilantly.

"Miss Chu, stealing is not a good habit. Do you Xia people like to be sneaky?"

Several figures walked out of the darkness, a total of nine people, three second-level, six first-level, one of whom was the owner of the museum.

"Who are you?"

After seeing the opponent's strength, Chu Qingcheng's heart sank, and her face was grim.

She was a second-level extraordinary person. With her own strength, she was confident that she could stop the three second-level extraordinary people who broke through with the reagents, but Huang Yunfei was only in the late first-level, and there was no way he could defeat six first-level people, not to mention the owner of the museum...

Chu Qingcheng frowned and turned her eyes around, looking for a way out.

But how could the opponent's carefully planned trap not prevent the two from breaking through?

"Hehe, Miss Chu, you can't escape. If you can become one of us and work for us, you can live!"

Nine people surrounded Chu Qingcheng and sneered.

"Who are you?" Chu Qingcheng's eyes moved slightly. She really wanted to know who the enemy was and who leaked their action and deliberately delayed time.

"Wait until you join us, you will know!" After saying that, the nine people no longer gave Chu Qingcheng a chance to speak, and their spiritual power surged all over their bodies, and they drew their weapons to start.

Several people took out their pistols. Seeing this, Chu Qingcheng quickly used her defensive skills, and Huang Yunfei was no exception.

The battle was about to start!


On the other side, at the intersection,

Lu Zhe and Hu Lingling were squatting on the side of the road, chatting casually.

Suddenly, Lu Zhe heard a noise and turned to look at the other side of the intersection. Five figures walked out of the path and walked straight towards the two of them.

The pace was hurried, and the movements were vigorous, unlike ordinary people.

Lu Zhe subconsciously became alert and touched Hu Lingling: "Something is wrong."

Hu Lingling also stared at the five people, and the spiritual power in her body was slowly running.

The five people gradually approached, and Lu Zhe felt very uneasy. He drew out the long sword in his hand.

Just when the atmosphere was tense, Lu Zhe heard the movement from Chu Qingcheng through the headset, and his face changed instantly.

"Something happened, hurry up!"

Without time to think, he threw the long sword in his hand, turning it into a hidden weapon and pointing it directly at the five people not far away.

Lu Zhe didn't care whether he would kill the wrong person. The four of them were connected to each other with headsets. The moment he heard the movement from Chu Qingcheng, he knew that there was a problem with this mission!

The five people were just about to

They drew their guns and waited until they were closer to suddenly shoot and kill Lu Zhe and the other two, but they didn't expect the other party to attack first!

Inadvertently, one person was pierced through the hall by the long sword!

"Fuck, kill them!" The remaining four were furious and immediately drew their pistols and shot.

Hu Lingling reacted when Lu Zhe reminded her. After hearing the sound of the earphone, she panicked at first, and then immediately held up the defensive spiritual shield to block the bullets.

Lu Zhe did not learn defensive spiritual skills, and rolled behind the car in a panic to avoid it.

Seeing that the pistol was ineffective, several people threw away their pistols, and a stream of spiritual energy rushed over!

Hu Lingling's pressure increased greatly, and she barely supported the spiritual shield. Seeing this, Lu Zhe snatched the long sword from her hand and rushed towards the four opposite!

The spiritual power in the body covered the long sword, and the warrior's blood surged, swinging the long sword to defeat the attacking spiritual blade.

In the blink of an eye, he killed in front of him at a very fast speed!

The four people did not expect that Lu Zhe also practiced martial arts from another world. When Lu Zhe suddenly attacked them, they were obviously shocked by his speed and could not react in time.

With a sword swing, two heads flew into the sky!

Blood was all over the road.

The remaining two people hurriedly retreated, but suddenly their eyes widened. Lu Zhe took out a submachine gun from his arms like a magic trick.

Da Da Da...

Tongues of fire spurted out, and the two people had no time to dodge and defend, and died tragically at the muzzle of the gun.

From the beginning to the end of the battle, it lasted only more than a minute. Hu Lingling struggled to support the spiritual shield. Just as she took a breath, the person who came was solved by Lu Zhe.

At the same time, Lu Zhe breathed a sigh of relief. Although he solved several people cleanly and neatly, the main point was a surprise attack.

If the opponent was prepared, it would definitely not be able to end the battle in such a short time.

"Let's go!"

After coming to his senses, Lu Zhe immediately pulled Hu Lingling to get in the car and leave.

Chu Qingcheng is a second-level extraordinary person. The enemy they encounter must be not simple. The two of them are not strong enough, and they can't play a big role in the past.

Leaving now and contacting them immediately to seek support is the right choice.

"No, we can't leave Sister Chu and the others!"

Hu Lingling can't abandon her teammates to survive alone!

"We must leave now!" Lu Zhe didn't expect Hu Lingling to want to support at this time.

"You are not weak, and you have a gun. The two of us together will definitely play a role!"

Hu Lingling looked determined, and looked at Lu Zhe with pleading in her eyes:

"Lu Zhe, let's go save Sister Chu, okay?"

A cool breeze blew, and Lu Zhe remained silent.

As if knowing his choice,

Hu Lingling lowered her eyes, snatched the long sword from Lu Zhe's hand, and ran towards the museum without looking back.

Watching Hu Lingling disappear in the night, Lu Zhe still stood at the intersection in silence.

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