Authentic Magic Gate

Chapter 538: : Stay

In the past, when Ye Ting still had Tai Chi magic money, he wore it with nephrite and hung it on his body.

This nephrite-woven jade rope is rarely useful for infant monks. There are not many people at the door. Ye Ting has refined a little nephrite before and has not refined it because it is too expensive.

Ye Ting refined jade paste and made nephrite all for herself and her sister Yangmei. Ye Ting's needs for these two things are still trivial. There are six ways of cultivating the heaven and earth over Yangmei. Jade paste is a high-level resource. The consumption does not seem to be large. It is really used. The long-term supply is also a serious problem.

Replace it with something else, and your practice will slow down.

Ye Ting extracted the jade paste from his own side, leaving only 20% for refining, and the rest was transferred to Yang Mei. If nephrite was used, he would directly give Yang Mei 40%, leaving 40% himself, and the remaining 20% ​​was reserved for those around him.

As for jade steel, it is a high-grade material used to make up for the loss.

Jade steel is a good thing that can replace high-grade materials anywhere. Refining with jade is a relatively loss-making thing, so Ye Ting can achieve benefits in three ways. Others have no speed advantage, and they cannot get nephrite and Such things as Yugang are losing money.

The most special place on Ye Ting's side is the Morro Red Lotus, which can absorb the strong toxicity of the poison jade, and is replaced by other monks. The effect of expelling toxins is not ideal, and it is also life-threatening.

Devil's Qinglian, like these highly toxic and filthy things, for Devil's Qinglian, everything is a tonic.

Of course, Devil's Qinglian is also a bit risky, that is, if Ye Ting does not become an immortal, sooner or later, this Devil's Qinglian will not be able to support it and will eat Ye Ting.

But that day will come very late, if Ye Ting can't become an immortal, it's just a virtual world. Sooner or later one day will die.

Probably he couldn't wait for the day when the Devil's Qinglian attacked, and Ye Ting didn't leave any escape.

After the transaction, Tang Ji was relieved. Because Qingcheng now controls 18 continents, it requires a lot of supplies. Although these continents are barely self-sufficient, if Qingcheng does not continue to invest, the loyalty of those martial arts will have problems, not to mention the strength has not improved, and will soon be broken by the next door.

The two sides took their own needs and got along very well. Zhu Luohe said: "Yao Daoyou, do you still have a haunting symbol?"

Ye Tingdao: "How long have you been with me. Why haven't I responded?"

"As a personal person, I have never been hostile to you, and practicing the law of the dead has made it harder to attract your attention."

Ye Ting smiled and didn't care about it. The other party's ability to hide the Qi was really powerful. He recovered Ye Shenjun's memory and had a strong perception, but still did not find it.

Among these worlds, strange people are emerging one after another. The heroes of the world cannot be underestimated.

"Low-level mixed symbols, I have about 10 million left, are you either?"

"Of course. But you want to sell for a good price ..."

"No negotiation, this thing, I would rather destroy it in my hands." Ye Ting flatly refused the other party's follow-up request, saying: "Hang Yuan Qi's collection is difficult, and no one can do it for me, and I also coincide At that time, this thing was sold out, I can't get it anymore. "

"Such ..." Zhu Luohe hesitated.

Ye Tingdao said: "I have principles for some things. After all, the money sect is a different school. I did n’t plan to sell the Hunyuanfu originally. It ’s because no one can afford the price, and you want other conditions. I do n’t Will consider, this thing, I was going to hit it in my hand. "

"Okay, I know you collect token money, I use token money to buy it, and I don't mention the conditions. In addition, I want to collect a hundred mixed-element symbols equivalent to the level of the magic weapon. This one can offer you the price separately."

"Unless you tell me, what are you doing with so many mixed symbols."

"When doing business in the Buddhist realm, the mixed symbols are very useful."

"Do you have a way to save?"

"This is a business secret. You just ask for the price. If it's high, I don't want it. It's appropriate. I'll continue."

"I heard that there is a star core, which is extremely heavy, but there is no way to refine it. I want to change this star core."

"What are you doing?"

"Throw it from high altitude and hit people."

Zhu Luohe laughed and stopped asking. He didn't know that Ye Ting really thought so. He has a way of refining the formation within this star core, manipulating it, and throwing it away from the nine days of gang qi, with great power. However, it can only be used against a monk like a mountain gate, and it is useless against the monks.

Ye Ting saw Zhu Luohe's smile, and said that this guy practiced quickly. When he first saw him, the expression on Zhu Luohe's face was very stiff, and now he is no different from normal people.

It should be doing business with himself, which is of great benefit to him. There is such a practice method in the world, which is really incredible.

"Fuqian, I will give you that one hundred high-level Hundred Yuanfus. You think about the price first, and then tell me, I will not leave this continent for the time being."

"Are war going to break out?"

Zhu Luohe said: "This information, free of charge, there are two outside world sects, to jointly attack Chenxi Continental. The strength of Chenxi Continental is slightly different from that of the other party, but not all of the manpower that the other party can bring out depends on that. The determination of the two sects. If the other party can give half of the power, Chenxi mainland can't hold it. "

"Are you going to invest in Chenxi Continental?"

"It is precisely that the money sect wants to establish a sect residence here, and formally do business with Kyushu. If we can't get the permission of the local monk and can't contribute to the Kyushu world, our actions here will be affected Constraints of the law. "

"Aren't monks invading?"

"Really hit, the benefits are huge, what is that loss, what we practice is not the same thing."

"Coincidentally, I also want to get a martial arts station here, preferably by the sea."

"We can be a neighbor. Anyway, the money sect is for business. Except for the ground required by the martial arts formation, others don't care much."

"Then I have to visit the two sects of Chenxi mainland and discuss with them about the purchase of land."

"We can work together to negotiate this matter. If you are willing to sell them to the high-level wind and thunder battleship, the problem will not be too big."

"It's better to talk separately."

"It's not time for me."

"Could it be that the alien invasion was the most recent?"

"Outside three years, within five years."

Ye Ting thought, no matter how many harvesters he has, he can't abuse it. It's something to improve his safety when dealing with monks in the realm. In three years, he can completely protect his martial arts station, build a five-element tower, and lay a good array. After the law, you can summon the five prisoners of war.

If you fight against the outside world, the direct battle loss will not be too small, but it is very cost-effective as a drag.

If the enemy does not divide soldiers to block, he will stab him at any time. If he divides the soldiers, the power to attack those two magic gates will be weakened.

"If you insist, I will make it difficult." Ye Ting said shamelessly.

"How many wind and thunder battleships can you take out, I'll negotiate."

"Twenty is the limit. For the price, please help me think about it and don't let them think that I am too greedy."

"Okay, west of the city, about a thousand miles away, it is a good natural harbour. The veins are also the best in the neighborhood. The money case has already been bought. I will hand over to you. You go to build first, I will talk about the station. Permission, and then let them go to your station to collect the wind and thunder battleship. "

"that's it."

Ye Ting happily agreed to come down, the large-scale invasion of the outside world, this is an interesting battlefield. Only this time brought more than one hundred monks, the number is a little less.

The Five Prison Warriors cannot replace the monks as the main force. Unless there is a larger gap between the two sides, the Five Prison Warriors will always be just a supplement to the fighting power.

If you set up a teleportation array, you would pay too much from summoning monks every time. Where is Baihua Mainland? Mu Jiuge's manpower also began to be insufficient.

Yulong City has no staff, and the monks it recruits are all up and down during the gas refining period, and it is planned to cultivate its own team for a long time.

It would be nice if you gave yourself three or five hundred years. Among the large number of monks who formed the Dandan, enough people were selected for the advanced infant environment. Who hires money monks? It might as well be summoning his monks in Fengxing.

Ye Ting set off and went to the port to fetch the Wuleilian platform. He asked Tang Ji to discuss with Tang Ji for a long-term battle here.

Tang Jidao said: "I'm on the Baihua Continent, but there are quite a few things. I have to leave at most after three to five years, and it's not easy to say the specific time."

"What about Sword Repair in the Void Realm?"

"It's okay to lend you two, and I need it on my side."

"Wu Lei Liantai, I gave it to you in vain?"

"Aren't you collecting money?"

"Have you paid?"

Tang Ji was asked again, he and his brother now owe a large sum of money to Ye Ting ~ ~ There is certainly no way to return it in a short time. This has been in arrears, and the relationship has grown.

"Okay, the four virtual realm sword repairs are all left to you, but these four people, you can only be used to protect the sect gate station, not let them attack from a distance."

"I won't give such an order." Ye Ting replied with a smile, saying with heart, if they were willing to do things for me, wouldn't you mind?

Tang Ji also guessed Ye Ting's ideas. He just didn't want the four virtual swordsmen to do dangerous things. If these four people would help Ye Ting to fight, they would also control the risks themselves. Ye Ting promised not to force them to do things.

Wuleiliantai flew thousands of miles, not to mention that it wasn't too much. When he arrived at the designated place, Ye Ting saw that it had been cleared and was ready to build a city. When the money sect was bought, it was intended to be used for expansion.

Because he met Ye Ting, he changed hands and gave it to Ye Ting. The money sect also saved the investment of power and wanted to bring Yulong City in.

Ye Ting thought about it, let Wu Lei Lian platform away, stayed alone, took out all the remaining five lines of dust on hand, sprinkled it on the flat ground by the sea, spread out the spell, and infiltrated the stone ground. (To be continued.)

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