Reba said:"Maimai...which side are you on...just now Chen Fan said that the two of us are snackers."……"

Mai Mai smiled sheepishly and said,"I think Chen Fan is right... we are indeed snackers.……"

Hot bar is speechless.

In the previous live broadcast, the way Mai Mai and Chen Fan were fighting each other, they thought they were incompatible.

Now Mai Mai is on Chen Fan's side.

Don't say it.

If Hot Bar hadn't known Mai Mai and Chen Fanjiu, she would have thought her sister was a piece of tea.

Reba said:"Even if what you say is right... you should still stand on our side... Boss Yang, are you right?"

Boss Yang smiled charmingly and said:"Yes."

With Boss Yang as his backer, Reba said His tone suddenly became much firmer, and he said:"Look, Boss Yang is on my side."

Mai Mai nodded, looking well-behaved, and it felt completely different from the live broadcast.

Chen Fan said:"Why do you have so much to do just to eat... Aren't you hungry... I am... I'll eat first as a courtesy."

Chen Fan immediately picked up the vegetables and started eating.

Reba and MaiMai also moved their chopsticks together.

Boss Yang picked up a piece of braised pork, put it into his mouth, and said with a satisfied look: 08"The meat is still delicious... Ever since I became a star... I have to be restricted in eating meat."

Hot Bar and Mai Mai ordered at the same time nod.

Especially female celebrities.

The requirements for body shape and skin are very high, with some slight blemishes. Heizi will say that he is not dedicated to his job.

But the human body is not a machine. Even if you exercise extreme restraint on your diet, you will still be in poor condition occasionally.

Chen Fan also naturally picked up a piece of braised pork, put it into Boss Yang's bowl, and said:"You Muggle...if it's delicious, eat live can't treat yourself badly, right?……"

Boss Yang agreed with Chen Fan's words and quickly took two more bites of braised pork.

Rebar and Maiimai saw that their bosses were like this, so they hurriedly started eating.

They didn't dare to be too presumptuous just now because Boss Yang was here.

Now that Boss Yang has no scruples, wouldn't they be stupid if they still refuse to eat?

The food cooked by Chen Fan is indeed delicious.

Hot Bar and Mai Mai both finished a large bowl of rice.

This is already a luxury for them. till the end.

All the dishes on the dinner table were robbed


The hot bar was full after eating, and he burped with satisfaction.

As if it was contagious, Mai Mai, who was sitting next to the hot bar, also burped.


One after another burps sounded in Chen Fan's home.

Reba and MaiMai felt very embarrassed at first.

Forget it in front of Boss Yang, after all, we are all girls.

But in Chen Fan, this was somewhat embarrassing

Reba and Mai Mai were extremely embarrassed.

Boss Yang saw their expressions and said,"It doesn't matter, this is a normal reaction of the human body... Don't feel shy... Do you have a camera now?""

Although Boss Yang tried to comfort him, the two of them still felt particularly embarrassed.

Chen Fan saw this and said,"Boss Yang is right, prices are a normal phenomenon of the human body. The root cause is mainly caused by the spasmodic contraction of the diaphragm."

As expected, he is a forensic doctor and can explain the principle of hiccups.

But then,

Chen Fan spoke again:"You must have seen the diaphragm. When I dissected it,……"

Damn it... you just started talking about anatomy after having a full meal...

Mai Mai and Reba were speechless for a while. They were quite full and satisfied.

But when they mentioned anatomy, the two people immediately thought of the dissection scene.

The two of them didn't vomit on the spot, they were already practicing their skills with Chen Fan in the past few days.

Boss Yang was used to it. Chen Fan would suddenly mention something very inappropriate when he was not expecting it.

Boss Yang smiled happily.

After a while.

Reba and Maiimai were surprised to find that they no longer hiccupped.

Only then did he react.

It turned out that Chen Fan was helping them divert their attention just now.

This way they will forget about the hiccups and the hiccups will go away naturally. after eating.

Mai Mai and Hot Bar wash the dishes together.

Chen Fan and Boss Yang were sitting on the sofa.

Boss Yang said:"Isn't it a little bad for you to ask the guests to wash the dishes?"

Chen Fan shrugged and said:"Then I can't eat my food for nothing, right?"

Boss Yang smiled and said:"Then according to your So... I seem to be eating for free?"

Chen Fan shook his head, showing a meaningful smile, and said:"How can you say that you are eating for free... But since you have such a profound idea, what can you do later? You have to work hard."

Boss Yang reacted immediately and said,"Can you drive on this broken road?"

Chen Fan retorted,"I never drive to the kindergarten.……"

Boss Yang smiled and turned to look at the hot bar and Mai Mai in the kitchen.

Fortunately, Reba and Maimai didn't hear it.

Otherwise, her boss would be embarrassed.

After washing the dishes.

Reba and Maimai were very discerning and left Chen Fan's home.

They all know it.

Boss Yang and Chen Fan only spend time together in the evening after they get off work.

Normally, both people need to work, and there is no time for them to spend time together.

They definitely didn't want to be bothered by light bulbs.


Wait for Reba and Mai Mai to leave.

Chen Fan hugged Boss Yang into his arms and said,"It's your turn to repay the debt now."……"

Boss Yang raised his head, kissed 190 Chen Fan, and said,"Okay... then tell me... how do you want me to repay you tonight?"

After finishing speaking.

Chen Fan stood up from the sofa, then hugged Princess Yang and said,"This is what you said. I will do whatever I say tonight."


Boss Yang laughed out loud and said,"Of course, I keep my word."

The two of them walked into the bedroom together


Early the next morning, Chen Fan was woken up by a phone ringing.

This ringtone is not an alarm clock, but an incoming call from someone else.

Two days ago, all Chen Fan saw when he woke up was Mai Mai.

Chen Fan was a little surprised when he didn't see Mai Mai today.

But more importantly now, who called him so early?

Chen Fan picked up the phone and took a look. The words"Lao Song" suddenly appeared on the screen of the phone.

It seems...this is another case.

Chen Fan picked up the phone and said,"Old Song...why are you so anxious?"……"

Old Song said on the other end:"Chen Fan, you have answered the phone... We found a female body by the river. I will send you the address. Come over quickly."

Sure enough, there is a case.

Chen Fan said,"Okay, I'll be here right away."

After saying that, Chen Fan immediately got up and dressed, got in the car as quickly as possible, and headed to the place where the crime happened as mentioned by Lao Song.

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