Originally, everyone could expect to get many key clues from Wang Xiaoli's body.

But now... the case is in trouble.

Chen Fan looked at Wang Xiaoli's body in front of him and felt that there were some tiny aspects that he had not noticed.

After a while.

Chen Fan looked at the clothes taken off Wang Xiaoli's body and suddenly felt something was wrong.

He once again recalled what he saw after arriving at the scene of the crime.

Although it had rained the previous day, the grass on the shore was also very new.

But in fact... because it had rained, the soil under the grass was very muddy.

So...even though the murderer ran Wang Xiaoli into the river to wash herself after committing the crime, Wang Xiaoli's clothes were not so clean.


When Chen Fan examined the surface of the corpse, he found that Wang Xiaoli's back and thighs had varying degrees of contusions. This also shows that Wang Xiaoli must have struggled when she was violated.

So, why are the clothes that wrap the body so clean and without any damage?

Chen Fan fell into deep thought.

He can't be the murderer. He helped Wang Xiaoli change her clothes after committing the 08 case, right?

But obviously... that's not possible.

Wang Xiaoli's clothes fit her very well...and Lao Song had asked Wang Xiaoli's parents...Wang Xiaoli was wearing Wang Xiaoli's clothes.

But it's weird.

According to Wang Xiaoli's parents, the clues that Chen Fan found at the crime scene were from Wang Xiaoli's body. So why are my little brother's clothes so neat?

Things were strange...

Chen Fan immediately edited the information and told Lao Song what he had discovered.

Lao Song replied that he would go to Wang Xiaoli's parents and ask again.

After doing this.

Chen Fan took off his gloves, headgear and mask, and then said,"Let's go...it's time for lunch."

Hearing Chen Fan's reminder.

Mai Mai and Xu Tong were interested in their mobile phones at the same time. really.

It's already half past eleven, and it should be time for lunch.

The three of them walked out of the anatomy room together and headed to the unit cafeteria.

After preparing the meal.

Three people sit together.

However, facing the delicious food in front of her, Mai Mai had no appetite at all.

Chen Fan, on the other hand, was eating his food in big gulps and seemed not to be affected by the case at all.

Xu Tong swallowed her saliva. She had no appetite.

Seeing how delicious Chen Fan's food was, he was about to take a bite when the appearance of Wang Xiaoli's corpse appeared in front of his eyes.

Xu Tong suddenly looked uncomfortable, looked at Chen Fan and asked,"Forensic doctor Chen...will you not be able to eat after dissecting the body?"

Chen Fan remembered that the former boss Yang also asked this question.

Chen Fan smiled and said:"How could it be... Oh, by the way, you are an intern... You don't know what it's like to work on the front line...""

"Then I will teach you the first lesson. No matter how broken or ugly the corpse we dissect is, when eating, try not to think about these things and finish the meal quickly.

Xu Tong frowned and said:"But... I always can't control myself... It's too painful."……"

"Forensic Chen, how did you overcome it?

Chen Fan smiled, shrugged and said,"The situation I just mentioned only exists for you.""

"This won't happen to me at all."

Xu Tong became even more puzzled.

At this moment, Mai Mai, who had been silent next to him, said:"Chen Fan is not an ordinary person... His first reaction when seeing people is how to dissect people, and he can also eat with corpses."

Hearing Mai Mai's explanation,

Xu Tong did not find it incredible. Instead, he was more in awe of Chen Fan.

In the forensic world, Chen Fan has become a myth.

Facing his idol, Xu Tong's brain circuit is also different from Mai Mai's..

Immediately afterwards,

Xu Tong also started to imitate Chen Fan, and the audience in the live broadcast room started to discuss.

【Indeed, Chen Fan is not a normal person... What Mai Mai said is so right.】

【Tsk tsk, Chen Fan has misled another girl, and another ruthless person will appear in the forensic world in the future!】

【I really admire forensic doctors for being able to face so many horrific corpses without changing their composure, but if I were really asked to do this profession, I wouldn’t be able to do it.……】 after eating.

Everyone still has one hour to rest.

Chen Fan had no intention of remaining idle.

Instead, he took Mai Mai and Xu Tong to the police station.

He always felt that... Wang Xiaoli's parents had concealed some facts.

After arriving at the police station.

Chen Fan immediately found Lao Song and asked inquiringly:"How is it...Did Wang Xiaoli's parents say anything?"

Lao Song shook his head and said:"No... they said they found Wang Xiaoli this morning. It’s already like this."

Hearing this answer.

Chen Fan was not very surprised.

But...that doesn't help the case at all.

Think of this.

Chen Fan said to Lao Song:"Take me to meet Wang Xiaoli's parents."

Lao Song nodded and immediately led Chen Fan and the other three to the conference room.

Because Lao Song had asked Wang Xiaoli's parents some questions before, Wang Xiaoli's parents should have been in the conference room, but they were not.

In fact, Chen Fan rarely interrogates prisoners. After all, he is just a forensic doctor, and it is Lao Song who does such interrogations.

After arriving at the conference room.

Chen Fan saw Wang Xiaoli's parents.

After Wang Xiaoli's parents saw Chen Fan, 900 said:"Officer... have you found the murderer of my child... You must bring the murderer to justice!!! My child is so pitiful."

Chen Fan looked at Wang Xiaoli's parents expressionlessly, shook his head and said,"If you don't tell the truth, it will be difficult for us to find the murderer."

Upon hearing this.

Wang Xiaoli's father's face stiffened for a moment, and then he said:"We have really told you everything. This is our own child, what do we have to hide?"

Wang Xiaoli's mother said:"Yes, yes... We can't wait to find the murderer immediately and let him be punished."

Chen Fan's eyes stayed on Wang Xiaoli's parents for a long time, and he did not answer their words directly.

Wang Xiaoli's parents were a little frightened by Chen Fan's eyes.

They always felt that the young man in front of them was obviously younger than the previous policeman, but he had an ability to see.

Under his scrutiny, they always wanted to tell everything.

Over time.

Wang Xiaoli's parents did not dare to look directly into Chen Fan's eyes.

Immediately afterwards.

Chen Fan gave Xu Tong and Mai Mai a look and asked them to come forward and ask about Wang Xiaoli's parents.

Xu Tong was smarter. After receiving the message, he immediately said:"Uncle and aunt... I know how you feel.……".

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