Chapter 76: Xiaoyun’s Tragic Life (please support, second update)

Only after cutting open can we learn a lot of things. This is the biggest difference between autopsy and criminal investigation.

Chen Fan had just finished disposing of the old man's body when Lao Song called and said that he had found some clues.

The syringe, but there were some food particles left in it.

When Chen Fan checked his intestines, he discovered that the intestines were superimposed. This kind of disease is actually not very difficult to treat in the hospital.

At most, it will cause a bowel obstruction or something.

But there is no way to be sure in a vegetative state, because there is no pain in a vegetative state and can only be tolerated by the body naturally.

If you cannot bear it, it will eventually cause your body to die.

"Preliminary judgment is that the cause of death was death from strangulation……".

Old Song said:"That means Xiaoyun accidentally strangled his father-in-law to death when he was feeding food, and then the husband came back and killed his wife?"

Chen Fan chuckled and said:"I haven't dissected Xiaoyun yet, but Xiaoyun's body Sexual assault occurred……" what's that?

Lao Song said:"You mean, it wasn't Xiaoyun's husband who did it?"

"I don’t know...don’t look at can figure it out for yourself...those are not the scope of my consideration. I want to dissect this woman’s body now.……"

Take the knife and start buying

"Qu Tieling, how many steps are there in a general chest examination?……"

Qu Tieling mobilized his chatter and said:"There are six steps in total.……"

"1. The thoracoabdominal cavity is exposed for observation. Starting from the middle of the lower edge of the mandible, make a linear incision along the midline of the chest and abdomen around the left side of the umbilicus to the pubic symphysis to separate the skin and subcutaneous tissue of the chest and abdomen and make them evert to the left and right sides.

2. Routine examination of pneumothorax usually uses the parietal pleura examination method. Use a scalpel to gently peel off the intercostal muscles of the third and fourth ribs next to the sternum until the parietal pleura is exposed. If the lung tissue is close to the pleura, then To rule out the possibility of pneumothorax, use the tip of a knife to gently puncture the pleura. At this time, you can see that the lung tissue collapses rapidly due to the air entering the chest cavity.


To examine the chest organs, use a cartilage knife to cut each costal cartilage diagonally 1cm away from the junction of the costal cartilage, and cut the ribs along the sternoclavicular joint gap with the opening outward.

"C"Cut the sternoclavicular joint using a zigzag method, and use bone scissors to cut off the first rib.

The diaphragm and connective tissue on the inner surface of the sternum are separated to expose the chest cavity.

Check whether there is effusion or blood accumulation in the pleural cavity, check whether there is damage or disease in the thymus, lungs and chest wall, mediastinum, pericardium and heart, and pay attention to the position and adjacent relationship of the 10 internal organs.


Reciting things from the textbook, Chen Fan was a little speechless and said:"To summarize, isn't it just to cut it open and then find the areas that are different from normal people, right?"

Qu Tieling nodded.

Chen Fan pointed to a piece of accumulation on his chest and said,"You know this?"

"You's a lump...fuck, it's a lump, little senior brother……"

"You guessed it right, this woman is sick, but no one noticed it, but you have to know that this woman will feel pain... The rest of the finishing work is left to you... I'll take a look……"

Qu Tieling took over, while Chen Fan sat in a daze.

Wan Qian sat aside and said,"Don't you understand?"

"I just feel that this woman is a bit miserable, she shouldn't be like this... This girl is indeed very good in terms of appearance, but if she is not treated like this, in the city, I guess many people will become lickers.……"

Wan Qian said:"Could it be that women are infertile?……"

Wan Qian's words were like a bomb, igniting in the live broadcast room.

Chen Fan said:"You said you are not worried about being scolded?"

"Don't worry... This seems to be normal... No one can really love nowadays. Of course, your story is considered love, but if the wife cannot give birth, it is a very tragic thing.……"

Chen Fan was a little helpless.

Teacher He said:"You are telling the truth. Wan Qian is telling the truth. Now if the woman is unable to have children, her status will probably plummet."

Brother Chao said,"But these are all uncontrollable factors.……"

Han Xiu said:"What are you implying to me?"

The two of them quickly stopped talking, and Han Xiu said:"I understand that after being diagnosed by a doctor, you are destined to be labeled with discriminatory looks.……"

But the people in the live broadcast room were not happy

【Isn’t this girl just messing around?】

【Yes, you played around and killed several children in your belly, and now you are disliked by others. That is what you deserve.……】

【Anyway, a woman who doesn’t love herself should be looked down upon.……】

Wan Qian looked at Xiaoyun on the table and said:"What do you think it is, Chen Fan?"

Chen Fan sighed and said:"You guys are so stupid...including the people in the live broadcast room. Let me give you some common sense. , I would like to ask, do more people check for impotence or uterine damage?……"

This question is a dead end.

You slandered me, damn, this Chen Fan slandered me.

You are slandering me.

Chen Fan chuckled and said:"I won't tease you anymore... Generally speaking, if you remove the physical reasons of the two, then the only thing you worry about is whether this woman can get pregnant, right? I'll tell you now, this A woman's body is very healthy. Of course, if the lumps on her chest are removed, she is a normal woman.……"

In an instant, the live broadcast room exploded.

Damn it, is this man an idiot? He doesn’t know how to feel sorry for such a good wife?

Wan Qian said:"Then why kill people?"

Chen Fan pointed to the phone and said:"Wait a minute……"

Soon Lao Song called back and said:"There is progress...but...I have to arrest a group of people here."……"

"Buy and sell people……"

Damn it

"How did you know?

Chen Fan said:"When we entered the village, we noticed that the people in the village looked at us strangely. It was not curiosity, but fear... Let's arrest them. We can arrest many people here in the village."……"

Lao Song said:"We are already recruiting people.……"

The law never punishes the public. As long as you break the law, you will definitely be dealt with.

Chen Fan said:"This is just my guess, because my intuition tells me that a girl with such good looks will not marry into such a family... I am a relatively vulgar person, and I believe in good looks.……"

Damn,. Although this sounds ugly, it is the truth. ,

Xiaoyun turned out to be abducted.

Suddenly, everyone began to sympathize with this woman.....................................

After Chen Fan finished the examination, he began to perform anatomy.

Funnily enough, sperm spots were found.

This made Chen Fan feel speechless.

Qu Tieling said:"Brother, shouldn't you be happy? The case was solved immediately... Why are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Silly Que. ,

Chen Fan said:"You mean, this thing belongs to that husband, right?"

Qu Tieling nodded, Chen Fan took the two evidences and said:"Take them for DNA comparison, the new equipment here, Fast...go check it out……"

"What you doubt is……"

"Suspicious as hell. Watch less movies about Little Days, your outlook will be distorted, are there any similarities?……"

Qu Tieling shouted and ran away.

Chen Fan stared at Xiaoyun's feet and fell into deep thought.

Wan Qian said at the side:"I didn't expect Xiaoyun to be so miserable.……"

"It’s hard for me to say anything about this. I can only say that everyone needs to work harder. After all, the best way to kill the business is to kill the seller... I have observed the village and there are many bachelors. I guess those who buy wives are not in the minority.……"

Therefore, Xiaoyun had no chance to run out.

If the whole village is like this, it will definitely be difficult to do this.

But no matter how difficult it is, it still needs to be dealt with.

Lao Yang has already led people to arrest people. He solved such a large case just after taking office, and the corners of Lao Yang's mouth were split when he smiled.

But now I need to exercise some restraint and not act too much.

Wan Qian said:"Do you think there are others?" Chen Fan said:"How should I put it? Let's wait for the result. I hope it's not what I guessed. If it was what I guessed, I think this case will be interesting."……’

Qu Tieling took two orders and said:"It proves that it is indeed not the father and son.……"

Not from father and son.

It means that this piece of stuff belongs to someone else.

So there’s a lot to say.

Wan Qian said:"You mean... the murderer is someone else?"

Chen Fan said:"I didn't say the murderer was not the husband, but the husband's body is as I guessed. There is something wrong with the man's health."

Wan Qian said :"Then go to the hospital for a checkup... Why do you have to drag it, or in other words, why do you have to rely on the woman?……"

"But this is the reality. You can ask, how many men are willing to go to the hospital for a check-up, but it turns out that they are unable to get a woman pregnant?"

Wan Qian was a little speechless.

It seemed that she really didn't know what to say.

Chen Fan said:"I am thinking about a question now.……"

Chen Fan reached out, picked up Wan Qian's ankle, and took off the shoe.

Observe carefully.

Wan Qian blushed and said,"What are you doing? You can't be?"

Chen Fan shook his head and said,"I'm thinking, why do humans like this thing? Don't you know that the bacteria on human feet are many times more than on hands? And , especially women’s feet, there are a lot of bacteria on them……"

What does this mean?

Damn it, why did the show develop in a perverted direction?

Damn it, is this something I can watch without paying?

This is ridiculous, it's a bit outrageous, okay?

Wan Qian said:"I don't know...but I know that if you continue like this, Boss Yang will beat you……"

"This is scientific research... Are you really... Forget it, let me tell you something else.……"

Chen Fan held the scalpel and said,"Have you noticed this place?"

Qu Tieling looked over and compared it carefully.

Chen Fan said:"No need to compare, these are the marks of teeth……"

Damn it.

My back is numb.

A little disgusting.

This is a little too much.

Many people find it a bit outrageous.

Chen Fan said:"Let me tell you another detail. In fact, I also found a slight sperm spot on my belly. This means that this person is a newcomer... I guess he is not very old... Well, why How I describe it to you... probably, this woman died, and then, after she died, she was given that by someone else……"

Qu Tieling said:"How is it possible? There are no traces of movement on the body. The old people are all dead, so you are doing this next to the old people, next to the dead people? Crazy, this person is crazy, right?……"

Chen Fan said:"Then it has nothing to do with me. The forensic test results are this, and the rest is the responsibility of Lao Song.……"

Chen Fan has laid out the basic evidence, and the rest is waiting for news from Lao Song.

In the afternoon, Lao Song sent the news back, and he was finally caught.

But it was Xiaoyun's husband who was caught, the murderer in this case.

The man explained why he killed his wife.

The man worked outside and spent money to buy a daughter-in-law. The daughter-in-law was so good-looking that she became the envy of the villagers.

As a result, his father suffered a cerebral hemorrhage. The man had no choice but to continue working to earn money for his father's treatment.

Let Xiaoyun take care of this side of the house.

But suddenly one day Xiaoyun called him and told him that his father-in-law was dead. The man ran home and found that his father was dead.

He thought that Xiaoyun didn't want to take care of him, so he strangled Xiaoyun to death.

After finding out that Xiaoyun was dead, he thought about running away.

Lao Song had a very interesting conversation

"When the person was arrested, the person said that he had been feeling guilty and felt that what he had done was wrong.……"

Lao Song replied at that time:"Then why don't you surrender?"���Woolen cloth?"

After hearing these words, the man fell silent.

In fact, it was just a fluke.

Those who really wanted to surrender would have surrendered 300 yuan a long time ago. How could the wife he bought really treat this woman as a human being?

After Lao Song investigated and collected evidence from the villagers, he found the person he needed to find.

With Chen Fan's suggestion, he chose more virgins or boys to collect evidence, and finally found a fifteen-year-old child. The same point.

The child described what he saw. After he found out that the woman was dead, he ran over to check.

The child had always had a crush on this woman, but the woman didn't know the child.

After getting closer, the child felt that the woman was dead. Even more beautiful.

And then there’s that. It’s very heartbreaking and shocking.、

"Generally speaking, most people in this category can do anything with corpses. After all, perverts have certain commonalities.……"

But at the end of this case, Chen Fan's words were a bit heartbreaking, making people in the live broadcast room feel that Chen Fan was always hinting at something.

"In fact... it is a crime for a girl to live in a poor family and be beautiful.……"

This passage is very profound and was even excerpted by netizens. It is really a famous saying.

Yes, when you have nothing, beauty can easily become your original sin. , after everyone left and the live broadcast was turned off, Chen Fan silently took out the yellow paper and the fragrance.

I lit it up for Xiaoyun and sent my own blessing.

"If you are reincarnated in your next life, choose a good family... You will be too miserable in this life……"

He tried hard to play the wife, but was suspected of being a bad guy.

Beautiful in appearance and kind in heart.

Why be kind?"

Because facing such a father-in-law, this woman did not dislike him and took care of him with all her heart.

Vegetative people are prone to other skin diseases.

Only people who really take care of them will not let a vegetative person get sick.

There is no way to deceive people, especially forensic doctors.

The body was sewn up, the woman was dressed in her most beautiful state, and handed over to the funeral parlor to set up an inscription.

This is what Chen Fan can do.

At eleven o'clock at night, Lao Yang drove Chen Fan back home. After a few simple instructions, he left, not to disturb Chen Fan's world between the two of them.

When you open the door, the room has been completely renovated, with gray walls and floors covered with stickers.

There is no special smell in the house, and a feeling of home arises spontaneously. ,

Boss Yang was on the side, wiping the corners of his eyes and saying,"You're back.……"

"Did you cry?

Boss Yang shook his head and said,"No... I was just a little obsessed with watching the TV series."……"

Chen Fan said:"Are you worried that you are too old to get pregnant?"

Boss Yang's eyes were red, and he couldn't hold back for a moment, and shed tears.

"Calm down... If you can't give birth to a child, doesn't it mean that I don't need to protect myself? Then aren’t we happy for the rest of our lives?"

The words are very rude, but they are very comforting. ps: Please support me, thank you all.


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