Chen Fan approached the corpse, squatted next to it, put on the gloves he always carried, and then began to examine the corpse.

Chen Fan knew that the live broadcast was now on, so he said:"This is a naked male corpse. His There was a mysterious smile on his face, and he hugged his chest with his hands. Moreover, the surface of the body was faintly red, and there were many scars on the body."

"It looked like he was freezing to death. Mai Mai

, who was stopped outside by security guards, heard Chen Fan's statement and asked curiously:"Did you freeze to death?" But it's June now, how could anyone freeze to death? Jiang

Shuying also had the same doubts and asked,"How do you know that you froze to death?" It's June now……"

Chen Fan said:"People who freeze to death... generally have a stiff body and hold their hands tightly in front of their chests... However... it cannot be directly confirmed that he froze to death. I need further testing."

After finishing speaking.

Chen Fan looked at the tourists who were watching and said,"Did any of you bring wine and vinegar?"

Wine and vinegar?

The onlookers were a little confused.

Who brings these two things to an amusement park? Not here for camping!

But I didn't expect it.

After Chen Fan asked, someone actually raised their hands in the crowd.

"I have it here I have it here……"333

With the sound of this sound, everyone looked at the person who spoke.

The speaker quickly squeezed out of the crowd and handed the wine and vinegar he carried to Chen Fan.

He said:"My family lives near here... When I just came home... I heard someone shouting that someone was dead... so I rushed over immediately.……"

Chen Fan took the wine and vinegar and said,"Have you seen this deceased person?"

The man shook his head and said,"I don't know him.……"

Chen Fan nodded and said gratefully,"Okay... then thank you for the wine and vinegar."……"

The man smiled honestly and said:"It's's my honor to help you solve the case...……"

Chen Fan poured wine and vinegar on the body, and then began to rub it vigorously.

The onlookers were talking a lot

"What are you doing?"

"I don't know either... This man said he was a medical examiner... and he was conducting an autopsy.……"

"Didn't the police call just now... The police haven't arrived yet... Why did the forensic doctor come?"


Chen Fan was focused entirely on the corpse at this moment and did not hear anyone else's words.

However, Mai Mai and Jiang Shuying, after hearing everyone's doubts about Chen Fan, couldn't help but speak for Chen Fan.

"Chen Fan is a very senior forensic doctor... very professional……"

"Yes...he is really doing an autopsy on the have to believe him." After this explanation, someone in the crowd recognized Mai Mai and Jiang Shuying, and then they recognized Chen Fan who was doing the autopsy.

" turns out to be the forensic doctor in that love show.……"

"Damn... he's even more handsome in person than on the TV show……"

"So cool...Mom, I want to be a forensic doctor when I grow up……" at the same time.

Chen Fan was still rubbing the skin of the corpse that had been soaked with wine and vinegar.

After a while.

Chen Fan let go of his hand, and a large red spot appeared on the skin that had been rubbed just now.

And as time goes by, the colors of those spots become more and more vivid.

Chen Fan confirmed:"He was indeed frozen to death."

There were many doubts.

In June...but in summer...the temperature can reach more than 30 degrees during the day, and even at night, it can reach more than 20 degrees.

How could someone freeze to death?

The onlookers were talking a lot, but everyone knew that Chen Fan was a professional forensic doctor and could not make a wrong diagnosis.

【I have learned this... It has been recorded in ancient classics... People who freeze to death have such symptoms. They cross their chests with their hands, smile on their faces, and become stiff. If they rub the skin that has been soaked by wine and vinegar, they will appear. Red spots, getting more and more vivid】

【Upstairs...are you also a forensic medicine major?……】

【Although I don’t understand...but it’s such a hot summer...someone froze to’s so strange]

Just when everyone was confused.

Wow wow wow wow... a police car's alarm bell rang from far to near.

The car stopped quickly.

A team of uniformed police officers walked from the crowd to the scene where the body was found.

When you see someone touching the body.

The director of the police station who came with the men was a little angry, but he had not yet spoken out his words of rebuke.

Then he recognized Chen Fan who was conducting an autopsy.

Although Chen Fan is just a forensic doctor, he has long been famous in the Magic City.

The director first ordered his subordinates:"First disperse the onlookers, and then take measures to protect the scene."

After speaking, the director walked towards Chen Fan and said with a smile:"Forensic Doctor Chen!"

Chen Fan looked up I took a quick look and saw that it was the director of the police station, and immediately said hello:"Hello, director, I just did a rough inspection of the body."

"The body was stiff, with its arms folded across its chest, and a smile on its face. It must have been frozen to death."

"Frozen to death?

The director wiped the sweat that had just appeared on his forehead and said:"Forensic Doctor Chen...are are wrong?"……"

Of course, Chen Fan knew the director's suspicion, and continued:"This is just my rough inspection result. Of course, it remains to be verified whether he was frozen to death.""

"In addition, there were red marks in many places on the body, which must have been a beating!"

The director heard what Chen Fan said and squatted down.

All the symptoms of the corpse were exactly the same as what Chen Fan said.

But if it was said to be frozen to death... let alone his director...even Chen Fan himself was sure I don’t believe it either…

As soon as the case started, there was one biggest doubt:

"I’d better make sure to die first.���Identity."

Chen Fan nodded and asked the director to operate.

【I think he definitely didn't freeze to death... Even if the deceased didn't wear clothes, the temperature would drop at night, so he definitely wouldn't freeze to death.…】

【Didn’t you say that there were many red marks on the body? I think it was his death……】

【Anyway, I think it's not that simple……】

After a while.

The director said:"I have confirmed the identity of the deceased... The deceased's name is Zhang Guoqing, he is 48 years old, and he is a carpenter... His family lives nearby."

"Three hours ago... we received a call from Zhang Guoqing's wife saying that Zhang Guoqing was missing!"

Chen Fan nodded, and suddenly he remembered the person who gave him wine and vinegar just now.

Since Zhang Guoqing is a villager in a nearby village, he is also a person living nearby. Why did the person just say that he didn't know Zhang Guoqing?

Chen Fan came here I observed on the way to the amusement park that this amusement park is located in a remote place, surrounded by mountains, and there are few nearby villages.

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