Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 111 Killing Ren Tianchi! Fusion of soul seeds, familiar things [Please subscribe! ]

Qin Wang went out of the city.

Naturally, he used his spiritual consciousness to control Zhao Hunyi and let him move forward.

He was hanging far behind, a mile away.

At this moment, Dengxianyuan.

In a large courtyard full of spiritual plants to the east, a young monk who was about twenty-three or four years old hurriedly walked into a room in the middle and clasped his fists respectfully. "Ren Tou, that old guy Zhao Haifeng just left the city, I've asked Sanshui to follow him!"

"Damn, I'm finally out of town!"

"Last time, he was lucky enough to survive such a ferocious beast wave! This time, we must let him die!"

In the room, the little leader of the Demon Slayer Alliance, Ren Tianchi, stood up after hearing the words. His eyes suddenly opened, and a cold light suddenly appeared in them. He grabbed the magic sword beside him and said. "Call them two! Let's go!"

Tang Meng had repeatedly told him that after killing Zhao Haifeng, he must get a little white mouse from him. Today, Zhao Haifeng finally left the city.

"Yes, Rentou!"

The young monk agreed and followed Ren Tianchi outside the house.


time flies.

Qin Wang had left the east city of Qingyun Fairy City for more than 10 miles. Looking back, Qingyun Fairy City looked like a fairyland shrouded in thick fairy fog.

Just when Qin Wang looked back, he felt a chill in his heart.

He discovered that three miles away behind him, there were five monks who seemed to be following him!

Qin Wang became alert. He walked forward and looked around. He found that the cultivation level of the five people he was following was only at the seventh level of the Qi training stage, and he immediately felt relieved.

Although he displayed his cultivation at the fifth level of the Qi training period, his real cultivation level was already at the ninth level of the Qi training period!

In addition, there is Zhao Hunyi in front, so naturally he is not afraid of them.

"Are they following Zhao Hunyi?"

Qin Wang walked another three miles, only to find that the target of these five people was not him, but Zhao Hunyi who was in front of him!

"People from the Demon Slayer Alliance!"

Qin Wang suddenly remembered that the intelligence showed that Zhao Haifeng had killed Zhang Yunyou and Ye Jianhong, and Tang Jianzhong would retaliate and let the members of the Demon Slayer Alliance wait for an opportunity to kill Zhao Haifeng.

He hadn't left the city for more than a month before. It seemed like the people from the Demon Slayer Alliance had been monitoring Zhao Hunyi, waiting for him to leave the city!

"Since you are seeking death, I won't be polite!"

Qin Wang's eyes flashed with cold murderous intent, and his consciousness controlled Zhao Hun to go southeast.

At the same time, Qin Wang went to the southwest and separated from Zhao Hun. The five people followed Zhao Hun and Qin Wang disappeared into a forest.

In the woods, there is an open space ten feet in diameter.

Qin Wang stood in the middle of the open space, stretched out his hand, and took out the remains of Zixia Master from the storage bag. At the same time, he summoned the soul seed refined with Zixia Master's soul from the soul gathering bowl.

The moment the soul seed appeared, under the control of Qin Wang's spiritual consciousness, it penetrated into the remains of Zixia Master.

Master Zixia's remaining body trembled for a while. After about 60 breaths, Master Zixia suddenly opened his eyes. His figure suddenly stood up, jumped on one leg, and floated in front of Qin Wang.

"As expected of a soul seed made from the original soul, the fusion fits perfectly."

"From now on, you will be called Mu Hun Er."

Qin Wang looked at Mu Hun'er with a look of satisfaction in his eyes.

Mu Hun'er was motionless, and his body exuded a powerful aura from the foundation building stage.


Qin Wang's figure flashed and he immediately chased in the direction of Zhao Hunyi.

Mu Hun'er followed Qin Wang, holding the Purple Yang Spirit Sword in his hand, jumping on one foot like a zombie, sliding two feet away with each jump.

Qin Wang is three miles away.

Zhao Hunyi stood next to a creek, holding a magic sword in his hand, looking at the five members of the Demon Slayer Alliance chasing behind him, without saying a word and looking very calm.

Ren Tianchi and four members of the Demon Slayer Alliance slowly dispersed, blocking Zhao Hunyi's escape route.

"Zhao, you should run away!"

"You made me wait for more than a month! How do you want to die?"

A member of the Demon Slayer Alliance looked at Zhao Hunyi. The magic sword in his hand shone with a fiery red light, and the murderous intent on his face could not be concealed.

"Zhao Haifeng, you shouldn't kill Daoyou Zhang and Daoyou Ye!"

"Suffer death!"

Ren Tianchi looked at Zhao Hunyi and waved to the four companions around him. "Brothers, come together and kill him!"

Say it.

The magic sword in his hand curled up with a sharp green light and slashed at Zhao Hunyi. At the same time, his four companions took action one after another.



At this moment, a blazing red sword light passed through the bodies of the three Demon-Slaying Alliance monks as fast as lightning. The three Demon-Slaying Alliance monks looked stunned for a moment, looking down at a bloody hole in their chests, with eyes Showing disbelief.

The siege of the five members of the Demon Slayer Alliance collapsed instantly, and Zhao Haifeng ducked out of the gap.


"Qi refining stage nine. Ninth level!"

Ren Tianchi turned around and looked at the young monk in green clothes holding a black alms bowl a few feet away, and his pupils shrank sharply!

He had just met this person, the monk they met on the road when they were following Zhao Haifeng. At that time, he saw that the monk was only at the fifth level of the Qi Refining Stage, so he didn't pay attention.

But he didn't expect that that person's true cultivation level was actually at the ninth level of the Qi Refining Stage!

at this time.

Three faint shadows flew out from the three dead monks and got into the black alms bowl in the young man's hand!

"No, this is a misunderstanding."

Ren Tianchi's eyes showed fear. He jumped up and tried to escape, but was lifted up like a chicken by a big hand.

At the same time, his mana was imprisoned and he could not move at all.

"A strong man who builds the foundation!"

Ren Tianchi felt the powerful foundation-building aura behind him, and his soul flew away, begging for mercy. "Please spare my life, fellow Taoists! I am willing to serve you as my master and do whatever you want. I only ask you to spare my life!"

"Do whatever you want?"

"Your cultivation is too weak, I don't look down on you, but your soul can still be used."

Qin Wang looked at Ren Tianchi and spoke calmly.

Qin Wang's consciousness moved, and Mu Hun Er crushed Ren Tianchi to death with one claw. The next moment, only a soul from Ren Tianchi flew up and was sucked into the soul-gathering bowl.

The last cultivator of the fifth level of Qi Refining Stage next to him was also killed by Zhao Hun Yi, and his soul was collected.

Qin Wang's several explosive flames fell, and in an instant, Ren Tianchi's five cultivators all burned up. A quarter of an hour later, Qin Wang dealt with the traces and left.

An hour later

Twenty miles away, on a cliff, Qin Wang used his magic sword to dig out a stone cave at a height of three meters, sat cross-legged inside, and sorted out the gains this time.

"Five storage bags!"

"This trip into the mountain was not in vain! Cool!"

Qin Wang looked at the five storage bags in front of him, and a hint of joy appeared in his eyes.

Ren Tianchi and the other five were dead. His spiritual awareness was stronger than that of ordinary ninth-level Qi Refining Stage. It was almost effortless to open the storage bags of Ren Tianchi and others in the seventh-level Qi Refining Stage.

In Ren Tianchi's storage bag, 360 spiritual stones were found, and in the storage bags of the other four people, there were 280 spiritual stones in total, and more than 20 bottles of pills in total, all of which were low-level pills, and only a small part of them were Guyuan Pills.

Most of the others were low-level spiritual medicinal materials and monster materials.



Suddenly, Qin Wang found that there was something in Ren Tianchi's storage bag that looked very familiar to him!

This thing was piled in the pile of monster materials, and it was obviously not valued by Ren Tianchi.

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