Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 152 Double happiness! Upgrade the skills and fly with the sword! [Please subscribe! ]

Qin Wang's consciousness moved and he opened the panel.

[Qin Wang]

[Lifespan: 20/305]

[Realm: Initial stage of foundation building (1/50000)]

[Five Elements Condensation Technique: (Perfect) ‘↑’ The essence of the five elements of heaven and earth is magic power, condensed into liquid, diligence can make up for shortcomings! ]

[Sword Technique: Sword Technique of Another World. Complete (Great) (3825/4000) Magic power condenses into sword energy, cuts off vitality, unmatched sharpness, one strike will kill, diligence can make up for shortcomings! ]

[First-level formation: (Entry) (758/1000) Proficient in Qimen Dunjia, Four Symbols, Five Elements and Eight Diagrams, diligence can make up for shortcomings! ]

Daily intelligence refresh: Increase the refresh of cause and effect intelligence (Note: Once the target has a cause and effect relationship with you, it is possible to refresh the information of the person related to the cause and effect).

Diligence can make up for shortcomings: While absorbing spiritual energy to increase the proficiency of cultivation, it can also increase the proficiency of skills, spells, etc.

"Yes, after advancing to the foundation-building stage, my life span has increased by 150 years!"

"The upper limit has reached 305 years!"

Qin Wang looked at the upper limit of life span on the panel, and his eyes gradually brightened.

The higher the cultivation level, the longer the life span?

What about the Golden Core?

What about the Nascent Soul?

What about the Spiritualization?

"The Five Elements Condensation Technique, can it be upgraded again?"

"This is really a double happiness!"

Qin Wang looked at the one of the exercises on the panel, and immediately looked expectant.

Before the foundation-building stage.

The Five Elements Condensation Technique has been shown to be complete, but there is no green '↑' prompt. Now it appears, it seems that it needs to meet the conditions to appear.

This upgrade also requires a condition, which is probably the cultivation level advancing to the foundation-building stage!

"When the cultivation level advances to the foundation-building stage, my Five Elements Condensation Technique can be upgraded to a foundation-building stage technique. Then when I reach the Golden Core, I wonder what powerful technique I can upgrade to?"

Qin Wang thought of this, and his heart was full of expectations. He immediately chose to confirm the upgrade.

At the moment when Qin Wang clicked

The green arrow disappeared, and the panel shook, and golden light shone.

The golden light shone for more than ten breaths, and then disappeared.

Qin Wang looked at the panel again, and immediately saw that the words "Five Elements Condensation of Yuan" disappeared, and were replaced by "Five Elements Solidification of Yuan".

[Five Elements Solidification of Yuan: (Introduction) (1/2000) The essence of the five elements of heaven and earth is spiritual energy for mana, concentrated into liquid, solidify the foundation and nourish the essence, diligence can make up for shortcomings! ]

"This newly upgraded technique has more "solidification of the foundation and nourishment of Yuan" than the original one."

Qin Wang looked at the panel, his eyes showing a thoughtful look, and immediately practiced according to the practice method of the Five Elements Solidification of Yuan.


As Qin Wang practiced the Five Elements Solidification of Yuan, he felt that the speed of refining spiritual energy into Dantian mana was twice as fast as before!

"It is worthy of being an upgraded foundation-building technique!!"

Qin Wang felt the rapidly growing mana in Dantian, and was very satisfied.

After the technique is upgraded, the conversion of mana will be faster, and the proficiency of cultivation will increase faster!

"It's the foundation-building stage, I can refine spiritual tools and fly with swords!"

After reading the panel, Qin Wang couldn't hold back his excitement. He waved his hand and took out a low-grade spiritual sword from the storage bag.

This spiritual sword was obtained from Situ Yunfei's storage bag and is called the Purple Moon Sword.

There is a purple moon branded on the sword.

The spiritual tool is a magic tool used by cultivators in the foundation-building stage. The difference from the magic tool used by cultivators in the Qi Refining stage is that the materials used are more advanced, and there are more formations and restrictions such as the wind control array and the forbidden array engraved inside.

After refining with divine consciousness, the spiritual formula can make the spiritual tool larger or smaller as you wish, just like using your arm.

Qin Wang has already obtained the spiritual formula for driving the spiritual sword from Wu Su and Situ Yunfei.

His divine consciousness instantly wrapped around the Purple Moon Sword, penetrated the restrictions inside bit by bit, and refined it bit by bit.


The spiritual consciousness of the foundation-building period is more than one level stronger than that of the Qi-refining period. The speed of refining the spiritual sword is much faster than before. It took less than a quarter of an hour to refine this spiritual sword, and all the restrictions in it were refined.

"Get bigger!"

Qin Wang placed the Purple Moon Sword on the stone table in front of him, stretched out his hand to pinch the seal, and injected the magic power. The next moment, the Purple Moon Sword suddenly grew bigger. The three-foot-long Purple Moon Sword instantly became a ten-foot-long purple sword!

Floating in the air in the cave!


Qin Wang's spiritual consciousness used the spiritual seal again to control the Purple Moon Sword. Suddenly, the Purple Moon Sword returned to its original size.

"Congratulations, Master, you have successfully promoted to a true person in the foundation-building stage!"

"From now on, you can fly the sword between heaven and earth! Free and easy!"

Just then, Zhang Fujiang came over with a flattering face and knelt down to congratulate.

"Well, you should also work hard and strive to build a foundation as soon as possible!"

Qin Wang nodded to Zhang Fujiang with satisfaction.

"Yes, Master!"

Zhang Fujiang heard this and felt a sense of urgency in his heart.

He knew that his master had reached the foundation-building stage. If he, as a servant, could not keep up with his master and could not help, he would eventually be eliminated!

"Put on this mask, let's go, go out and find a deserted place, and try to fly with a sword!"

Qin Wang thought for a moment, put the things into the storage bag, waved and threw a bronze mask to Zhang Fujiang, and he also put on a bronze mask.


Zhang Fujiang immediately put away many objects skillfully and put on the mask. Not long after, Qin Wang took Zhang Fujiang out of the cave, hid in the woods on one side, and galloped away.

Not long after.

Qin Wang took Zhang Fujiang to an uninhabited hillside.


Qin Wang stretched out his hand and made a gesture, pointing at the floating Purple Moon Sword in front of him. Suddenly, the Purple Moon Sword flew up into the sky, like an arrow from a bow, and slammed down a tree a hundred feet away!


The tree collapsed with a bang!

Qin Wang made a gesture again.

Suddenly, the Purple Moon Sword flew back in an instant and floated in front of him. As he made a gesture again, the Purple Moon Sword suddenly grew larger and turned into a giant sword about ten feet long and one foot wide!

Qin Wang jumped onto the giant sword and drove it with his spiritual consciousness.


The Purple Moon Sword carried Qin Wang's body and flew forward shakily.

"Finally it's flying!"


Qin Wang stepped on the sword and flew higher and higher. He only felt the wind blowing by his ears, lifting his black hair and clothes. At this moment, he felt comfortable in his chest and his spirit was soaring!

"Master's talent is too strong!"

"People have different fates!"

Zhang Fujiang stood on the hillside, watching his master's figure gradually disappear, with a complicated expression.

He has been practicing hard for more than 30 years, but he has not been able to build a foundation.

He has become the master's servant, and he is getting worse and worse.

Qin Wang flew on the sword for half an hour.

He became more and more proficient in flying, and his body became more stable. His feet stepped on the Purple Moon Sword, and the sword seemed to be glued to his feet, carrying his figure through the mountaintops, rivers, valleys, and swamps.

Of course.

With his divine sense, once he met other cultivators, he would avoid them from a distance. Even if someone saw them, they could only see Qin Wang's back from a distance.

Building a foundation in the blessed land of all spirits will inevitably attract attention, and he must be restrained.

"Go and take Zhang Fujiang with you to find Yu Liangcai!"

Qin Wang said inwardly with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

Yu Liangcai's mysterious fragments must be obtained here. Once they go out, it will be difficult to get them.

After all.

Tianyao Chamber of Commerce has a golden elixir in charge.

Qin Wang thought of this and controlled the Purple Moon Sword to glide at a low altitude of ten feet high. It was extremely smooth and many times faster than the wind control technique performed by two legs!

"Huh? It's her again?"

Qin Wang was flying at a low altitude with his sword. Suddenly, he saw a lame female cultivator a hundred feet ahead, picking a spiritual medicine on a cliff. It was the "unlucky star" Wanyan Meng shown in the intelligence!

"No, stay away from her!"

Qin Wang's heart trembled, and he immediately turned the flying sword, changed direction, and rushed away.

Wanyan Meng must not be provoked. If he was too close, he was worried that he would be unlucky.

"Flying with a sword?"

Wanyan Meng was picking spiritual herbs on the cliff. When she saw a cultivator flying at a low altitude in the distance, she was immediately shocked. Not long ago, she saw a cultivator promoted to the Foundation Establishment Realm a hundred miles away. She actually met another Foundation Establishment Realm?

"Eh? This senior turned around and left?"

Seeing that the senior in the Foundation Establishment Realm just glanced at him and turned around and left, Wanyan Meng was relieved.

This senior had just advanced to the Foundation Establishment Realm. If he took a fancy to this spiritual medicine and wanted to steal it, it would be really dangerous.

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