Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 177 Qin Xuemei's worries and foundation building! Open the pictographic text, Tianji Di

The elixir fairy sect.

Tiannv Peak.

The aura here is refreshing, butterflies are flying, the mountains and fields are full of flowers of all kinds.

On the top of the peak, there is a thatched cottage.

A graceful woman wearing white clothes was sitting cross-legged in the thatched cottage. Three feet away from the thatched cottage, there was a tomb with the inscription "Jiang Fan's Tomb" on it.

"Jiang Fan, I have killed Zhao Yulong to avenge you."

"From now on, I will stay here with you until you grow old."

Zhang Panpan looked at Jiang Fan's tomb and murmured in a low voice.

at this time.

A monk in white clothes who was in his twenties and at the ninth level of Qi training came quickly and clasped his fist respectfully at Zhang Panpan. "Uncle Master, Elder Fei asked his disciple to give it to you."

After the monk finished speaking, he handed over a white jade slip.

"A mysterious person revealed that Chu Yunxiao has obtained the divine transformation inheritance from ancestor Tianxiao??"

"Is this causing hatred for Chu Wuya?"

"In this way, we can invisibly share the pressure for Qin Wang!"

After reading the information in the jade slips, Zhang Panpan looked thoughtful and thought to himself.

The jade slip sent by Elder Fei was to send more than thirty of them to the Foundation Establishment Realm to enter the Southern Territory to find out who exposed the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty this time. The top echelons of the elixir immortal sect also had a common understanding of the inheritance of the transformation of gods. The thoughts of ginseng.

"Go ahead, I understand."

Zhang Panpan put away the jade slip and waved to his nephew who reported the news.

"Yes, uncle!"

The nephew in white took a few steps back respectfully, turned around and left.

"Qin Wang, now someone has exposed Tianchu's dirty things and shared the attention for you. I hope you will have your own destiny. You must be careful to hide yourself and not be caught by Tianchu Immortal Dynasty."

Zhang Panpan looked into the distance, with worry in his beautiful eyes, and murmured.

Faced with the generous reward offered by the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty, Zhang Panpan did not think of exchanging Qin Wang's news for the reward.

She knew it.

If it were not for Qin Wang.

She still doesn't know the news about Jiang Fan, and she can't clearly see Zhao Yulong's sinister face.

Zhang Panpan thought for a long time, then suddenly stood up, came to Jiang Fan's tomb, and whispered. "Jiang Fan, I have to go down the mountain. This is a sect mission. When I come back, I will stay with you."

Zhang Panpan took a deep look at the tomb, stood up with his sword, and headed down the mountain.

Southern Territory.

Thick earth fairy city.

Xian Brewing Ling Tavern.

The fairy wine brewed from various elixirs, spirit grains, and spirit fruits is very famous in the entire Houtu Fairy City. Three of the wines are very helpful for improving one's cultivation.

There is an endless stream of immortal cultivators who come to taste wine.

"The Tianchu Immortal Dynasty pursues Qin Tiedan and Zhang Fujiang"

"It is certain that Zhang Fujiang is controlled by Mei Changxin. So, Qin Tiedan is probably Mei Changxin!?"

"Opportunity of Nascent Soul, Opportunity of Golden Elixir"

A handsome young man, about 27 or 27 years old, was sitting in a spiritual tavern, listening to the discussions of other drinkers in his ears, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

"Forget it, the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty has a bad reputation, and Qin Tiedan is not a good one either, so the reward is not easy to get."

Li Shentong thought for a moment, stood up to pay, and went out.

He knew it.

Mei Changxin, also known as Qin Tiedan, was able to control Zhang Fujiang and kill the eighteenth king Chu Ping and the spiritual clone of Yuanying great monk Chu Yunxiao. His strength may not be as simple as the Qi training stage.

With his current strength, I am afraid he is not a match for Qin Tiedan.

It is safer to practice peacefully and look for opportunities to improve.

Ten Thousand Flowers Fairy Gate.

Golden Flower Peak.

The place is surrounded by flowers and numerous palaces.

"Wangzi, you must be good, and you must not be caught by Tianchu Xianchao!"

"When I advance to Foundation Establishment, I will come find you!"

A woman wearing a white fairy dress, with a graceful figure and stunning appearance, sat cross-legged in a hall. She looked into the distance, with deep worry in her beautiful eyes.

At this moment, Qin Xuemei was extremely worried.

Her cultivation level has reached the peak of the twelfth level of the Qi Refining Stage. As soon as the master has sufficient supply of cultivation resources, her foundation is already very solid. It is time to break through the foundation building.

Master Mu Qianxue prepared a Foundation Building Pill to be more secure.


As a Tianlinggen, Qin Xuemei still wants to use her talent to build the foundation without relying on the foundation-building pill.


The master said that building a foundation without a foundation-building pill is the strongest way to build a foundation. The potential in the future will be higher, and fighting with others will be much stronger.

This Foundation Building Pill is just a supplement, just in case.

Tianxia Mountains.

Eighty miles deep.

In a cave.

Qin Wang held a silver scroll in his left hand, and in his right hand he held a silver key-like silver bar about three inches long. Qin Wang saw a small hole at the end of the hieroglyph, which was blocked by soil. Living.

He immediately reached out and swept away the magic power, sucking out the soil, and then stuffed the silver key inside.


The moment Qin Wang put the key in, he saw bursts of silver light emitting from the scroll in his hand. The silver light shone on Qin Wang's face, making it look silver.

In this silver light, there are silver fonts the size of fingernails floating.

These silver fonts.

They are all hieroglyphs.

Qin Wang could only guess a small part of them, but he didn't know most of them.

Qin Wang reached out and touched the silver light. Suddenly, the silver light turned into a ray of light and penetrated into his body.

next moment.

Qin Wang felt that there was a human figure in his mind, and there were thousands of words of formula, but the formula was written in pictographic characters.

In the human figure, there was a red line connecting the left hand to the Dantian.

"Most people don't know this pictographic text."

Qin Wang looked at the thousands of words of formula in his mind, frowned deeply, and murmured. "It seems that if you want to get the skills in it, you need to translate the pictographic text to understand the meaning."

To translate the pictographic text, you need to find a pictographic text reference template.

"Demon inheritance."

Qin Wang took out the Wanhun Pan that he got from Murong Qianye, and his eyes showed a thoughtful look.

He naturally would not practice the magic.

However, in the magic inheritance, there are some secrets that can be practiced, such as 'Demon Eyes', 'Lie to the Ground', 'Blood Escape', these magic secrets, which may be used at critical moments.

"Improve the proficiency of cultivation first!"

Qin Wang put away the Wanhun Pan, took out a Condensation Pill, and said in his heart.

[Daily intelligence refresh! ]

[Today's intelligence! ]

[1: You exposed the secret of Tianchu Immortal Dynasty and obtained intelligence. The whole southern region is curious about who exposed Tianchu Immortal Dynasty! Everyone wants to know who is against Tianchu Immortal Dynasty? How did this person who exposed it know this information? Chu Yunxiao hates you to the extreme and wants to skin you alive! Send decent people to investigate everywhere. ]

[2: You exposed the secret of Tianchu Immortal Dynasty and obtained intelligence. Tuoba Xiongfeng, Liu Fengchun and other Yuanying cultivators in the southern region all believe that there is no smoke without fire. After all, the person who exposed the news has a lot of evidence. The Yuanying of the southern region, led by the Tuoba family and Fengyao Holy Land, have gathered in the territory of Tianchu Immortal Dynasty, intending to force Chu Yunxiao to participate in the inheritance of the transformation of the gods of the ancestors of Tianxiao. Chu Yunxiao flatly denied it. Tuoba Xiongfeng suggested that the Yuanying of the southern region gather the power of the Yuanying and ask the ancestor of the Tianji Divine Sect, Tianji Shangren, to deduce the location of the inheritance of the transformation of the gods of the ancestors of Tianxiao! ]

[3: You killed Murong Qianye and obtained intelligence. Murong Changtian was sending people to investigate the cause of Murong Qianye's death. They had already found your incarnation Li Xiaoye and could not find any more clues. Murong Changtian suspected that Murong Qianye died from the conspiracy of several other major chambers of commerce.]

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