Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 195 Soul Blood Swallow Cangwu, there is a road to heaven but you don’t take it! [Please subs

A terrifying aura in the middle stage of foundation building swept over along with the unpleasant zombie aura!

"Zombies in the middle of the foundation building period?"

Qin Wang was shocked when he saw the zombie rushing toward him, and he dodged the zombie's attack.

"You and I have no grievances! Did you get the wrong person?"

He found that the figure of the foundation-building monk who attacked him without saying a word looked familiar, and he immediately shouted.


"You piece of shit, steal my almighty bones and Skyfire Tower and die for me!"

Yan Cangwu looked at Qin Wang, sneered, and a yellow talisman in his hand was activated, bursting out a bright three-foot yellow giant seal, and smashed it towards Qin Wang's head!

"It's you!"

"There is a way to heaven and if you don't take it, the gates of hell will break in!"

Upon hearing Yan Cangwu's words, Qin Wang's eyes suddenly showed murderous intent.

No wonder, he found that the figure of this foundation-building monk was somewhat familiar. It turned out that he was the sheep-headed black-robed monk who bid with him in Wanbao Tower.

Qin Wang also wanted to kill the person who was bidding against him, but he was wearing a mask at the time and didn't know the person's true face.

did not expect.

It’s great that this person actually came to our door!

"Earth Dragon Beast King!"

Qin Wang's spiritual consciousness communicated with the Earth Dragon Beast King, and he summoned Murong Tai and three other soul-seed puppets with a wave of his hand. The Earth Dragon Beast King rushed towards the zombies, while Qin Wang controlled Murong Tai's three foundation-building puppets and rushed towards the bidding. Monk.

at the same time.

The aura on Qin Wang's body exploded, revealing his cultivation in the middle of the foundation building period, and he used the sword technique of the world.

A red sword from another world shot towards the bidding monk like lightning!

at the same time.

Zhang Fujiang also rushed forward with the soul seed puppets Mu Hun Er and Chu Hun Si!



Qin Wang's World-Ending Sword Technique and the Bidding Monk's Talisman Seal collided together, making a loud sound that shook the earth, and violent air waves swept across all directions!

A hundred feet in radius, huge trees collapsed, as if they had been run over by a strong wind.


"Middle of the foundation building period!?"

"So many foundations?"

Yan Cangwu was shocked when he saw that Qin Wang was actually in the middle of the Foundation Establishment Stage. With a wave of his hand, he summoned three Foundation Establishment Stage puppets and rushed over. His eyes showed shock and disbelief.


Encountered a tough nut!

At this moment, Yan Cangwu understood.

The monk who was bidding with him was already in the middle of the foundation building period!

In addition, he also brought a puppet in the middle stage of foundation building and two puppets in the early stage of foundation building. His zombie king, who was in the middle stage of foundation building, was entangled by one of his demon pets.

Further away, a foundation-building monk came around with two foundation-building stage puppets.

Two monks brought five foundation-building puppets, and a demonic beast whose strength was comparable to that of foundation-building. Even though they had the Zombie King in the middle stage of foundation-building and had many tricks, they still had no chance of winning!


Yan Cangwu's heart skipped a beat, and subconsciously, he wanted to run away!

"Where to go?"

Qin Wang shouted and controlled three puppets to push towards Yan Cangwu. At the same time, Zhang Fujiang led two puppets to block Yan Cangwu's retreat.

A figure flashed.

But it was Wanyan Meng who flew over and rushed to help.

"You forced me to do this!"


Seeing that all his escape routes were blocked, Yan Cangwu's eyes flashed with bloodlust. He reached into his storage bag, took out a blood-red pill the size of a pigeon egg, threw it into his mouth, and started chewing it. , his throat twitched, and he swallowed.

This is a blood-exploding pill that can overdraw his potential and instantly raise his cultivation level to the late stage of foundation building, or even to perfection!

The moment Yan Cangwu swallowed the blood-red pill, the aura on his body suddenly surged!

"Cone of Horror!"

Qin Wang looked at Yan Cangwu, whose aura was soaring, and suddenly used the Cone of Shock, an invisible sharp cone formed by his spiritual consciousness, to stab it!


Yan Cangwu only felt a three-inch long cone in his consciousness, like a translucent flying shuttle, exuding an icy aura, piercing his eyebrows.

"Oh no!"

Yan Cangwu only felt his consciousness pause for a while, his whole body was cold, and his head was in severe pain. He knew that this was a critical moment, so he subconsciously jumped up and wanted to retreat, but it was already too late.

A sharp pain shot through his abdomen.

The next moment, he felt that his whole body had been hit hard, and his body flew out like a cloud, spurting out blood, and slammed into the mountain wall, forming a "big" shape.

The spiritual sword in his hand was knocked away and inserted into the stone wall 10 feet away.


At this moment, Yan Cangwu was hit by a 'Cone of Shock', his consciousness was extremely weak, and he could not control the power of the Blood Exploding Pill in his body at all.

He wanted to struggle, but found that all the bones in his body were broken, and the violent blood-exploding pill power surged in his body, running rampant, and his internal injuries became even more serious!

A feeling of death permeated the whole body, and the bidding monk and several puppets were approaching ten feet away.

Because his consciousness was attacked by the Shock Chaser, he lost effective control over the Zombie King. The Zombie Puppet was being pressed and beaten by the Earth Dragon Beast King and was unable to escape.

"No I can't die!"

Yan Cangwu looked at the approaching Qin Wang and Zhang Fujiang with fear and pleading in his eyes. "Fellow Taoist, spare your life! I was wrong! I am willing to be your slave! I am willing to hand over my soul blood!"

At this moment, Yan Cangwu felt extremely regretful.


He has no choice.

He was seriously injured and faced with so many foundation building stages. If he didn't hand over his soul blood, he would definitely die. After all, it was better to die than to live. As long as he lived, there was still hope.

"Hand over your soul blood!"

Qin Wang nodded.

The monk in front of me is in the middle of the foundation building stage. It is still possible to accept his soul blood and become a servant.

Refining soul blood has one of the greatest benefits.

If the slave dies, the master will not be affected at all.

But if the master dies, the slave will not survive.

Refining this person's soul blood, as long as he has the slightest dissent, he can be driven away.


Yan Cangwu held on and forced out a stream of his soul blood, and slowly flew towards Qin Wang.

Qin Wang stretched out his hand and fired a spell, controlling the soul blood to refine it. Half a quarter of an hour later, Qin Wang discovered that there was a white light group in his sea of ​​consciousness, which was the bidding monk's. Soul blood!

"very good!"

Qin Wang looked at the monk who was bidding against him and asked. "What's your name? Where are you from?"

"Master, this villain is a direct descendant of the Dayan Immortal Dynasty, named Yan Cangwu!"

Yan Cangwu agreed.

He also took advantage of this time to reconnect the broken bones on his body, run his skills, calm down the violent power of the Explosive Blood Pill, and recover from his injuries.

"Dayan Immortal Dynasty?"

Qin Wang looked at Yan Cangwu with a thoughtful look in his eyes. In his soul gathering bowl, there was the soul of Yan Wushuang, the seventh prince of the Dayan Immortal Dynasty.

Unexpectedly, Yan Cangwu was caught now!

To know.

The Dayan Immortal Dynasty is now looking for the murderer of Yan Wushuang everywhere. How shocked would Yan Cangwu be if he knew that Yan Wushuang was killed by himself?

"how did you find me??"

Qin Wang was very curious. He opened a cave in Falling Eagle Cliff, and Yan Cangwu was actually able to chase him here.

"Master, I asked Murong Chui from the Murong family to use the Heavenly Fragrance Lock spiritual energy to collect your breath from the seat No. 148 where you once sat, Master, and then tracked it based on the breath."

Yan Cangwu clasped his fists respectfully and said.

"Tianxiang Locks Spiritual Energy!"

When Qin Wang heard this, his heart moved.

On this Tianxiang Suo Aura, after he killed Murong Tai's three foundation builders, he did not find any relevant martial arts books in their storage bags. In addition, he was avoiding the pursuit of the Tianchu Immortal Dynasty recently, so he didn't pay much attention to them.


Murong Tai and other three foundation-building souls are in their own soul-gathering bowl space. When the time comes, they can ask them how to cultivate Tianxiang Lock's spiritual energy.

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