Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 240 Chu Yunxiao's final struggle! Conspiracy! Conjuring! [Please subscribe!]

"The people who came to kill you."

Qin Wang replied with a smile.

"I have no grievances against you, why..."

Chu Yunxiao still wanted to talk to delay time to find a countermeasure.


Qin Wang didn't give him this chance at all.


With an explosion, the ground around Chu Yunxiao exploded at the same time, and among the dust in the sky, five dark figures rushed towards Chu Yunxiao.

Chu Yunxiao hurriedly threw out a bell-shaped magic weapon without any hesitation.


This bell-shaped magic weapon formed a huge translucent golden bell, protecting Chu Yunxiao in the middle.

Boom, boom, boom!

Five muffled sounds were heard, but the golden bell guard did not move at all.

Chu Yunxiao breathed a sigh of relief.

He didn't know what kind of demon pets those five dark figures were, but he knew from the aura emanating from them that they were definitely not good things.

What's more important is that these five magic pets all have the peak strength of the middle stage of Yuanying, and are only a short distance away from the late stage of Yuanying.

This is equivalent to five mid-stage Nascent Soul masters joining forces.

Such means...

Who is the other party?

Chu Yunxiao thought a lot and found that neither the Dayan Immortal Dynasty nor the Daqi Immortal Dynasty nor other immortal sects had such a magic pet.

Could it be an enemy from Central Continent?

Could it be...

What happened to Taiyi Sword Sect?

"Is there any misunderstanding in this?"

Chu Yunxiao suppressed the uneasiness in his heart and asked seriously.


Qin Wang asked the five ghosts to stop attacking and looked at Chu Yunxiao with interest.

Liang Guangchen next to him saw Qin Wang's expression and immediately understood that the other party must be planning something again.

"You two should be disciples of Taiyi Sword Sect, right?"

Chu Yunxiao hesitated for a moment, and finally asked.


Qin Wang nodded slightly.

"I have a relationship with Sect Master Wan Jianyi. Are you two here because of Sect Master Wan Jianyi's explanation?"

Chu Yunxiao continued to ask.

"So what if it is? So what if it's not?"

Qin Wang chuckled and answered unhurriedly.

He was not afraid of Chu Yunxiao wasting time.

This is the Lianyun Mountains, a vast area with sparsely populated areas. Under normal circumstances, you won’t see a single person even for ten days and a half.

Besides, unless the True Lord Transformation God comes in person, Chu Yunxiao will inevitably die.

He also wanted to see what good things Chu Yunxiao had.

If you can lower Chu Yunxiao's vigilance through conversation and easily kill Chu Yunxiao, why not do it?

"The Ten Thousand Palms Sect probably wants to get the skull of Immortal Emperor Qingshui in my hands, right?"

Chu Yunxiao turned over his hand and took out the skull, holding it in the palm of his hand.

On the surface, this skull is unremarkable, without any power fluctuations.


Qin Wang can be sure that this is the skull of Emperor Qingshui, and it is also the key to the inheritance of Emperor Qingshui.


Qin Wang deliberately kept a straight face and stared at Chu Yunxiao.

"As long as you hand over the skull of Emperor Qingshui, I will let you go."

Qin Wang said in a deep voice.

"That's impossible. How do I know whether you will keep your promise?"

Chu Yunxiao shook his head.

"Since you don't want to, then I can still get the skull by killing you!"

Qin Wang shouted sharply.

He deliberately showed that he was obeying Wan Jianyi's orders, just to make Chu Yunxiao think that he had to take the skull.

"Do you know the secret of this skull?"

Chu Yunxiao said with a smile.


Qin Wang couldn't help but frown and subconsciously looked at Liang Guangchen next to him.

Liang Guangchen was stunned for a moment.

"I don't know the secret either. Master said that we must get the skull of Immortal Emperor Qingshui."

Liang Guangchen spoke subconsciously.

When Chu Yunxiao heard this, he immediately reacted.

It turns out that these two people are not both disciples of Taiyi Sword Sect.

Now it seems that the young man who controls the demon pet should be an outsider.

The other one is Wan Jianyi's direct disciple.

After realizing this, Chu Yunxiao already had a plan in mind.

"It seems that Wan Jianyi has something to hide. The skull of Immortal Emperor Qingshui is the key to the inheritance place of Emperor Qingshui. And the map of the inheritance place is in Wan Jianyi's hand."

Chu Yunxiao continued.

Qin Wang deliberately showed some impatience.

He shook his hand.

"What do you think this has to do with me?"

Qin Wang said coldly.

"Aren't you interested in the inheritance of Immortal Emperor Qingshui?"

Chu Yunxiao is good at tempting.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Qin Wang narrowed his eyes slightly and seemed a little wary, but he also showed a strong interest in the inheritance of Emperor Qingshui.

After all, this is the inheritance of a generation of Immortal Emperors, who wouldn't be interested?

Even a true god-incarnation king like Wan Jianyi is very interested.

"If you are willing, I can share the inheritance of Immortal Emperor Qingshui with you. Of course, the premise is that you can obtain the inheritance map."

Chu Yunxiao finally revealed his purpose.

"Hahahahahahaha. Are you crazy, or do you think I'm crazy? How dare you want to get the map from the hands of True Lord Transformation of Gods."

Qin Wang sneered.

"So, I need your cooperation. If you and I work together, even if we are unable to defeat Wan Jianyi, we can still escape from his hands. What do you think?"

Chu Yunxiao looked at Qin Wang with a smile on his face.

At this moment, he seemed to have seen the result of Qin Wang's promise to join forces with him.

After all, even if Qin Wang wanted to kill him and take away the skull, it would be meaningless.

A real Nascent Soul, no matter how strong he is, cannot possibly defeat the True Monarch of Transformation God.

In Chu Yunxiao's opinion, Qin Wang would only think of killing people and getting goods unless he was stupid.

I have to say that the five mid-stage Nascent Soul Demon Pets in Qin Wang's hands are indeed very tempting.

This is equivalent to an absolutely obedient middle-stage Nascent Soul powerhouse. Who wouldn’t be jealous after seeing it?

Qin Wang subconsciously looked at Liang Guangchen next to him.

Liang Guangchen was suddenly startled and quickly made a defensive posture.

"Senior, do you want to kill the donkey?"

Liang Guangchen was really scared.

He doesn't want to die yet.

Qin Wang smiled and shook his head.

"I just want to ask you if you are willing to join us. With the combined strength of the three of us, can't we stop Wan Jianyi?"

Qin Wang said very seriously.

His tone was full of confidence.

Liang Guangchen hesitated for a moment and finally agreed to join.

Seeing this situation, Chu Yunxiao secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Qin Wang took the lead in putting away the five ghosts.

Chu Yunxiao also put away the bell-shaped magic weapon.

At this moment, a cone of shock formed by the majestic divine consciousness stabbed towards Chu Yunxiao.

This stab was as fast as lightning and thunder, making Chu Yunxiao unable to avoid it.

What’s even more frightening is that this is actually the power of divine consciousness in the divine transformation stage!

"Shu Zi is bullying me!"

Chu Yunxiao shouted sharply.

He wanted to resist, but it was too late.

The panic cone instantly pierced Chu Yunxiao's sea of ​​consciousness.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!"

Chu Yunxiao held his head and wailed in pain.

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