Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 257 A pile of loose sand! The terrifying five ghosts! The power of the golden elixir stage!

Qin Wang glanced at the three monks beside Xiao Chunan and chuckled.

"Only three? They are no match for the Five Ghosts. Are there any more?"

Qin Wang said contemptuously.

Xiao Chunan knew that Qin Wang was qualified to be contemptuous.

After all, even if his protector's original cultivation was at the late Golden Core stage, Qin Wang's ghost cultivation was at the Nascent Soul stage. This news came from Elder Wang himself, and there was absolutely no way it could be wrong.

Therefore, Xiao Chunan did not trust him.

"Everyone, when faced with this scum in the world of immortality, there is no need to talk to him about benevolence, justice and morality. Let us raise our swords together and slay demons!"

Xiao Chunan shouted sharply.

After the words fell, more than ten monks flew up.

As a result, there were more than twenty monks around Xiao Chunan.

Twenty monks gathered together, and the powerful momentum they erupted has firmly suppressed Qin Wang's momentum.

Qin Wang chuckled and called out the five ghosts.

A dark wind suddenly rises, and five ghosts appear.

Qin Wang was too lazy to continue talking nonsense and pointed at Xiao Chunan and others.

The five ghosts rushed over immediately.


When the evil wind came, Xiao Chunan and others immediately released their magic weapons to block the front.

boom! ! !

The five ghosts slammed into the magic weapon released by everyone.

If it's one-on-one, the five ghosts can easily tear through the opponent's defense and then devour the opponent's soul.

But not now.

They are both in the fake elixir realm, no matter how strong the five ghosts are, they cannot easily break through the joint defense of so many people.

However, these people couldn't do it even if they wanted to destroy the five ghosts.

Just because the five ghosts move too fast and dexterously, and have the control and sensitivity of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the Nascent Soul stage, it is very easy to avoid everyone's attacks.

What's more, these people are just put together temporarily. Without good communication and coordination, they are a mess.

After more than ten rounds, everyone could only defend and had no extra strength to attack.

"You are still not strong enough."

Qin Wang said with a smile.

At this moment, Xiao Chunan and others had already formed a defensive formation, so there were no casualties.

The five ghosts were like five gray horses, and they were thrown continuously on the formation of Xiao Chunan and others, causing the brilliance of the formation to flicker one after another.

Xiao Chunan gritted his teeth and glared at Qin Wang. At the same time, a trace of fear flashed in his heart.

He never expected that this "Qin Tiedan" would be so strong.

No, it should be said that the ghost cultivation mastered by "Qin Tiedan" is too terrifying.

Being so young and having such a powerful ghost cultivator to help him, his family background must not be simple.

If such a person has not been offended, then forget it. Since he has been offended, he must be put to death!

"Everyone, if you haven't taken action yet, how long will it take? Do you still have the extravagant hope that he will let you go?"

Xiao Chunan said loudly.

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the more than thirty people below who had not yet taken action suddenly changed.

They subconsciously looked at Qin Wang, who was hovering in mid-air, as if waiting for Qin Wang's choice.

If possible, they would naturally not want to join the battle group.

After all, the five ghost cultivators in Qin Wang's hands were too powerful. Even with the same cultivation level, they still suppressed Xiao Chunan and others.

Who knows if Qin Wang has a backup plan?

"Brother Tie Dan, do you really want to kill us?"

Helian Xianyun suddenly spoke.

For a moment, everyone reacted.

Yes, in the final analysis, they just want to survive.

As long as "Qin Tiedan" promises not to kill anyone, there is no need for them to become enemies.

As for the Condensing Pill Purple Qi, if it’s lost, it’s lost, it doesn’t matter.

Isn’t it just the cost of 10 million spirit stones? It’s time to feed the dog.

"Kill you? I have nothing to do with killing you. As long as you hand over the Condensing Purple Qi, I will naturally not kill anyone."

Qin Wang was speechless.

No wonder these people reacted so violently. It turned out that someone spread rumors that he was a murderer.

Qin Wang thought about it carefully, and found that except for a few die-hards, he really didn't take the initiative to kill people.

It's not necessary.

Besides, these are all young masters from Central Continent, and they all have a huge family standing behind them. At least there are Master Yuanying in charge, and there are even many Master Transformation Gods.

If it wasn't necessary, Qin Wang wouldn't do such a hateful thing.

"That's really great, thank you very much, brother Tie Dan."

Helian Xianyun smiled sweetly.

Everyone nearby saw Helian Xianyun's smile and their hearts were shaken.

But Qin Wang was not affected at all.

Moreover, Qin Wang was also keenly aware that Helian Xianyun's smile was like a spiritual attack. However, this should be a spiritual attack emitted by Helian Xianyun unconsciously, otherwise it would not be so slight. .

Could it be that she is naturally charming?

Qin Wang didn't think any more, he looked at Xiao Chunan and others.

"As long as you are willing to hand over the Condensing Pill Purple Qi, I will naturally not kill anyone."

Qin Wang said lightly.

As soon as these words came out, the others around Xiao Chunan suddenly moved.

If possible, they naturally don't want to fight to the death.

Xiao Chunan was very anxious when he saw this situation.

"Don't be stupid, he is just deceiving you!"

Xiao Chunan shouted sharply.

"Except for Xiao Chunan, everyone else can leave safely. I said so."

Qin Wang said with a smile.

After saying that, Qin Wang asked the five ghosts to return to his side and stop attacking.

When more than a dozen other monks saw this situation, they looked at each other and immediately flew back to the ground, pretending that they had nothing to do with Xiao Chuannan.

In this way, only Xiao Chuannan and his three protectors, a total of four people, were left to face Qin Wang.

For a moment, the atmosphere became solemn.

Xiao Chuannan looked at Qin Wang with a sullen face.

He never expected that Qin Wang would be so strong that he would make others feel afraid and finally shake hands and make peace.

As the leader, he was already hated by Qin Wang.

What to do?

At this moment, Xiao Chuannan regretted it a little.

If he had known this earlier, he would not have opposed Qin Wang.

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in this world.

"Brother Tiedan, I was wrong, and I am willing to bear the consequences of my mistakes just now."

Xiao Chuannan clenched his fists and spoke slowly.

Although he was unwilling, for the sake of his life, he could only bite the bullet and admit his mistakes.

"Since you are willing to bear the consequences, then commit suicide."

Qin Wang raised his eyebrows and looked at Xiao Chuannan with interest.

Xiao Chuan was stunned and stared at Qin Wang blankly.

"You, you, you... don't go too far!"

Xiao Chuan gnashed his teeth and growled.

"I go too far, so what?"

Qin Wang sneered.

Not to mention that Xiao Chuan was the leader, just because Xiao Chuan was a disciple of Wuji Sect, Qin Wang would never let him go.

"Hahahahaha. In that case, there's nothing to say."

Xiao Chuan laughed crazily.

The three guardians next to him looked at each other, and one of them saluted Xiao Chuan.

"Please take care of my family, young master."

After saying that, he burst out with all his strength.


Jindan period!

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