Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 271 Zhuyin Witch Tribe! The power of thunder and lightning! One person against the power of

[9: Yesterday, you asked the five ghosts to explore the surroundings and obtain information. The nearby Zhuyin Witch Department is the bloodline left by the ancient witch god Zhulong, and there is news about the Skyfire Tower. 】

[10: The teleportation array disk you used yesterday did not arrive at the designated location. After obtaining information, Wuji Sect believes that you have been killed by Zhenjun Yuntao, but it is not certain yet, so it is decided to search for another month. If there is no news about you , they will directly attack the Ten Thousand Flowers Immortal Sect. 】

Qin Wang couldn't help but frowned when he saw this information.

Regardless of the other things, Wuji Sect is the most urgent.

Within a month, we must go to Central Continent to attract the attention of the Wuji Sect, otherwise, the Ten Thousand Flowers Immortal Sect will be in danger, and Qin Xuemei will be in danger.

The bloodline of the ancient witch god Zhulong?

It seems that this Zhuyin Witch Club must be investigated.

After dawn, Qin Wang took Zhang Fujiang and others to the Zhuyin Witch Club.


Candle Yin Witch Club.

The houses here are built of reddish-brown rocks and look quite simple.

There is an altar in the central square. The huge log on the altar is carved with a dragon-like witch god with a human face and a snake body, which is the candle dragon.

At this time, Qin Wang and others flew here and were immediately discovered by people from the Zhuyin Witch Tribe.

A large dark cloud suddenly appeared in the originally cloudless sky, covering the heads of Qin Wang and others.

"Please come down and talk!"

An old voice came, like Hong Zhong Dalu, shocking people's hearts.

Zhang Fujiang, Yan Cangwu, and Jiang Haotian couldn't bear the sound of this spiritual attack. Their bodies shook involuntarily and almost fell from the sky.

Qin Wang snorted lightly and used his powerful soul power to create a barrier, which made Zhang Fujiang and the others feel better.

"Master, the other party's spell is really weird. Why don't we go down first to see what's going on?"

Zhang Fujiang couldn't help but suggest.

He carefully looked at the dark clouds above his head. Lightning flashed from time to time in the dark clouds, giving him an instinctive fear.

After all, cultivating immortals is to go against the will of heaven, and they have a natural fear of thunder disasters.

"That's fine."

Qin Wang nodded slightly.

He didn't come here to have any grudges, and it was best to deal fairly if possible.

Qin Wang and others landed in the square.

At this time, many people had gathered around the square.

Mainly men, only a small number are women.

Their clothes were made of linen, and they had runes engraved on their arms and faces.

"Who are you?"

An old man walked slowly, surrounded by people.

"I'm Qin Tiedan."

Qin Wang spoke directly.

"I am the high priest of the Zhuyin Witch Club, Zhu Heng. I wonder why this Taoist friend comes to our Zhuyin Witch Club?"

Zhu Heng looked at Qin Wang warily.

He clearly had the Nascent Soul stage cultivation level, but he could not fully see through Qin Wang's true cultivation level, so he had to be cautious.

After all, the Zhuyin Witch Club is very small, and he is the only one who is Yuanying Zhenren.

"I came here only for two things. First, there is a fragment of the Skyfire Tower embedded in your altar, and I want to take it away; second, I want to borrow your teleportation array to go to the headquarters of the Witch Clan."

Qin Wang spoke directly without any politeness.

When Zhu Heng heard this, he couldn't help but frown.

It's okay to borrow the teleportation array. Anyway, you only need to give the spirit stone to activate it.

But the fragments of the fire tower that day had been worshiped day and night by the Zhuyin Witch Club and had long since become the spiritual totem of the Zhuyin Witch Club. How could they be taken away by outsiders?


Zhu Heng shook his head.


Qin Wang narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Even if I exchange it for other treasures, is that okay?"

Qin Wang said slowly.

"No. The fragments of the fire tower that day were the former glory of our Candle Yin Witch Club, and you must not be allowed to take them away."

Zhu Heng clenched the sacrificial staff in his hand, his face solemn.

The people around realized that the situation was not good, and they all took fighting postures and prepared to attack together.


There were bursts of thunder from the dark clouds in the sky, and thunder was almost about to fall.

"Think it over before you answer me."

After Qin Wang finished speaking, he directly called out the five ghosts.


The Nascent Soul pressure emanating from the five ghosts spread and easily suppressed the momentum of the entire Zhuyin Witch Club.

Zhu Heng was suddenly startled.

He never expected that the other party was so powerful that he could summon five ghost cultivators in the Nascent Soul stage.

Even so, the Zhuyin Witch Club will not bow its head!

Zhu Heng raised his scepter and chanted loudly.

This is an ancient witch language.

People around him also started singing.

"Master, the situation is not good. How about we strike first and kill them all."

Zhang Fujiang suggested.

Yan Cangwu and Jiang Haotian agreed.

"That's too late."

Qin Wang looked at the dark clouds in the sky.

At this time, the power of dark clouds' thunder has reached its peak.

boom! ! !

A bolt of thunder suddenly fell, targeting Qin Wang and the Five Ghosts.

The five ghosts are ghost cultivators. They are inherently filthy creatures and are afraid of thunder.

Facing this heavenly thunder, the five ghosts had no power to resist.

Qin Wang could only put away the five ghosts, and then took out the Barbarian Shield to resist.

boom! ! !

Thunder fell on the Barbarian Shield, and fire radiated.

He almost shattered the Barbarian Shield.

It has to be said that this thunderous strike is comparable to the full force strike of the late Nascent Soul.

Zhang Fujiang and the other two breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that Qin Wang had blocked the thunder.

The three of them rushed to attack, and their target was the people of the Zhuyin Witch Tribe around them.

As long as they interrupted the chanting of these people, they could naturally dissolve the thunder attack.


When the people of the Zhuyin Witch Tribe chanted, an invisible barrier wrapped them up.

The attacks of Zhang Fujiang and the other two fell on the barrier, but only caused ripples.

At the same time, the dark clouds continued to drop thunder.

Boom boom boom!

Boom boom boom!

The Barbarian God Shield endured the bombardment of thunder. If it were not for the special material, it would have been smashed long ago.

Even so, it would not last long.

Qin Wang knew that if this continued, the defense would be broken sooner or later.


The twelve Qingyou small swords combined into the Qingping Sword.

"Qingping Sword Art!"


A green light flashed and flew towards the dark clouds in the sky.

At the same time, a thunder fell.


The green light penetrated the thunder, breaking it into countless arcs, and then penetrated the dark clouds in the sky.

The dark clouds suddenly shrank towards the center, and finally exploded directly.

Boom! ! ! ! !

With a loud bang, the dark clouds exploded and dissipated.

The sky returned to its original gray appearance, but there was no trace of the dark clouds.

The members of the Zhuyin Wu tribe who participated in the chanting were backfired by the power, and everyone spit out a mouthful of blood.


Zhu Heng spit out blood and looked at Qin Wang in disbelief.

He never thought that even with the strength of the whole tribe, he still couldn't stop the opponent.

Is the Zhuyin Wu tribe going to perish today?

Will the glory of the past never reappear?

"Ancestor, save us!"

Zhu Heng knelt down directly.

He was not kneeling to Qin Wang, but to the log in the center of the altar.

As if receiving Zhu Heng's prayer, the log shook slightly!

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