Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 285 The Throne of Terror! The leader of the ancient witch clan who commands the twelve witch

boom! ! !

The terrifying shock wave spread out, and the smoke filled the sky, blocking all sight.

The surrounding atmosphere was also disrupted by the force generated by the explosion, making it impossible to sense whether the Cyclops was still alive.

Qin Wang and Jiu Zi looked nervously at the center of the explosion.

Now, both of them have exhausted their last bit of strength and reached their limit.

If this still fails to kill the Cyclops, then they can only try to escape.

After all, judging from the appearance of the Cyclops, he should be protecting this palace, so he can't stay away from here.

As long as you escape within a certain range, you should be safe.


In that case, they would lose the opportunity to obtain the Nine Lotus Moon Liquid.

Soon, among the smoke and dust, a huge figure came out.

It's the Cyclops!

At this moment, the entire body of the Cyclops was charred black, but as it moved around, the charred dead skin on its body gradually fell off, revealing its original skin color.

No damage!

Qin Wang and Jiu Zi smiled bitterly when they saw this situation.

There is no other choice but to find a way to escape.

The Cyclops stepped forward and came to Jiuzi.

Just when Jiu Zi was about to use his secret technique to escape, the Cyclops suddenly knelt on the ground and bowed to Jiu Zi in a posture of prostrating himself to the ground.

The sudden change stunned Qin Wang and Jiu Zi.

The two of them never expected that the Cyclops would suddenly fall to his knees.

What exactly happened here?

Qin Wang blinked and looked at Jiu Zi doubtfully.

"The witchcraft you just performed can control the mind?"

Qin Wang hesitated for a moment, and finally couldn't help but ask.

"No, this is not the magic of controlling the mind. Besides, I don't have the ability to control such a powerful creature."

Jiu Zi hurriedly denied it.

"Then what's going on?"

Qin Wang couldn't help but frown.

Jiuzi thought for a while and finally shook his head, saying that he didn't know.

The two looked at each other and made a quick decision.

Although I don’t understand what happened, since the Cyclops has knelt down and surrendered, can I give orders to the Cyclops?

"Stand up for me."

Jiuzi said.

But the Cyclops remained motionless, still maintaining his kneeling posture.

"How about you try using the language of the ancient witch clan?"

Qin Wang suggested.


Jiu Zi nodded.

She took a deep breath and ordered the Cyclops to stand up in the language of the ancient witch clan.

The Cyclops slowly stood up.

Qin Wang and Jiu Zi were stunned when they saw this scene.

"You teach me the language of the ancient witch clan, let me try it?"

Qin Wang proposed again.

Jiuzi taught Qin Wang a language of the ancient witch clan and asked the Cyclops to sit down.

It's a pity that Qin Wang said it several times, but the Cyclops didn't respond at all.

When it was Jiu Zi's turn, as soon as she finished speaking, the Cyclops sat down.

Qin Wang saw this situation and reacted immediately.

In other words, the Cyclops was just following Jiuzi's orders.

Next, Jiuzi asked some questions to Cyclops.

Unfortunately, the Cyclops didn't have any answer. It just followed Jiuzi's orders and acted without answering any questions.

"Forget it, just let it push the door open."

Qin Wang sighed.


Jiu Zi nodded in agreement.

Under Jiuzi's order, the Cyclops came to the palace door, pressed his hands on the door, and exerted force.

In front of this thousand-foot gate, the Cyclops is just a slightly stronger ant.


As the Cyclops used all his strength, veins popped out in his arms, and the thousand-foot door slowly opened.

Boom boom boom boom!

The friction between the door and the ground was like an explosion, deafening.

Finally, the Thousand-Zhang Gate was pushed back a crack, and the Cyclops could no longer push it.

The gap was a foot wide, just enough for the Cyclops to barely pass through.

Jiuzi ordered the Cyclops to take the lead and enter the palace first.

After confirming that there was no danger, Jiu Zi and Qin Wang entered the palace.

Look beyond.

The interior of the huge palace is very empty, with numerous columns on both sides supporting the ceiling of the palace.

There are many ever-bright lamps on the walls, burning with blazing fire and emitting light to illuminate the surroundings.

There are various paintings on the walls, which seem to depict a story about a man who led the twelve ancestral witches to fight against all races and finally sat on the throne.

In the deepest part of the hall, there stood a throne.

The throne is a hundred feet high. Looking at it, it looks like a small mountain peak.

I don’t know what kind of material the throne is made of. Even after such a long time, it still shines brightly without any dust.

Qin Wang flew around the entire hall and found no trace of Nine Lotus Moon Liquid.

There is not even a drop of water in the hall, let alone Nine Lotus Moon Liquid.

how so?

Is there something wrong with the information provided by the system? Impossible, absolutely impossible.

The system’s intelligence is absolutely true.

At this moment, Qin Wang noticed Jiu Zi walking towards the throne.

"What’s wrong with you?"

Qin Wang immediately came to Jiu Zi and asked with concern.

"Ah, no... nothing. It's just... there is a sense of familiarity. It seems that I have seen this throne in my dream."

Jiu Zi frowned and thought carefully.

However, no matter how she thought, she couldn't remember whether she had really dreamed of this throne.

Qin Wang looked at Jiu Zi carefully, hesitated for a moment, and finally made a decision quickly.

"How about you sit on the throne and try it?"

Qin Wang directly proposed.

"Ah? Is it okay?"

Jiu Zi couldn't help but clench her fists.

"You'll know after trying it."

Qin Wang shrugged his shoulders.

Although he acted very calmly, he had some premonition in his heart.

Perhaps, this palace, this throne is really related to Jiu Zi.

The system once gave an intelligence that Jiu Zi was suspected to be the reincarnation of an ancient great power.

Could it be that before Jiu Zi was reincarnated, he was the person on this throne?

Being able to command the twelve ancient witches is not an ordinary ancient great power.

At least, I have never heard of anyone who can command the twelve ancient witches.

Jiu Zi bit her lip, thought about it carefully, and finally couldn't help but nodded in agreement.

She took a deep breath, calmed down her excitement, and then slowly walked towards the throne.

At the same time, the Cyclops stared at Jiu Zi, as if he was expecting something.

Soon, Jiu Zi flew to the throne and sat down slowly.


All the eternal lights in the entire hall immediately burst into brighter light.


The fire was everywhere, and the shadows were crowded, as if the entire hall was filled with all kinds of witch beasts, led by the twelve witch ancestors.

However, such light and shadow only appeared for a moment and then disappeared.

Everything returned to calm, as if the scene just now had never happened.

At this moment, the originally quiet Cyclops suddenly became irritable.


The Cyclops roared, raised the giant axe in his hand, and swept towards Jiu Zi on the throne!

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