Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 290 Star Body Tempering Method, Level 3! A plan to lure the tiger away from the mountain!

Qin Wang took up the second star grass without any hesitation and began to absorb it.

The majestic star power entered Qin Wang's meridians and flowed through his body.

These star powers were like a long drought meeting a sweet rain for his body.

His body was hungry and devouring the star power to gain strength.

At this time, Qin Wang was already immersed in cultivation and did not notice Hou Tu Wan'er behind him.

Hou Tu Wan'er noticed that the clothes hindered the effect of the Nine Lotus Moon Liquid in removing the curse, which gave her a bold idea, that is, to soak in the Nine Lotus Moon Liquid naked to maximize the effect.

However, there was another Qin Wang in this secret room.

Although the Wu clan did not have as many red tape as the human race.


Hou Tu Wan'er was a woman after all, and she was still a little shy. What's more, there was a difference between men and women, which even practitioners could not avoid.

Hou Tu Wan'er carefully looked at Qin Wang in the corner in the distance and saw that Qin Wang had been concentrating on cultivation and did not even turn back to peek.

This made Hou Tu Wan'er less and less timid.

Anyway, they were all practicing, so they shouldn't see it.

Hou Tu Wan'er gritted her teeth and finally decided to take off her clothes.

Soon, the dress was neatly folded beside her.

Feeling the energy of the Nine Lotus Moon Liquid penetrate into her skin and eliminate the curse power on her body.

This tingling feeling made Hou Tu Wan'er gradually sink, and finally fell asleep slowly.

I don't know how long it took.

The last star grass in Qin Wang's hand also turned into dry grass.

He opened his eyes and felt the powerful strength of his body now.

"I don't know how strong this third-level star body tempering method can be."

Qin Wang clenched his fists and wanted to test it.

Unfortunately, there was no place to test in this secret room, and there was no opponent to test.

Qin Wang glanced at the system.

[Body Refining Technique: Star Body Tempering Technique (Level 3)]

[Progress: (436435/10000000)]

Sure enough, the Star Body Tempering Technique has reached the third level. If you want to continue to advance, you need 10 million points.

In other words, at least 96 Star Grasses are needed.

The Wu Clan’s inventory has been emptied, and there is no more Star Grass to be found. So we can only pin our hopes on the inheritance land of the Qingshui Immortal Emperor.

I hope there will be enough Star Grass in the inheritance land of the Qingshui Immortal Emperor.

Qin Wang took a deep breath, adjusted his mood, and then turned to look at Hou Tu Wan'er behind him.


Qin Wang was stunned.

How come Hou Tu Wan'er's body is already smooth in just a short while?

This really doesn't care that he is in the secret room.

Qin Wang was speechless.

He thought about it, and finally stood up and walked towards the door of the secret room.

Since the training has ended, there is no need to stay here any longer, so as to avoid being blamed by Hou Tu Wan'er for no reason.


Outside the secret room.

Jiu Zi was standing at the door bored.

Since she had promised to protect Qin Wang and Hou Tu Wan'er, she naturally could not leave at will.

"I don't know what happened to the two of them in there. And how will the fourteen star grasses be used?"

Jiu Zi whispered to herself.

At this moment, the door of the secret room, which had been tightly closed, opened from the inside.

Qin Wang walked out and then closed the door of the secret room.

"Huh? Why did you come out?"

Jiu Zi looked at Qin Wang in surprise.

It was less than an hour, and Qin Wang had already come out. Could it be that the fourteen star grasses had been used up?

"After the training, why don't you come out? Is there anything unusual?"

Qin Wang answered casually.

"Nothing unusual."

Jiu Zi shrugged.

She looked at Qin Wang carefully.

At this moment, Qin Wang had just swallowed the star power of the star grass, and a mysterious feeling rippled from his body. More importantly, his skin was covered with a layer of light white luster, perhaps because of practicing the star body tempering method, or because of swallowing the star power of the star grass.

This made Jiu Zi a little envious.

Although she was a saint, the skin color of the witch clan was naturally a little dark.

This was very envious for Jiu Zi, who had been exposed to human culture since childhood and whose aesthetics were very close to those of human girls.

"Even if there is no abnormality, you can't take it lightly. Hou Tu Wan'er was cursed. It's not trivial. Someone will definitely come to disturb her."

Qin Wang warned very seriously.

"Don't worry, I'm here, I won't let anyone disturb Wan'er."

Jiu Zi patted his chest confidently to guarantee.

At this moment, shouts and killing came from the treasure house of the Saint's Mansion, and a powerful mana fluctuation broke out.

Obviously, someone was attacking the treasure house of the Saint's Mansion.

The things in the treasury are not of great value, just some spiritual stones and magic tools, and there are few things like elixirs and spiritual herbs.


Daring to attack the treasury of the Saint's Mansion is clearly a slap in the face of the Saint.

"Lure the tiger away from the mountain."

Qin Wang narrowed his eyes slightly and sneered.

Jiu Zi felt his face burning.

Just now he said there was nothing unusual, but now he was slapped in the face.

"You want to lure me away, no way!"

Jiu Zi gritted his teeth and said.

"You should go and see the situation."

Qin Wang suddenly persuaded.

"Huh? But I have to protect Wan'er and I must not let her be disturbed."

Jiu Zi said decisively.

"Don't worry, you go and check the situation. I'll guard this place. Believe me, I will never be weaker than you."

Qin Wang said lightly.

When Jiu Zi heard this, he nodded subconsciously.

After all, when he was in the Ancestral Hall, Qin Wang could even withstand the Cyclops' thirty-breath attack without dying.

Such a record is simply impossible for Jiu Zi.

With Qin Wang taking charge here, Hou Tu Wan'er's safety must be guaranteed.

"Okay, I'll come as soon as I go."

Jiu Zi nodded and rushed towards the treasure house.

Qin Wang watched Jiu Zi go away and couldn't help but laugh.

He glanced around.

"Okay, now let me see what you are capable of."

Qin Wang whispered to himself.

At this moment, a figure suddenly rose from the shadow behind him.

Witchcraft·follows you like a shadow!

The figure quietly rose out of the shadow behind Qin Wang, and wiped the dagger in his hand towards Qin Wang's neck.


Sparks four colors.

The figure was stunned for a moment.

He never expected that his magic weapon dagger could not cut Qin Wang's throat.

How can this be?

Qin Wang raised his hand and hit his elbow directly behind him.


With a muffled sound, the figure broke away from Qin Wang's shadow and hit the wall behind him hard.

The figure endured the pain in his body and was about to escape.

At this moment, Qin Wang stepped in front of the man and reached out to hold the man's head.

"Who are you?"

Qin Wang asked coldly.

He was very curious as to who put the curse on Houtu Wan'er.

And it is still such a powerful curse that even Jiu Zi, a saint of the Witch Clan, is powerless to deal with it. (End of chapter)

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