Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 294: All parties unite and conspiracies intersect! Zhu Heng's ambition!

"I am Xuanming Chenghua, from the Xuanming Witch Club..."

Xuanming Chenghua was about to introduce himself.

After all, he has the bloodline of Xuan Ming, one of the twelve ancestral witches, and he has the capital to be proud.

Moreover, among the many suitors of the Saint, he is also the most noble.

Because of this, Xuanming Chenghua dared to stand up and confront Qin Wang head-on.

In his opinion, what if Qin Wang is the Holy Son? It is just a false name of a Holy Son without a profound background. Sooner or later, he will become a mascot-like existence.

"never heard of that."

Qin Wang shook his head and called Zhulong directly.

hold head high!

Zhulong roared and looked down at Xuan Ming Chenghua and others.

The people who had originally gathered around the Holy Lady's Mansion subconsciously stepped back and looked at the candle dragon in mid-air with some fear.

That was Zhulong, one of the twelve ancestral witches. Even if it was just a phantom, the strength of the god-transformation stage was real.

"You must beat it before you are qualified to talk to me."

Qin Wang didn't have the time or thought to talk nonsense with these young masters, so as to avoid trouble.

"Don't think that you can do whatever you want with the protection of the Zhulong Ancestral Witch! Let me tell you, as long as the Great Elder successfully recovers..."

Before Xuan Ming Chenghua could finish speaking, a barrage of shots flew towards him, instantly sealing Xuan Ming Chenghua's mouth.

At the same time, a figure flew from a distance and landed in front of Qin Wang.

"I'm sorry, it's the juniors who are ignorant. I ask the Holy Son not to argue with them."

The person who spoke was none other than Elder Jumang.

Although he said he was sorry, his expression was calm and he didn't seem to feel any guilt at all.

No wonder these young men surrounded the Holy Lady's Mansion. It turned out that there was someone behind them.

If you think about it carefully, it's normal.

If they weren't backed by powerful people, how could these young men dare to besiege the Holy Lady's Mansion? Even if they spend their days eating, drinking, having fun and doing nothing, as the son of a senior member of the witchcraft department, they still know who they can and cannot provoke.

Now it seems that there is indeed an invisible hand behind all this.

But what is their purpose?

Qin Wang didn't understand the meaning of Elder Jumang's doing this, or in other words, he didn't understand the meaning of the elder of the Wu clan doing this.

"What if I have to argue with them?"

Qin Wang narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Elder Gou Mang coldly.

Elder Jumang was silent for a moment, then suddenly released his pressure.

However, the target of his pressure was not Qin Wang, but Xuan Ming Chenghua and others.

When the power of the transformed gods is unleashed, it is naturally not something that these gentlemen at the peak of the Golden Core can withstand.

Bang bang bang.

Many young masters were pressed to the ground, unable to move.

Xuanming Chenghua was suddenly startled.

"Ohh Ohh ohh!"

Xuan Ming Chenghua wanted to speak, but his mouth had been sealed and he could not make a sound.

"Does the Holy Son think this is enough?"

Elder Goumang looked at Qin Wang seriously.

"not enough."

Qin Wang shook his head.

"Huh? Then what does the Holy Son think should be done to punish them?"

Elder Gou Mang narrowed his eyes slightly and his tone was a bit unkind.

"I think... it is necessary to explain. I am in love with the saint, so I would like to ask the rest of the people not to disturb the saint again. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

After Qin Wang finished speaking, he flew onto Zhulong's head and Yulong left.

Elder Jumang snorted coldly, turned and left.

Only then did Xuan Ming Chenghua and others get up.

"Does the saint really fall in love with this pretty boy?"

"Damn it, you actually stole our saint."

"Stop talking, can you beat him?"

"Come on, let's go, let's keep watch for ten years, that's it."

Many people left.

Xuan Ming Chenghua gritted his teeth, clenched his fists, and stared at the closed door of the Saintess' Mansion.

Originally, he thought that the saint would like him or have a good impression of him. After all, the Xuanming Witch Club belongs to the pro-saint sect.


Now the saint is having an affair with someone else.

How could Xuan Ming Chenghua endure this.


The Holy Land of the Witch Clan.

"Great Elder, it has been confirmed that Qin Ba is on the side of the Saint and will not be of the same mind as us."

Elder Jumang said very seriously.

"It's a pity that he has the Mark of the Candle Dragon, which was originally a help to me. It's a pity."

The great elder sighed.

"Then should we take action first and restrain Qin Ba to prevent him from ruining our plan?"

Elder Jumang asked.

The great elder thought carefully for a while.

Finally, he shook his head.

"That's all, the resurrection ceremony is approaching, so don't cause any trouble. However, are you sure there won't be any problems with the Candle Dragon Witch Club?"

The great elder narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Absolutely not."

Elder Jumang answered immediately.

"That's good."

The Great Elder waved his hand and signaled Elder Jumang to leave.


Candle Yin Witch Club.

In the high priest's cabin.

Zhu Heng looked at Tuoba Shoushan in front of him and frowned tightly.

"You mean, the leader of the Zhulong Witch Tribe promised that as long as our Zhuyin Witch Tribe restrains Qin Ba and prevents him from causing trouble during the resurrection ceremony, he is willing to accept our Zhuyin Witch Tribe and allow us to recognize our ancestors and return to our clan?"

Zhu Heng looked at Tuoba Shoushan with excitement.

He also did not expect that Tuoba Shoushan actually joined the Zhuyin Witch Club with the order of the Zhulong Witch Club.

Although they are both of the Zhulong bloodline, the Zhulong Witch Tribe is the leader, while the Zhuyin Witch Tribe is just a remote branch.

If it can be recognized or even accepted by the main sect, it will definitely be beneficial to the Zhuyin Witch Club without any harm.

"Yes. Please also ask the high priest to seize this opportunity."

Tuoba Shoushan nodded.

"Okay, okay, that's really great. Hahahahahaha. Please go back and tell the sect that our Zhuyin Witch Club will never let down the sect's expectations and will not let Qin Ba interfere with the resurrection ceremony."

Zhu Heng puffed up his chest, his face full of confidence and expectation.

"Then I'll bother the high priest."

After Tuoba Shoushan finished speaking, he turned and left.

Zhu Heng watched Tuoba Shoushan walk out of the house and disappear from sight. The excitement on his face disappeared instantly and turned into frost.

The main sect?


It's just a dog in the hands of the great elder, and its belief is no longer Zhulong. Otherwise, why would the mark of Zhulong be in the Zhuyin Witch Club instead of the Zhulong Witch Club?

To put it bluntly, the current Zhulong Witch Club is just a dog supported by the great elder.

"You still want us to recognize our ancestors and return to our clan? You should kneel down in front of your ancestors and repent. No, you must tell the Holy Son about this and let the Holy Son be careful."

Zhu Heng hurriedly went to find Qin Wang.

Soon, Zhu Heng came to Qin Wang's residence, saw Qin Wang, and told Qin Wang about the incident.

After Qin Wang heard this, he looked at Zhu Heng with some surprise.

"With such good conditions, you are not willing to join the Zhulong Witch Club?"

Qin Wang couldn't help but ask. (End of chapter)

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