Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 306: The essence of a sword that cuts through the world! The final result!

Compared to the surprise and curiosity of the people of the Wu clan, the elders on the side of the great elder of the Wu clan frowned.

They never expected that Qin Wang would turn out to be a genius monster in the human race.

Originally, they thought that Qin Wang was a genius monster of the Witch Clan, so they were tolerant of Qin Wang.

Since he is a genius monster of the human race, he must be strangled in the cradle.

If there is no growing genius, then there is no need to continue to grow.

the other side.

Elder Gonggong glared at Jiu Zi.

"Saint! Do you know that Qin Ba is Qin Tiedan?"

Elder Gonggong asked angrily.

"Elder Gonggong, please calm down. There must be some misunderstanding here. Perhaps the saint has also been deceived. Saint, right?"

Elder Houtu hurriedly acted as peacemaker in the middle.

He looked at Jiu Zi anxiously, hoping that Jiu Zi would follow his words.

Although he also understood that Jiu Zi and Qin Wang should have known each other for a long time, and Jiu Zi even knew Qin Wang's true identity.

"I know."

Jiu Zi nodded.

"Then why didn't you say anything?! You even gave him the third battle. Or is the Saint planning to betray the Witch Clan? So she wants to show her favor to the Human Clan?"

Elder Gonggong narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at Jiu Zi.

Jiu Zi couldn't help but frown.

"Elder Gonggong! Are you questioning my loyalty to the Wu Clan?"

Jiuzi stared at Elder Gonggong without showing any signs of weakness.

Only then did Elder Gonggong come to his senses.

Jiu Zi's father is the leader of the Wu Clan. If he questions Jiu Zi's loyalty to the Wu Clan, doesn't that mean he is questioning whether the leader will betray the Wu Clan?

"That's not what I meant, what I meant was..."

Elder Gonggong was a little flustered, but he didn't know how to explain it.

"Okay, I think there's something fishy about this matter. We'll discuss it later."

Elder Shebishi said somewhat helplessly.

"talk about it later."

Jiu Zi said coldly.

After saying that, she looked at Qin Wang in the distance, feeling a little anxious in her heart.

Although Qin Wang was distracted by a powerful person who transformed into gods, the elder Zhu Rong opposite him was in the Void Refining Realm.

Can the distraction of a powerful person who transforms into gods be able to block the Void Refining Realm?

It's hard.

At this time, Elder Zhu Rong stared at Qin Wang very seriously.

"So, you are a human race, not a witch race?"

Elder Zhu Rong asked in a deep voice.


Qin Wang did not deny it.

Wu Su's distraction has already appeared, so what's the point of denying it now?

"Hahahahahaha, I didn't expect you to have deceived me for so long. Damn it, damn it!!!"

Elder Zhu Rong roared angrily.

boom! ! !

A terrifying aura erupted.

His hair, eyebrows and beard turned into balls of flames, and his skin turned red.

"If that's the case, then I don't need to be merciful. Go to hell!"

"The God of Fire destroys the world!!!"

The palms of Elder Zhu Rong's hands burned with blazing fire.

He melted the fire in his hands into a ball, and then pushed it towards Qin Wang.

This fireball is only the size of a human head, but the energy contained in it is terrifying.

far away.

Elder Gonggong's face turned pale when he saw Elder Zhu Rong's move.

"I didn't expect that he would be able to practice this move."

Elder Gonggong gritted his teeth and said.

He knew that in the inheritance of the Zhurong Witch Club, there was indeed a way for the God of Fire to destroy the world.

However, two elders of Zhu Rong have not mastered this move, and the inheritance is almost cut off.

But now, this elder Zhu Rong has actually mastered this move.

Even Elder Gonggong couldn't escape unscathed from this move of the Fire God.

Just because the fireball not only contains terrifying energy, but also contains the power of the laws of heaven and earth. As long as it is locked, it cannot dodge or avoid, and can only resist!

Wu Su was distracted and took the Qingping Sword from Qin Wang's hand.

"Watch it, I'll teach you one more time, one sword can change the world. The essence of this sword is to have the courage and hard work to move forward. A swordsman must be unyielding and unyielding!"

"One sword can separate the world!"

Wu Su let out a distracted shout, clenched the Qingping Sword in his hand, and rushed towards the fireball in front of him.

This is the courage to move forward!


At this moment, Wu Su's distraction and the Qingping Sword in his hand turned into a sword light.

The sword light instantly penetrated the fireball and passed through Elder Zhu Rong's chest.


When Wu Su was distracted and Qing Pingjian appeared again, she had already arrived behind Elder Zhu Rong.

The fireball hovered halfway, neither moving forward nor retreating.

"What's this move called?"

Elder Zhu Rong asked slowly.

"The name of this sword is, one sword can separate the world."

Wu Su said calmly.

"One sword can separate the world...One sword can separate the world...What a name, what a name!"

Elder Zhu Rong’s voice became louder and louder.


He spat out a mouthful of blood and fell toward the ground.

The fireball hovering halfway exploded suddenly.

boom! ! ! ! !

A terrifying wave of air swept around.

The flames flew in all directions and were about to burn those who were watching.

Seeing this situation, the Witch God Guard immediately stretched out his hand and opened the translucent shield to protect the people behind him.

boom! ! !

The wave of flames washed over the shield opened by the Witch God Guard, shaking the shield violently, as if it would break in the next second.

Fortunately, Elder Zhu Rong had already fallen to the ground with serious injuries. Without the support of subsequent forces, these waves of flames were powerless and eventually dissipated.

At this time, the Qingping Sword had already flown back to Qin Wang.


The sword was inserted into the ground, blocking the aftermath of the fireball explosion and preventing Qin Wang from getting hurt.

And Wu Su's wisp of soul had been consumed, and finally turned into a light spot and drifted away with the wind.

Qin Wang saw this scene and knew that he had won.

It was just that the price he paid was a bit high, consuming the wisp of soul left by Wu Su.

The Wu Shen Guards put away their shields.

People immediately saw that Qin Wang was standing in place, and Elder Zhu Rong had fallen.

The result of this battle was very clear.

"In the third battle, the Holy Son Qin Ba won. In three battles, the Holy Maiden won two, so this battle, the Holy Maiden won."

The high priest spoke slowly.

At this time, the entire holy land fell into a strange state of silence.

No one spoke, and no one cheered.

It is because Qin Wang is not from the Wu Clan, but from the human race!

The Wu Clan's Great Elder brought many elders to Elder Zhu Rong and carefully checked his condition.

Although he was seriously injured, his life was not in danger.

The vitality of a strong man in the Refining Void Realm is very strong. As long as the origin is not broken, even if the heart is pierced, he will not necessarily die.

The sword that Wu Su used to distract himself was terrifying, but in the final analysis, his cultivation was still weaker, so he only seriously injured Elder Zhu Rong, but could not kill him with one blow.

"The three battles are over, and you have lost. Please fulfill your promise, the Great Elder, and stop using Wanyan Meng as a sacrifice to revive the Twelve Ancestral Witches."

Qin Wang pulled out the Qingping Sword stuck in the ground and looked at the Great Elder not far away. (End of this chapter)

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