Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 309 Chapter 324325 Wu Shenji's Mahayana opportunity! Chaos Golden Pill, must be Mahayan

The Holy Lady's Mansion.

Qin Wang and others sat down separately.

As the leader of the clan and Jiu Zi's father, Wu Shen Jiji naturally sat in the main seat.

Jiu Zi followed Qin Wang and sat aside.

Elder Gonggong and others sat on the other side.

Wu Shenji encouraged Elder Gonggong and others, and then asked them to leave.

It was obvious that the next words were not appropriate for them to know.

Elder Gonggong and others immediately said goodbye and left.

Wu Shenji glanced around and waved.

"You all go down."

Wu Shenji ordered.

The maids around looked at each other, hesitated, and subconsciously looked at Jiu Zi.

"The clan leader ordered you to go down, what are you still doing?"

Jiu Zi said angrily.

The maids then left.

As a result, only Wu Shenji, Jiu Zi, and Qin Wang were left in the entire hall.

"I really didn't expect that you run the Holy Lady's Mansion like an iron barrel. Even the orders from me, the patriarch, are not as useful as your orders in your Holy Lady's Mansion."

Wu Shenji felt a little emotional.

"You still have the nerve to say that? Don't you know how long you have been practicing in seclusion? Even the great elder doesn't listen to you anymore."

Jiu Zi rolled her eyes and said angrily.

Wu Shenji smiled bitterly and scratched his hair, feeling a little embarrassed.

In order to take the final step, he has been in seclusion for more than ten years. His once petite and cute daughter has now grown into a tall and graceful girl.

There is nothing we can do about it.

Immortal cultivators have a long lifespan, and they can live in seclusion for decades or hundreds of years, as if in the blink of an eye.

It's just that when he was in seclusion, Jiu Zi was still young and lacked the care and love of his father early on, so he naturally complained in his heart.

"Now that you're here, have you taken that step?"

Jiu Zi was not unreasonable. After she complained, she began to care about the progress of Wu Shenji's training.

After all, if Wu Shenji takes that step, he will have to face a natural disaster next.

Entering the Mahayana period, the heavenly calamity is no small matter, it can be said to be a narrow escape from death.

After all, who is not a stunning person who can achieve the integration stage? Coupled with various adventures, there are countless ways to save your life.

But even for such a big shot, those who can withstand the tribulation period are only one in a hundred.

For thousands of years, no one has been heard of who can survive the catastrophe and achieve Mahayana.

This is proof.


Wu Shenji shook his head.

"Then why did you leave seclusion?"

Jiu Zi became more and more confused.

"Because on a whim, I realized that my opportunity to become a Mahayana might fall on the successor of Hou Tu."

When Wu Shenji spoke, he was looking at Qin Wang.

Qin Wang had a thought in his mind.

"What the patriarch means is that Wanyanmeng can help you achieve Mahayana?"

Qin Wang asked.


Wu Shenji nodded.

"Okay, if possible, I will persuade Wan Yanmeng to help the clan leader."

Qin Wang agreed directly.

Wu Shenji was stunned by such a ready agreement.

He had originally prepared a lot of excuses to ask Qin Wang to help, but now he saved himself a lot of words.

"Hahahahahaha, so refreshing. You're a good boy, I'm very optimistic about you. Hahahahaha."

Wu Shenji laughed loudly.

Although there is a soundproof cover to block it, Qin Wang is still a little worried. If he laughs so loudly, will it cause any noise for others to detect?

Jiu Zi looked at Qin Wang with some surprise.

According to her impression of Qin Wang, besides being kind to his family, this man treats everyone else equally and is extremely petty. Anyone who offends him will definitely pay him back a hundredfold.

How could such a person agree to help for no reason?

Qin Wang smiled slightly at Jiu Zi and nodded.

Wu Shenji noticed the interaction between Jiuzi and Qin Wang, and suddenly thought of something.

"It seems that Jiuzi already has a sweetheart."

Wu Shenji said directly.


Jiu Zi subconsciously exclaimed and looked at Wu Shenji without knowing why.

She didn't react for a while.

Wu Shenji thought Jiuzi was being shy and laughed again.

"Hahahahahaha, as the saying goes, it's normal for men to get married and women to get married. Even us cultivators naturally have to take the initiative when we meet the one we love. This boy is worthy of you, and I am a father. , naturally I won’t stop you. I won’t get involved in your affairs, hahahahaha.”

Wu Shenji laughed loudly.

When Jiuzi and Qin Wang heard this, they immediately realized that Wu Shenji had misunderstood.

"Father! What nonsense are you talking about!"

Jiu Zi's cheeks turned red instantly, and even her ears were flushed.

"Patriarch, please don't make random guesses. There is nothing wrong between me and the Saint."

Qin Wang said helplessly.

When Wu Shenji saw this situation, he realized that he seemed to be a mess.

He coughed.

"Yeah, I misunderstood. The Holy Son is willing to speak for me. I guess he has a request, right?"

Wu Shenji quickly corrected his mistake.

Although I made a mistake just now, I corrected it as soon as I realized the mistake.

"The patriarch is aware of everything. What I ask for is the Chaos Stone on the altar."

Qin Wang said very seriously.

"Chaos Stone? What do you want that broken stone for?"

Wu Shenji frowned and looked at Qin Wang doubtfully.

Having already reached this point, Qin Wang did not hide it.

"I need to use the Chaos Stone to step into the Golden Elixir and achieve the Chaos Golden Elixir."

Qin Wang spoke slowly.

"Chaos Golden Pill?!"

Wu Shenji subconsciously exclaimed.

Even though he was already a peak-level warrior with an extremely deep city, he still couldn't help but exclaim at this moment.

After all, he didn't expect this to be true.

"Is there something strange about this Chaos Golden Pill?"

Jiuzi asked curiously.

Wu Shenji looked at Qin Wang with a strange look in his eyes.

He quickly adjusted his mood.

"There are three levels of golden elixir atmosphere, middle and lower, but in addition to these three levels, there is also a kind of chaos golden elixir in the legend. This is the strongest among the golden elixirs. As long as you can condense the chaos golden elixir, it is equivalent to a certain Mahayana. "

Wu Shenji said very seriously.

When Jiu Zi heard this, he was suddenly startled.

It must be Mahayana!

She understood what Wu Shenji meant by the inevitable Mahayana, which meant that there was no need to worry about bottlenecks until the Mahayana period.

Such a powerful golden elixir actually exists.

It's no wonder that the Witch God couldn't help but exclaim.

After all, Wushenji has been trapped at the peak of integration for hundreds of years and has never been able to take that step.

"Can you let me see your fake elixir? It is said that there is a white fake elixir with perfect quality. This is the foundation for condensing the Chaos Golden elixir."

Wu Shenji spoke slowly.

Although he was surprised by Qin Wang's claim that he could condense the golden elixir of chaos, he also wanted to see if what Qin Wang said was true or false.


Qin Wang nodded.

After speaking, he spread his palms and activated his magic power.


The fake elixir in the dantian appeared on Qin Wang's palm.

It’s the white fake elixir!

The white fake elixir appeared in Qin Wang's palm, pure and flawless.

Wu Shenji looked at the white fake elixir in Qin Wang's hand and was very moved.

"It's true, it's true. Nephew, put it away."

Wu Shenji said with a smile.

He looked at Qin Wang with more and more satisfaction.

If such a person can stay in the Wu Clan, then there is no need to worry about the future of the Wu Clan?

It is not impossible to recreate the former glory of the Wu clan.

Because of this, he called Qin Wang his nephew.

Qin Wang put away the fake elixir and looked at Wu Shenji.

"Don't worry, my nephew, the Chaos Stone will definitely be handed over to my nephew. Tomorrow, no, I will go find someone to get the Chaos Stone for my nephew now. Nephew, you go and have a rest first."

Wu Shenji said kindly.

This is really a bit inconsistent for his such a strong body.

It's like a pig butcher picking up an embroidery needle, or a mortal eighty-year-old woman swinging a sledgehammer, very unconventional.

After Qin Wang thanked him again, he stood up and left.

Watching Qin Wang disappear, Wu Shenji immediately looked at Jiu Zi.

"Daughter, what do you think of Qin Tiedan?"

Wu Shenji asked with a serious face.

"How about what?"

Jiu Zi was stunned for a moment and didn't react for a while.


Wu Shenji added.

"In terms of character... he is quite good. He is kind and righteous. As long as you treat him well, he will reciprocate. But if you are an enemy of him, then he will use thunderous methods."

As Jiuzi spoke, he recalled Qin Wang's actions in the past.

"Then if I betroth you to him, will you?"

Wu Shenji said slowly.


Jiu Zi was suddenly startled.

She widened her eyes and looked at Wu Shenji in disbelief.

"You don't want to? His appearance is quite upright, but he is a bit thinner and not strong enough. However, isn't his appearance exactly what you women like? Handsome and elegant..."

Wu Shenji wanted to continue talking.

Jiu Zi didn't want to hear it anymore.

"Father! What nonsense are you talking about! There really is nothing like what you think between me and Qin Wang. Everything between us is innocent."

Jiuzi said hurriedly.

At this time, her cheeks had turned red, and she didn't know whether it was because of shyness or other reasons.

"Is everything between you really innocent? That would be a bit troublesome."

Wu Shenji couldn't help but sigh.

"Father, what on earth do you mean?"

Jiu Zi glared at Wu Shen Ji with some annoyance.

"What I mean is that you have to find an opportunity to capture Qin Tiedan. In the future Mahayana period, wouldn't it be a pity to let such a person go?"

Wu Shenji looked at Jiu Zi with bright eyes.

Jiu Zi couldn't help but fell silent.


Candle Yin Witch Club.

As soon as Qin Wang came to his yard, he saw Zhu Heng waiting at the door.

"Holy Son, you are finally back."

Zhu Heng looked at Qin Wang excitedly, as if looking at some kind of rare treasure.

Regardless, in Zhu Heng's eyes, Qin Wang is more valuable than a rare treasure.

"Yeah. Are you in trouble?"

Qin Wang was a little confused.

Could it be that there are still people who dare to provoke the Zhuyin Witch Club?

Although his human identity has been exposed, with the support of Wu Shenji, the leader of the Wu clan, it should be no big deal.

If someone really wants to mess with him, he won't make it easy for him.

"No trouble, no trouble. It's just that many witch tribes have sent people to bring gifts and want to make friends with the Holy Son. How about the Holy Son go and meet him?"

Zhu Heng said cautiously.

"not see."

Qin Wang frowned, a little unhappy.

What kind of cats and dogs do you want to make friends with?

Are they worthy?

When Zhu Heng saw Qin Wang's resolute attitude, the look on his face instantly became much more lonely.

He just regretted the gifts.

If you can accept it...

Qin Wang noticed the change in Zhu Heng's expression and quickly figured out the key.

"You can accept the gifts, but I don't have time to meet those people. Just handle it yourself. No matter what, I have received the inheritance of Zhulong, so I will naturally keep my promise."

As Qin Wang spoke, he raised his right hand, letting the Zhulong mark appear on the back of his right hand.

Zhu Heng saw the Zhulong mark on the back of Qin Wang's right hand, recalled what Qin Wang had just said, and immediately became very excited.

"Yes! I understand. Thank you, Holy Son. Thank you, Holy Son."

Zhu Heng thanked him again and again, then happily said goodbye and left.

Qin Wang returned to the room, sat cross-legged, and began to regulate his breathing.

The previous battle had exhausted all the strength in his body.

Although I have recovered somewhat, I still feel like my mana is empty.

I don't know how long it took, but when Qin Wang felt that his magic power had returned to full strength, he heard Zhang Fujiang's voice coming from outside the house.

"Master, the Holy Maiden of the Witch Clan wants to see you."

Zhang Fujiang said loudly.

"Let her in."

Qin Wang spoke directly.

He slowly finished his work.

When Jiu Zi came in, she saw that Qin Wang had just finished his practice. Perhaps it was because he had finished practicing, his magic power was full, and the spiritual energy around his body was active, making Qin Wang look more handsome and unrestrained.

Jiuzi inexplicably felt that Qin Wang was more handsome than before.

"Is it because of the Chaos Stone that the Holy Lady came to visit?"

Qin Wang said subconsciously.


Jiuzi nodded hurriedly.

She took out the Chaos Stone and held it in the palm of her hand.

The Chaos Stone was pitch black, occasionally flashing a light on the surface, and then disappeared.

Qin Wang felt the white fake pill's desire for the Chaos Stone and immediately understood that this was the real Chaos Stone.

Jiuzi didn't lie to him.

Perhaps it should be said that Wu Shenji did not lie to him.

"Thank you."

Qin Wang reached out and took the Chaos Stone.

Their fingers touched each other, and they were separated at the first touch.

This was originally just an ordinary touch, but a strange feeling arose in Jiu Zi's heart.

This feeling is indescribable.

Jiu Zi's cheeks turned red instantly.

Qin Wang noticed something was wrong with Jiuzi's face.

"What's wrong with the Saint? But the Holy Body feels uncomfortable?"

Qin Wang asked with concern.

"No, it's nothing."

Jiu Zi shook his head repeatedly.

After saying that, she turned around and ran away, for fear that Qin Wang would catch some clues.

Qin Wang watched Jiu Zi go away and shrugged his shoulders.

He waved his hand, used his magic power to close the door, and then casually released a warning formation to isolate others from exploration.

After doing this, Qin Wang carefully looked at the Chaos Stone in his hand.

If he is willing, he can condense the Chaos Golden Elixir now.

However, a big battle just ended today, and my body has not reached its peak.

Still have to wait until tomorrow.

Tomorrow, the state will return to its peak, and then use the Chaos Stone to condense the Chaos Golden Elixir.

This kind of thing can't be rushed.

Qin Wang took a deep breath and suppressed the anxiety in his heart.


Early in the morning.

Qin Wang opened the intelligence panel.

【Information refreshed daily! 】

【Today’s information! 】(End of this chapter)

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