Awakening Failed? It Doesn't Matter, I Am A Cultivator!

Chapter 9 Su Chen Is No Longer Worthy Of Me

"Yes!" Zhao Xiaoya paused. She was wearing a long turquoise dress. She had a beautiful appearance, a slender figure, and her breasts were like steel plates. Facing her father's question, she raised her beautiful eyebrows slightly, and her beautiful face gained a bit of pride and reality. .

"I am an A-level nanny with a promising career and a bright future. Su Chen is just a loser who failed to awaken. He is not worthy of me at all."

"What happened if I broke up with him!"

Zhao Yu frowned as he looked at the girl in front of him.

He knew that his daughter's personality was a bit realistic, "But it's still a bit unwise for you to break up with Su Chen so soon."

"Su Chen's Martial Dao Talent is very good, and his health value has already reached over 9.0."

"It's just an ordinary civilian family who has not used any High Level training resources, but can reach the rank of Rank One Martial Artist with their own efforts and training before awakening the profession. This kind of talent is unrestrained. He can also be called a genius in our ancient martial arts world."

"The principal should have sent you a Combat Power tester today. You should have seen Su Chen's comprehensive combat power."

Zhao Yu's words made Zhao Xiaoya pause for a moment, and she remembered the dazzling number ninety-nine in Combat Power.

The combat power value is approaching 100, far exceeding everyone on the field.

"so what!"

Zhao Xiaoya gritted her teeth and said bravely.

"What's wrong with the high blood value!"

"He is just a waste who failed to awaken. He doesn't even have a career. What achievements can he make in the future? His current qi and blood value of 9.8 is indeed very high, but it becomes more difficult to increase the qi and blood value as it goes forward."

"The college entrance examination will be in three months. If he fails to awaken his professional talent, it is not certain whether he can raise his health value to the minimum line of 10.0 in these three months."

"The Combat Power of 99 points is not 100!"

A comprehensive Combat Power evaluation of 100 is the standard for becoming a Rank One Martial Artist, which is qualitatively different from a combat power of 99. Simply put, it is the gap between ordinary geniuses and the rare Martial Dao genius in ten years.

"This..." Zhao Xiaoya's retort made Zhao Yuyu choke, and he paused before speaking.

"But Su Chen's Martial Dao Talent is very high. Although it can't be said to be rare in ten years, it may not be possible to increase the health value by 0.2 points to 10.0 and the Combat Power to 100 in three months."

Zhao Xiaoya sneered indifferently.

"Even if it takes three months, what will happen if his vitality reaches the standard of 10.0?"

"He didn't awaken to any profession."

"Do you expect him to follow the path of pure martial arts like you!"

"Even if he can follow the path of pure martial arts, so what. Father, you have told me a long time ago that our Zhao Family is an ancient martial arts family. You have been practicing Martial Dao since you were a child, but what is the result?"

"You have followed the path of pure martial arts since you were a child. After practicing for most of your life, you are only a Rank Two Martial Master. You can only hide in school and be a martial arts teacher!"

Zhao Xiaoya sounded disdainful.

In this world, those who have failed in career awakening, or who have awakened to the idea that life is career, do not have other options.

Ancient martial arts, also called pure martial arts, is a path, and it is a path that has been passed down before the Age of Awakening.

The standard of qi and blood value was originally used to measure pure martial arts.

But the Martial Dao journey requires a lot of resources, not to mention talent. If you want to become a strong Martial Dao person, you need to inherit understanding, guidance from experts, understanding of artistic conception, and practice skills... none of them are indispensable, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive. It is also easy to get stuck by bottlenecks, making it difficult to make further breakthroughs throughout your life.

Professional Awakeners are different. They have the ability to defeat monsters and level up just like playing a game, and have the ability to break through and become stronger easily and quickly.

Martial Dao has been practicing for decades and has been surpassed by professional awakeners in just a few dozen days.

"I...this is because..." Hearing his daughter use himself as an example, Zhao Yu opened his mouth and wanted to say that he was a Martial Dao Talent and that's why he acted like this. But after thinking about it, what his daughter said was also true of Martial Dao Talent. So what if Dao Talent is high?

The strongest pure martial artist is only in the Great Grandmaster realm, and is only comparable to a Rank Four professional. They have long been eliminated by this era. Just like in the firearms era, you still use cold weapons. The adult era has changed.

The glory of pure martial arts has long been reduced to the past tense.

No matter how good Su Chen's Martial Dao Talent is, in his opinion, his future achievements in this area will at most be the same as him, just a Rank Two Martial Master.


Zhao Yu sighed.

"Forget it, Zhao Xiaoya, you are right. You have the profession of an A-level priest, and you will indeed have better choices in the future. Su Chen is not worthy of you."

"Humph!" Zhao Xiaoya laughed proudly, as if she was very happy to hear the words from Zhao Yu that Su Chen was not worthy of her. The girl's face had a brighter look, as if she had won the battle. He waved his hands happily and said.

"Okay, don't talk about this."

"Zhao Yu, prepare three kilograms of papaya for me quickly. I will form a team to enter the dungeon later. Just watch. Soon my combat power will reach 99, even surpassing Su Chen and reaching 100 ahead of time to enter Rank One. field!"

Bang! !

When Zhao Xiaoya was about to eat more papaya to temporarily supplement her milk supply.

There was a sudden loud noise in the classroom next to me.

Attracting the two's attention.

"What's the noise?"

Without hesitation, Zhao Yu subconsciously opened the door and rushed inside to check.

Bang bang bang!

In the empty Martial Dao classroom, the sound of explosions echoed in the air. A handsome young man was conducting aerial attack training. He could make sharp air-piercing sounds with every punch and kick. He was full of power. The punching power has at least reached the tonnage level and should not be underestimated.

The golden sunlight shines through the floor-to-ceiling windows, illuminating the young man's focused face.

The muscles all over his body were sore and stiff from long periods of concentrated exercise, but his movements were rigorous and standard, and his eyes were staring ahead, faintly spiritual.

Sweat was flying in the air.

Until a certain moment.

Punch out!

[Ding! Today's goal is to complete the two-hour combat training task. ]

[Vitality value increases by 0.1! ]


Su Chen, who was sitting and practicing fighting, suddenly felt a stream of heat gushing out from the depths of his Dantian. The energy and blood in his body instantly strengthened, filling his internal organs and flowing rapidly along the blood vessels to his arms. The sense of power made Su Chen couldn't help but punch the sandbag next to him.


Su Chen shouted in a low voice.

Powerful force was transmitted along the blood and muscles of the arm, and when it touched the sandbag, it exploded.

The hard-to-break sandbag under Martial Artist was instantly exploded.

Rags flew.

"What happened!"

It was also at this time that Zhao Yu hurriedly opened the door and barged in, but before he could say a few more words, he was stunned at the door.

Staring blankly at this scene in Martial Dao's classroom.

Sunlight, floor-to-ceiling windows, sandbags with flying debris, and a handsome young man under the debris, looking up and gasping for breath, with sweat streaming down his face.

The boiling energy and blood entangled the young man's body, distorting the air, creating an inexplicable momentum that made Zhao Xiaoya, who also walked to the door, freeze in place, with her beautiful eyes wide open.

Zhao Yu's eyes trembled and he said:

"Su Chen, have you always been here?"

He knew that Su Chen came over around 11 o'clock in the morning, but he had lunch and took a nap, thinking that Su Chen had left long ago.

There was a banging inside just now. He thought it was someone else in the classroom, but he didn't expect it was Su Chen.

And look at its status.

"I'm afraid I didn't even have lunch, didn't take a break, and practiced for two hours intermittently."


Su Chen nodded, sweat dripping from his chin. Although he was very tired and the lactic acid accumulated in his body was painful and slightly cramped, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly and there was joy in his eyes.

"The blood value is 9.9!"

"Next, you only need to sprint 100 laps in the playground to reach 10.0 and unlock the Immortal Cultivation Panel!"

Zhao Yu's eyes were a little complicated. He looked at Su Chen and then at the blown sandbags on the ground. Although he already had the answer in his heart, he still couldn't help asking.

"Did you blow this up?"

"Well, I'm sorry, Teacher Li, I couldn't control my strength just now. I will compensate you."

Su Chen nodded and admitted.

Although he came from an ordinary family, his parents still left him a house and several million in inheritance before they left. Although he had spent a lot over the years, he still had enough money to compensate for a sandbag.

So Su Chen did not waste time. After stretching a little, he walked to the window, picked up his clothes, and glanced at the face of Zhao Xiaoya, who was still a little dazed at the door. He passed by the two of them and headed towards the playground. Go.

After Su Chen's back disappeared from the Martial Dao classroom.

Zhao Yu then walked into the classroom, picked up a piece of debris on the ground, and said with an increasingly complicated expression.

"Look, let me just say that Su Chen's Martial Dao Talent is very high."

"Hmph!" Realizing that she had just lost sight of Su Chen and wanted to increase Su Chen's prestige, Zhao Xiaoya's face turned red, she snorted in embarrassment and said rebelliously.

"This is not a high talent."

"Isn't it just that Talent failed to awaken, and because of his own pride he refused to accept charity from others, so he came here to beat up sandbags, and was incompetent and furious!"

"Incompetent and furious..." Zhao Yu chewed on these words. He raised his head and looked at his daughter with a complicated look on his face.

"But Xiaoya, do you know."

“The sandbags in our classrooms are custom-made.”

"Without the strength of Rank One Martial Artist and 100 points of Combat Power, it is impossible to defeat him!"


Zhao Xiaoya was completely stunned by Zhao Yu's words. She looked at the exploded sandbags in the classroom with her beautiful eyes in a daze.

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