Awakening Millennium

Vol 2 Chapter 1022: It's really magical, this world

"For the incident, the outside world called it the "Tokyo Earthquake." But as the teacher said, the incident was not caused by the earthquake known by the public. It was indeed caused by a strange animal. And the disaster caused by alienation. We are used to calling it the'Tokyo Hazard.'"

   "So it turns out, in fact, I had a friend who also experienced that incident at the time. It was also she who told me later about the monsters she encountered and other strange phenomena."

  Levy is talking about what happened to Aoi Saki at the time. It was because of that incident that Cangqi Orange knew about the existence of those strange worlds and beasts, and made an in-depth investigation for quite some time.

   As for the reason why Cangqi Oranges were interested in the strange beasts that appeared in front of her at that time, that is, they were no longer limited to other worlds, but rampant in the real world...

   "Besides, my classmates, I still have something I wanted to ask just now."

   It was not Levi who was not interested in the disaster that year. Instead, he noticed from the girl's expression and body language that she didn't want to talk about the ins and outs with him in depth. Regardless of whether this matter is based on the confidentiality issues involved in the organization behind some girls, or the girl’s own reasons, such as her important people may be affected in that disaster, she does not want to talk to Levi. Those who are familiar talk about the past.

  In any case, as a man, rather than being a teacher, the other is a student, Levi will not make the other uncomfortable without knowing it.

  Although they are not in their own school, are they still students? Especially cute girls... Well, teachers like Levi, teachers who are loved by students and respected by colleagues, how can they have such a low-quality character of sexism? You see even the kind of guy who is male, not handsome or stupid like Chunyuan Yangping, our Mr. McDowell never discriminated against him.

   "What are those things on the ground?"

   Levi is not a blunt end to the previous topic. He is also really interested in those things on the ground. Just like the previous monster, no, it should be the place where the "Elder Beast" was knocked down and the corpse disappeared. There are some scattered things that seem to be metal and gems from a distance.

   If you are thinking of the game, those things on the ground must be the treasures of ‘BOSS’ that was just knocked down. In a general game, when such a boss is knocked down, it will drop some money, materials, and even props and weapons that can be directly used by players to equip them. However, even though the labyrinth of this different world is like an RPG game from everywhere, Levi has been secretly vomiting from the beginning to the present.

   But, that monster, no, that elder beast will never die, will it really drop treasures and props? Levi glanced at the sword in Asuka's hand again. She just said that the origin of her sword is not the same as some people who will naturally acquire weapons after awakening. Although Levi already had a reliable conjecture, could that sword be the weapon that was "exploded" after killing a very powerful beast?

   Shouldn’t it be so ‘interesting’? If this world is really a magical world with exactly the same settings as in the game, then Levy really has to think about when to go back and when to tell this'big secret', so that Penglai Shanhui Ye The woman's chips in exchange for "value"

"That is something that only exists in this alien world. It should be the crystallization of the body of the beast, which can be understood as something like the "reliance" mentioned in some religions. The weapons and props that are manufactured using those things, It can play a good effect when dealing with foreign animals, like some minerals with special characteristics."

Sure enough...Despite listening to Asuka’s meaning, at least the monsters in this world will not be so unscientific that they really burst weapons or gold coins after death, but those things on the ground can indeed be called monsters after they are knocked down. Falling'material'.

   If any monster in reality bursts out gold coins or banknotes from the stomach, the kind of picture that is taken for granted in the game is ridiculous. Even if I tried my best and paid the sacrifice of my companions to eliminate the tragic heroes of the monsters in the world, maybe I would be stunned after seeing such a scene, and even couldn't help but laugh out of place.

  However, if it is something like Asari's metaphor, it seems that'dropping' from the monster is suddenly not so unacceptable.

  Simply put, it is the part that will not disappear with the dissipation of the body after the death of the Such a situation has indeed happened to Levi before. For example, some living things exist purely in the form of energy bodies or even crystals of energy. Such creatures are often very difficult to harm them because they do not have entities, but pure energy aggregation. But also because they are pure ‘energy’, once death means dissipation, naturally they will not leave corpses like the ‘organic life’ often said in the mouth of Nagato Yuki and Asakura Ryoko.

  Think about it a little bit. In fact, the monsters encountered in this alien world are indeed very similar to the energy body life that Levi has encountered before. In particular, according to Asuka's statement, ordinary weapons and ordinary physical attacks cannot cause damage to those exotic beasts. Even the most powerful bullets, artillery shells and even missiles may only be like the human beings facing ghosts and ghosts in the movie, directly ‘passing through’ without any contact at all, let alone hurt.

   Isn't such an existence just like those of energy bodies? Or, like the "head boss" of the two alien girls around me, it is more difficult for ordinary people to understand than the energy body. It is a life that exists purely in the form of information, and the information is integrated into the thought body.

   People are more afraid of ghosts and ghosts ‘not as scary’ than monsters with scary images. Isn’t that the strong sense of powerlessness that people feel because they are untouchable and inaccessible?

   "You understand what I said."

   Levi nodded his head, and Asuka as if he could see what he thought, his expression was not as serious as it was, and he chuckled as the ice melted.

   "Teacher, did you just think about those games or animations? Do you think this strange world and other strange animals are as ridiculous as the existence in the game?"

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