Awakening Millennium

Vol 2 Chapter 1038: Can't talk nonsense

  If the person who was knocked in found out, Levi was so thick-skinned that he couldn't hold back and had no time to find another toilet. It was also easy to be confused.

   "You don't carelessly carelessly, after all, if this place is special, there is no need to be so alert all the time. Anyway, the average person can't see this later, right?"

   Even a person like Levi would have had a hard time letting go of his perception. Imagine a person is always in a very noisy environment, there are people chattering and noisy around the clock for 24 hours, and there are always things colliding with his body. In this environment, in addition to a very few talented freaks, how many people can keep for a long time and not let themselves go crazy? Even those who are struggling in poverty and have to work in extremely harsh environments have to have enough rest time every day. Those capitalists who have no other idea than to exploit their minds understand the reason why workers oppress too much and affect efficiency. If a person like Asuka Asuka maintains the highest degree of vigilance as in a labyrinth of the outside world at all times, I am afraid that it does not take ten days and a half at all. No matter whether it is physiologically unbearable, it is already psychologically early. Has it collapsed under pressure?

"Is it possible for me to see the memory-clearing technology developed by your organization now? I didn't make this guy lose memory by the way. Just let him wake up later and don't talk everywhere. , You have to rely on your phone."

  Levi gave way back two steps, reached out and told the girl that it was your turn to play.

   Asuka was not much nonsense, immediately took out her mobile phone and operated it to make the mobile phone emit a faint light, just like a magician when casting a spell. The light suddenly spread and scanned the man who fell to the ground like a scan.

   "This should be fine. When he wakes up, he will forget the last short memory and will not remember seeing the two of us here."

   "How much is a short memory?"

  Levy asked curiously, but he did not forget to go out of this ‘dangerous’ place first.

  Although the security line was blocked at the door of the toilet, it was difficult to guarantee that no staff from other rest areas would come in again. Especially after the man who pretended to be the staff here came, his colleague who hadn't been back for a long time might come to see the situation.

   Levi leaned out and quickly glanced outside. Make sure that there are no other people in the area in front of the toilet door, beckoning back and beckoning Asuka to follow, stride out, and after crossing the cordon, it is like a normal long-distance bus tired to rest Humanly, he slowly walked out of the building with the girl behind him.

   "The specifics are not so accurate, but in order to ensure that people who stray into the outside world forget the relevant memories. The operation will be based on the memory content related to the outside world."

   "Sounds complicated."

  It is possible to operate a part of the memory specifically for a certain thing. This is indeed a very high-end technology for dual laymen like Levi, who are both scientific and magic. Anyway, to say who can do such a thing in his family, Levy can only think of two alien girls, Nagato Yuki and Asakura Ryoko.

  To let Yiwen's so-called high-powered magician do it, she may only be able to raise her small fist and punch her with one punch to carry out the traditional ‘hit your memory loss’ therapy.

   "But like that person who has never been outside, what will happen to this situation?"

   "Such a situation will probably make him lose about half an hour to an hour of memory. When he wakes up, he will forget why he was there."

   stepped on some wet ground shortly after the rain. Asuka Asuka took a deep breath. The two walked out of the building to the empty parking lot outside, where they were usually walking under the sparse trees. In fact, the air outside the world is not very turbid, and there are no harmful toxins. But the influence of that atmosphere alone makes girls feel that they can breathe the place on the side of the highway without the fresh air, which makes people feel quite comfortable.

   "This is not bad. Even if he wakes up and asks his colleagues, it is estimated that he doubts at most whether he accidentally fell and hit his head in a coma, or he suspected that he had a disease, and suddenly became sick."

  In fact, think about it carefully. It was not a problem to stun the person without having to worry so much. After all, this is a place far away in a foreign country, although Levi is nominally a native of this country. But he has lived on Gakuen Island for more than a decade, and he came here only occasionally and he was not in the toilet of his school. He was witnessed by the cleaners of his school to stay alone with the girl in the men's toilet. The reaction of the two was just a bit overwhelming in retrospect.

"But we did that just now, maybe it’s a good thing for that person too. If he woke up and thought he was fainting because of some illness. He would find a time to check his body after two days after work. Investigate the physical hazards. Although I didn’t look at his documents just now, I feel that I should do regular physical work. Even in such developed countries, most of the workers of this physical working class do not necessarily have regular physical examinations. Habit. Coupled with the fact that most of these people smoke and drink alcohol, they look muscular, but they don’t necessarily have much health in the body."

   Levi went on to say that Asuka had walked side by side with him, and the corner of her mouth had been listening with a smile.

   "That's really hard for more teachers... to find us a reason for such a good excuse."

   "This is not what I was looking for."

   Levi's eyes were glared, like those of his colleagues who had repeatedly taught in the serious education class in the office.

"You are still a student, and most of the things you know about society are listening... Oh, I forgot that you are not an ordinary student. But even if you are doing things for those organizations, you must also talk to adults in ordinary society. Not the same. Don’t look at some developed countries that require employers to provide employees with regular medical examinations as welfare guarantees. In fact, there are not too many countries that strictly follow these regulations, and even more companies that strictly follow these regulations are not all.”

  Although he is already a ‘inside world’ person, Asuka did not disdain Levi’s words. Instead, he seemed to listen to Levina's pretentious'course' seriously.

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