Awakening Millennium

Vol 2 Chapter 1100: Is it the turn of the big star?

  Levy said that as a teacher. Even if he added the meaning that it seems unlikely, the girls still did not change their previous expectations. Even Levi did not just take a chest package ticket, but let the more mature child of Xunxie Eri think that his words sound more credible.

   "Um... so, wait a minute, I'll call and ask friends first."

   has already spoken, although Levi asked them not to expect too much, but in fact, whoever is a teacher is willing to humiliate in front of the students? Even if this is not a student of his own school, no one will know what he said and what he did as long as he went back to his class. But just as students are naturally afraid of teachers, teachers like to take care of students and take care of them when they have the opportunity. That is also the nature of people who truly treat teachers as careers.

   "Hello? Yuna?"


  Muse girls heard that Levi called out the name of the person who answered over the phone, and they had always longed for idols Niko Yazawa and Koizumi Huayang, and immediately noticed the name.

  Although there are too many people with the same name in the world, the name of the super idol that has spread all over the world in recent years is not particularly uncommon. But most people who can get in touch with TV stations and performance venues should be insiders?

  People in the circle also called this name...shouldn't it be impossible? Perhaps it was so coincident that the name of a staff member of a TV station or entertainment company that this second middle school teacher knew had the same name as that super idol? case...if it is true...

   first noticed only Yazawa Nicole and Koizumi Huayang. Later, the other girls saw the strange expressions of the two of them, recalling the name Levi called, and began to doubt.

  It is impossible to say which girl in this popular international idol does not know. Perhaps some of the world's most recurring stars are not known. But in general, people like that are usually older people who never pay attention to any news media. After all, in this age when information is more and more convenient to rely on technology, even in the underdeveloped areas in the past, the fact that receiving real-time information is not so convenient and leading to closure is unlikely to happen.

   In the past, it did not take long, about ten years ago. At that time, smartphones in the world outside the academy city can only be regarded as just in their infancy. Although the Internet was already very well developed at that time, some early social media had been booming for some time. However, this so-called popularization of the Internet has only been in contact with children since childhood, and later learned. In short, they will use computers, and family living conditions and local conditions are relatively ample, so that they can own, or at least compare Young groups in those places that have easy access to computers.

At that time, people who were older or lived in economically underdeveloped areas, but did not have the habit of using computers. The way they received information was still the same as in the past decades. They still stayed through newspapers, magazines, television and television. Traditional media such as broadcasting. And among these people who happen to not like to watch TV or read newspapers and magazines, they often do not understand the situation of various major events in this world.

   However, smartphones gradually became popular. As a device that is barely a necessity in modern life, there are more people with smartphones than those with computers at home.

   The current smart phone's ability to browse information on the Internet is not much different from traditional computers. Coupled with a variety of new social applications, such as those instant messaging applications that have various "groups", even people who do not follow any news in this era will always be in the chat and sharing of their friends and others. , Passively learn many of the most widely spread new things.

  Like Levi’s office, a few retired colleagues who are using smartphones and never browsing online information. They often watched the chats of other young colleagues in the internal contact group of the school teachers, and also seemed to be rejuvenated, and suddenly they could say something that surprised them in front of the students in their class.

   In this era, especially these nine girls are still normal female high school students studying in school. Even if she is completely uninterested in modern pop music and entertainment, that is to say, a girl like Shinji Nishino, even if she doesn’t pay attention, it is impossible for her to plug her ears after class, or As soon as I heard the bell ringing, I ran out of the classroom. I ran to a place where there was no one to hide, so that I could not hear the topic of chatting with classmates at all.

   What's more, Judging by the traditional "pretending not to pay attention" action of Shinki Nishino, it seems that she is not interested in the "Yuna" that Levi talked about yet.

   The reason why Yuna can become popular in a short time, from an ordinary female idol to a world-class superstar. It's not good luck, nor is it just by appearance and hype.

   This girl, who is now undoubtedly at the apex level of all entertainers in the entertainment industry, is able to stand where she is today by virtue of her own ‘ability’. This ability is not the "singing ability", "acting skill" and "talking", "shape" and "temperament" that other excellent artists may have their own. These talents can also be possessed by ordinary people.

   must admit that although Yuna is indeed a combination of excellent appearance, special temperament and outstanding singing ability, it belongs to the entertainment industry, not to mention a hundred years, and it is also a rare talent that has been seen for at least decades.

  However, by virtue of these already excellent self-conditions, she wanted the popularity of light as fast as her, even if she has the help of the modern information explosion social conditions, in theory, it will not be so smooth and so amazing. This is why there are still many experts who specialize in sociology, psychology, etc., and they all talk about the reason why Yuna is popular. As a subject worthy of research, it is analyzed from various angles and various theories to try to find out The real reason she created such a "miracle".

   It is a pity that although the experts are by no means the scammers who only laugh at people in daily life to find a sense of existence, they have achieved many remarkable achievements in their own fields. Even if the minds and knowledge of all of them are collected, it is an absolutely impossible task to thoroughly analyze the reasons why Yuna has such achievements.

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