Awakening Millennium

Vol 2 Chapter 1148: Mengmeng, listen to the teacher

   Of course, people like Mengmeng feel like they are born with nothing, naturally, it seems that they no longer need to find security in others, let alone rely on themselves to show their excellence. But since he was young, he lived in an environment like the palace, and his father and mother are so outstanding people. It must be said that Mengmeng does not use his father and other people as the standard when judging men. Anyone thinks this is unscientific and unreasonable. Even if you can reduce the requirements for the opposite **** because you don’t have too many things you want, unless there are very special reasons, normal people will not choose to be much worse than themselves... just like those men who do not choose themselves. , They are also mocking those'monsters' around them.

   The De Beeruk Kingdom was founded by the current King De Beeruk from scratch, and all those who followed him were founding fathers with absolute capabilities. Such kingdoms can appear in the royal palace, and they are certainly outstanding talents in their respective fields. It will not be like the dynasty that has prospered for a long time, is full of all kinds of small people who are scrambling and climbing up.

  Dream living in such a royal palace from childhood, because of his excellent quality and character, as well as family education, treat people who are far inferior to himself and also be easy-going and friendly. But to say how she really can "see" those people who are usually very pleasant to communicate with her, this instinctively obvious thing, don't need too much entanglement?

   "Just because they were asked that way since childhood, they are probably accustomed to the education of "must maintain the face of the De Beeruk royal family."

  Meng Meng put his chin on Levi's shoulder, and said that, but he was full of nostalgia for the past life.

"Hee hee, obviously Nana and I hated the teachers who taught etiquette the most. I used to use my sister's inventions to trick the teachers when I was a kid. But I still remember so clearly what the teachers taught It’s clear that you can’t forget if you want to forget.”

   Is this so-called ‘nature hard to move’? According to Levi's knowledge, the education method of the De Beeruk royal family is not how effective the effect is, how easy it is to change a person. Speaking of Mengmeng’s two older sisters, they have not been taught to be the kind of people who always remember that they cannot damage the face of the royal family.

  Don’t mention the twin sister of Mengmeng who appeared less in public because he was younger and not the first heir. The eldest sister of the two of them, the well-known first king of Debbie Luxor, is a "lady of the king" who can only tell some ridiculous lace news even if the average person is just watching the news.

"But yeah, even people like me who have been instilled in so many etiquette education since childhood, sometimes feel that it is too tiring to always pay attention to their words and deeds. Even this kind of'attention' itself is already An unconscious behavior, when you don’t pay attention to it, you can’t even find that you have been doing what the teachers taught you as a child..."

   "After all, no matter how you get used to it, after all, it is not entirely your own nature. I heard that those classes that teach people how to act will have courses like "liberating nature", which sounds like letting people release their own nature?"

   Levi naturally does not understand the professional things of acting and acting. It is purely that he does not remember where he has heard the word from. It feels like it seems to be used by the literal meaning. Fortunately, Mengmeng had never taken those courses. After listening to Levi’s words, he thought the example he cited made sense.

"Actually, everyone usually "plays" something unconsciously? Unless someone who doesn't care about what others think of themselves, everyone always wants others to see themselves better, even if they are unfamiliar. The same is true in front of people."

"This is also impossible. There are too few people who really don't care about other people's opinions. Besides, people who don't care too much will cause a lot of trouble for themselves. Unless they don't interact with people, most of the time they hide themselves. Otherwise, as long as you live in society, you must contact with people around you."

   This kind of statement is actually the most appropriate for a person like Levi. On the one hand, he is a teacher of a school, which is also to teach his students to take the initiative to actively contact the society. Compared with those who only emphasize that students should learn, learn, and re-learn, do not consider anything other than learning. People, it is difficult to say whether education like Levi will add some opportunities for students in the future.

On the other hand, don’t forget that Levi, even though he can hardly see anything special from his usual life and work, is still a person with special power, seen in the eyes of those who are in the world under the water. Levi is also a kind of them. Even for so many years, no ordinary colleagues and students in the school have seen this McDowell teacher. Apart from the appearance of being "slow", what else is different from ordinary people. The place.

  Many truths and rules in the world of ordinary people are actually established in the society of non-ordinary human beings such as abilities, ‘in the world’. Although there are many people with special powers, they will look down on the ignorant mortals to a certain extent, but they have not noticed their so-called extraordinary life, and they are still using the mortals they look down on. Wisdom. Especially the etiquette, unspoken rules and conversation skills in interpersonal communication.

  Don’t wonder why the "inside world" and "underworld" are so strange that they are very different from ordinary people's world. In fact, except for a few special cases, the mainstream of the so-called inner world is nothing but another similar circle whose ‘rules’ are different from the world of ordinary people.

   In the world of ordinary people, power and money are the esteem, in the final analysis, ability and power determine strength. In the so-called inside world, it is just to replace money with special power, and who belongs to power is still determined by ability and power. It is nothing more than replacing the'capital' for power and power with something else. What is weird in the eyes of ordinary people.

In fact, even in the magic world connected to the "port" that can only be accessed by the very strict real world, in addition to many real-world things implemented by science and technology there are replaced by magic, but each other has some control that the other cannot do In addition to the unique technology, as long as you have lived on both sides for a period of time, you will find that there is not much difference in nature between the two sides.

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