Awakening Millennium

Vol 2 Chapter 1243: Girl, don't trust others so easily

   Fortunately, Asuka is also a typical ‘returned child’ here. For more than a decade of her life, more than half of her life was raised in the United States, where it is claimed to be the most free, and at least it is indeed the place that does not pay attention to the red tape.

  The various details of Asuka’s performance also make people see that the Nemesis association she belongs to is not a particularly hierarchical organization that pays attention to the meaningless rules. Changed the name of the other person who was recognized by Penglaishan Huiye within less than an hour, and it was somewhat uncomfortable. Asuka was very natural, not frowning or squinting at all.

   "Will that alien beast have the ability to reflect physical attacks or magic attacks?"

  I don’t know anything about the polite Penglaishan Huiye, holding his arms and gazing with interest at the head of the beast that was slowly ‘moving’ towards this place, and I asked him at Asuka Asuka.

   The so-called ‘monster’, from the appearance, is a little special decoration. It looks like a mirror in a medieval castle in Europe, especially a castle where a vampire or a scary witch lives.

   The frame is a line that makes people feel strange at a glance, and the color is also a dark purple that is full of negative associations. The hazy halo on the mirror makes the whole mirror even if it is not fluttering in the air, but just throwing it in any corner is very suitable for being an important prop in horror movies.

  If such a mirror appears in reality, and wanders into the alley in the middle of the night, or in the dense daytime, if those people who meet by chance are timid, maybe they will be scared directly?

"There is indeed such a possibility. I have encountered strange beasts that have the ability to absorb power before. It must be attacked by spiritual powers or the like in order to cause effective damage to them. They are not just like Miss Huiye you just encountered. That monster is immune to damage like that, and can even absorb the power of your attack into their own power, or supplement their own physical strength."

   Levi also saw that Asuka used some magic-like techniques, such as releasing something like ‘Ice Sword’ to attack the beast. The power of that technique gave Levi an impression similar to that of a magic archer.

  Of course, this kind of magical archer can be regarded as the most basic attack magic in the magic world, but it does not mean that its damage and power are also based on its ‘level’.

A beginner rookie who has not practiced magic for a long time, and a magic archer arrow released with all his strength, it is naturally impossible to throw it away with the magical archer arrow like a "big magician" like Ewen Jielin. ratio. The ascension of Asuka Asuka, which Levi has seen, is basically a magician above the standard in the magic world.

  If this girl is estimated to have the physical ability of the power of the soul device, it can be considered as a level of strength in the magic world at least. After all, there are actually very few people in the magician who have both internal and external cultivation like Ewen Jielin. Even Albireo Ima's high-level magician, he is mainly relying on auxiliary magic that is'always on the body' at any time to strengthen himself and protect his relatively weak body.

   In the magic world, a magician who can display almost the same level of magic archer arrows, it is estimated that few people can easily defeat Asuka. Not to mention that the girl has not yet shown her full strength in front of Levi and Penglai Shanhui tomorrow. The power hidden in her body has always been suppressed by similar seals. If all of them are liberated, the increase in her strength must be very considerable.

   "A monster that can't be effectively attacked with a spirit son, and must be directly wounded with a soul device at close range. My predecessors have encountered it before."

   Asuka continued. She didn't worry much about the mirror that was slowly wandering around. As she said, these alien labyrinths have a very rigorous hierarchy. No matter how strange and special abilities the monsters in this maze are, it is impossible to cause trouble to the young executors who are novices but who are already strong. Not to mention Penglaishan Huiye, who has let her see the magical powers, Asuka actually has a very obvious'danger warning' when she first sees this beautiful girl who looks as big as herself.

   Asuka, who has received special combat training since childhood, is relatively keen on danger. In the eyes of passersby, it is simply a beautiful girl who stops people, but in the eyes of Asuka, it has a very simple inner, and it is even more concerned than her appearance that even women are ~If Penglai Shanhui Ye was not brought by Levi, but an accidental'encounter' by the roadside. For the time being, it is also a special kind of "law enforcer", and Asuka may be secretly alert and take the initiative to avoid this woman who is likely to bring herself to danger.

   After all, the identity of the executor is only for alien beasts. And if you accomplish your task well, in addition to the need to deal with the outside world and the beast's sufficient ability, how to avoid being obstructed by others is also a part of Asuka's strict education from an early age.

   There are too many people in this world who cannot, or at least should not provoke. If you don't know how to avoid danger, you don't have enough sense of crisis. An executor who believes that he has the power that ordinary people don’t have, and every day he manages to clean up the mess he has created, he spends all his time. How can he still have time and energy to complete his task?

  The fact that he entered the world as in the morning was discovered by Levi. It was purely an unavoidable accident. If it was Levi who Asuka Asuka discovered first, and not after Levi entered the outside world. The young girl will definitely find a way to get rid of the teacher he knew before, and wait for him to leave before continuing his mission.

   Well, after all, Levi is a teacher, and he used to give him an impression of Asuka... In the end, Lewis gave him an impressive strength just after meeting in a different world. Otherwise, even if it happened unexpectedly in a different world, the girl must first think of how to stun the teacher and stun him, and then clear his memory to a safe place.

   "As for not only the immune, but also the monster that can reflect the damage... There are indeed related records in the association's library. However, the seniors I know haven't encountered it yet."

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