Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 101 4. The Rescued

Devil, this thing is a proper villain in any fairy tale and legendary novel. Even the most mischievous author will not so easily define a devil as a decent person.

The Twisting Nether is said to be located on the dark side of the infinite universe, and the demons born there also have a chaotic and destructive nature. However, after the fall of the Bronze Titan, the Burning Legion he formed has almost become synonymous with demons.

Generally speaking, slightly stronger demons will choose to fight alone, because their chaotic nature makes them completely unable to cooperate with their companions. However, for these weak hellhounds and demon guards, fighting in groups, Winning by numbers is their kingly way.

It sounds very similar to the fighting style of the undead, but the phalanx formed by the demons is more aggressive and more autonomous. Most importantly, no matter whether it is a big demon or a weak little demon, they have a lot of power. Headache nature - outside the void, can't be killed.

So even in the face of the cavaliers' charge, these guys reacted quickly after panicking, using their flesh and blood soaked in magic energy to forcefully block the cavaliers' charge.

It sounds heroic, but coming to Azeroth is just a journey full of surprises and surprises for these demons. If they can catch a soul devourer before they die, they can wait for them to die again in the void. Reborn and they'll grow stronger!

So on the chaotic battlefield of Ashenvale, the cluster charge of the Stratholme battle group was blocked in the center of the battlefield for the first time.

Go away!

Dick raised his left hand, and the sharp lance pierced through the chest of a tall demon guard. Did he put his right hand on the raised branch of the lance? With both hands, he lifted the dark green demon guard into the air, left and right Dancing wildly, using it as a sledgehammer, smashing away all the demons gathered around him.

Dick's horse was still charging forward with difficulty, but in front of the horse, one demon after another charged forward. From being directly knocked into the air at the beginning, to now hanging on the horse's neck, the kinetic energy accumulated in the charge has been wiped out. These guys with strong physical strength completely offset it.

Dick was furious. His body on the horse was completely straight, his upper body was slightly tilted back, he was holding the lance backwards, and his left hand was pulled back. After his power was filled to the limit, the silver lance in Dick's hand roared and flew out, piercing through the demon lying on the horse's neck, and flying back with him.

The inhuman power of the lord gave this flying lance unimaginable lethality. One, two, and the third one flew out with the bodies of three demons. The Hellhound, who couldn't dodge in time, was nailed to the ground. This blow was so fierce that even Varok Saurfang, who rushed into the battlefield and followed the knights to cover up and kill the demon, couldn't help but let out a sigh in his heart.

But the next thing is Dick's performance show. In the past few months, the communication with Anveena, the spirit of the sun, has been very smooth. The little girl felt the breath of mother in Gray Valley, and she was very happy, but she also opened up The seal of the holy hammer held the familiar weapon again, and Dick silently poured the holy energy into it.

The torch of holy light dispelled the coldness and viciousness brought by the ferocious demons, especially when the wings of golden light appeared behind Dick, the warriors on the entire battlefield were bathed in the light falling from the sky. Yuzhong.

Dick got off his horse, and in the state of the Holy Avenger, no matter whether it was a tall demon guard or a cunning hellhound, there was almost no one-on-one enemy, and his total attributes had swelled to 270 points, which was close to the peak of the lord rank. Holding a warhammer like a torch and a sword of light, every blow can wipe out the enemies in front of you.

Under the beating of the wings of the Holy Avenger, wherever Dick walked, he left a holy path similar to dedication. Wherever he walked, even the demons were condensed, although there is no such thing as the Ashbringer. Ashes is domineering, but when facing these low-level demons whose highest is no more than rare elites, Dick in the state of Holy Avenger is invincible.

Every time the holy light is unsheathed and triggered, it will become a lifelike sword of light under Dick's swaying palm. The lord rank already has the primary form of energy attack, and the light of light that contains the power of order The sword is almost the natural enemy of low-level demons. Every time the sword of light is swung round and rotates in the battle line, it will cut off the heads or bodies of several demons.

Dick turned around like an angel descending, and used a super-large holy shock to rescue the paladins who were trapped in place by the demons and could not charge, and formed a crude formation with the orcs led by Varok, and dismounted The Holy Light Warriors who fought on foot, led by Dick and Warok, one gold and one red, completely repelled thousands of arrogant demons in just 10 minutes.

The battle mages headed by Jaina set up a circle of blue flames on the edge of the battlefield long before the battle started. When the paladins and orcs stopped their pursuit, the long-awaited mages Finally showed off.

The icicles that fell from the sky brought a white blizzard that froze everything, and the blizzard spells released by more than a dozen high-level mages overlapped together, allowing the demons shrouded in it to enjoy a saturated magic attack. Under such circumstances, these demons have absolutely no reason to survive.

It seems that these mages from Dalaran have completely slammed the hatred of destroying the country on these demon soldiers.

From the Stratholme battle group joining the battlefield to the last Hellhound being pierced in the head by four ice picks, the whole process took only 20 minutes, but the cooperation of multiple arms, especially the tactics of paladins destroying them and mages completely annihilating them, made The orcs felt the strength of the First Expeditionary Army.

However, it was not without loss. Many people were injured in the battle with the demon, especially the horse. Dick misjudged the form.

It seems that when dealing with large groups of demons in the future, we can't just rely on charging to do it recklessly!

Errigor stroked the wound on his war horse distressedly, and said to the somewhat tired Dick, who had a pile of hay in his hand, and nodded while feeding his war horse,

Against low-level demons, knights are more effective in fighting on foot. When encountering large demons, we must make good use of the chains we distribute.

While the two were talking, a thick and powerful hand fell on Dick's shoulder. The latter looked back and saw that it was Varok, the orc warlord who had spoken rudely to him. Bandage Grom.

I underestimated you! Knights.

Varok's big mouth was grinning, and the fangs in his mouth were exposed, looking very ferocious, but Dick felt the kindness of the warlord, and he smiled back, while Grom put his fist down. knocked on the chest,

The Warsong clan will never forget your help, human warriors! When you need help, you can always call us!

Grom's kindness surprised Eligor. After the two orcs exchanged a few words and left together, the adjutant who was like a think tank whispered to Dick,

I thought the beasts never learned to be grateful.

The orcs are actually a very easy race to deal with.

Dick took the bridle of the horse and walked towards the defense line being repaired together with Errigor. Almost everyone in the Warsong clan was wounded. They needed to go back to Durotar for recuperation. Varok promised to take the orcs with him in a week. More soldiers came to change defenses, so during this week, it was the task of Dick and the knights to guard this line of defense.

Do you still remember what happened to Great Knight Fording?

Dick said to Eligor, He chose to be imprisoned for the orc he saved, but when he was executed, those orcs broke through the defense line of the Silver Hand and rescued the great knight Fording. .Erigor, my brother, at least in this land, I hope you can temporarily put aside your hatred with the orcs. When facing demons, they are our allies, and we have to learn to trust them.

The adjutant froze for a moment. He looked back at the orcs on the battlefield who were helping the paladins to build a line of defense. Although they were busy together, the two distinct lines between humans and orcs made Eligor feel some changes. He turned his head, and Dick was looking at him with a water glass.

Errigor thought for a while, and finally nodded with some difficulty.

I'll do my best, Commander.

Well, I believe you, Eligor, my brother.

Dick patted the shoulder of the old knight, took the reins of another war horse from Liadrin, and got on the horse. Liadrin and the eldest lady followed behind him,

I'll leave it to you, Eligor, I'll check the surroundings first!

The road from the Barrens to Ashenvale is very quiet. When the night elves ruled here, this area was considered a remote place, but now that the demons occupy half of Ashenvale, the elf sentinels retreat to the east of Ashenvale. The city of Astrana built a defense line near the tree dwelling in the forest to hinder the advance of the demons, intending to stick to the road leading to Felwood Forest.

Dick and his followers walked all the way, talking and laughing. As for, he found that the demons seemed to have forgotten this place. The group of demons that were annihilated just now, chasing and killing the Warsong clan should have been guarding here originally. Demon swarms, that is to say, Dick and the paladins, as long as they don't rashly approach the plain around the Splinterwood Post, they are unlikely to encounter the army of demons.

According to the memory in his mind, Dick roughly knew that on the eve of the second demon war, the main attack direction of the demon legion was actually the Felwood Forest adjacent to Mount Hyjal, where all the elite demon legions were stationed. .

For Ashenvale, the demon soldiers here have been in a stalemate with the elf sentinels until the great demon Maronus and the great demon Archimonde died in battle, and the demon soldiers here dispersed, until Dick In the game process before time travel, there are still sporadic demons in Ashen Valley.

Let's go to Falling Star Lake and go back to the defense line! You have a good rest tonight.

After repeatedly confirming that there are no large groups of demons around, Dick shook his neck and said to the two ladies behind him, the eldest lady narrowed her beautiful eyes and asked curiously,

Dick, you probably haven't been here before, how do you know this place so well?

The paladin froze for a moment. He rode on the horse and made up a reason quickly as he walked forward.

Uh, hehe, I heard from those elf bards. You should know that in the original Lordaeron, there were some mysterious bards. I met an old elf in the tavern, yes He told me.

Jaina, who was riding with Liadrin, didn't ask any more questions, but the suspicion on the eldest lady's face couldn't be concealed anyway, but Liadrin was not very curious, as a follower, she shared All of Dick's memories except his rebirth.

In the eyes of the high elf lady, Dick can even meet Titans, knowing these little knowledge, it is completely drizzle.

But no matter how much the young lady doubted, ten minutes later, she was still attracted by the beauty of Falling Star Lake. Dick and Liadlin also stood behind the young lady, who were also attracted by this piece of land hidden in the wilderness. , Attracted by the sapphire-like lake water and beauty.

Like the eternal pupil of the moon god, in the past 10,000 years, this inaccessible lake has not had many visitors. The tranquility and mystery that stretched from 10,000 years ago, in the gray light of Ashen Valley , It seems to be able to print people's hearts.

Anyone standing by this lake hidden in the dense forest can feel their own insignificance. This is indeed a breathtaking scenery.

But what makes people laugh and cry is that the eldest lady ran around the lake for fun, and finally decided to play in the beautiful lake for a while. Liadrin, who has always been mature and sensible, also stood by the eldest lady. Dick just He was able to lead two war horses and was driven to the other side of the lake.

Fortunately, Falling Star Lake is actually not that big. Although it is a lake, it is like an extra-large pond, and it is only about ten minutes away.

But just as Dick was leading the horse with a sweet grass stalk in his mouth, and was about to lie down and take a nap by the lake, his left hand suddenly became warm, and Dick's face suddenly changed. It was gloomy.

The Silver Hand will only get hot when facing demons, that is to say, there are demons here!

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