Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 106 9. Quarrel

For carbon-based creatures, the greater the strength, the higher the agility, which means the higher the physical strength.

When Dick's four attributes have all reached the lord level, his physical strength has naturally reached the lord level, but falling off the cliff with this crazy dragon, this crazy move still makes Dick full of fear.

When he woke up from the dizziness of falling into the water and climbed ashore with difficulty, his energy value had dropped from 800 to an extremely dangerous 20 points.

It has been 4 years since he entered this world. Dick has already grasped the meaning of digitization. In a certain sense, energy represents a blood bar. Energy at 20 points has reached an extremely dangerous point. If he fell into the water just now Well, if there is a sharp stone at the bottom of the water, Dick will have to say goodbye to the world.

But even if he survived by luck, his current condition is extremely poor. He is lying on the river beach, his whole body has no strength, only his metal left hand can move.

The paladin struggled to find the high-concentration holy water that he carried with him from the brown leather rucksack around his waist. The bitter taste filled his mouth. When the holy energy recovered quickly, Dick felt a wave of Came dizzy.

As mentioned above, holy water stimulates the recovery of holy power at the cost of sacrificing spiritual power.

Before falling asleep, Dick struggled to control the flow of holy energy to his whole body. In the long-lost warmth, it was like lying on a sunny coast. The illusion of basking in the sun appeared in Dick's heart, and then his neck As soon as he crooked, he passed out.

Four hours later, the sky was already dark. On the banks of the River of Wrath, which runs through Ashenvale, Azshara, Durotar and the Barrens, Dick gritted his teeth. What, he was about to punch hard, and the next moment, he woke up.

The energy value has recovered to 300 points. Dick rubbed his painful body and got up from the ground. He picked up his Flame of Justice on the river bank not far away. Na's screams rang in his mind.

Dick, you idiot! Idiot! Idiot, idiot, idiot! The next time you dare to throw away someone's house, they will beat you to tears! Hmph!

The noise of the Sun Spirit made Dick's face pale. He shrugged, apologized carefully to the daughter of the Moon Goddess, and put the hammer back behind his back. The extremely weak green dragon walked over.

Lord Delia Sera

Lord - Faint Chaos


Evaluation: slightly

In Dick's eyes, the state of the green dragon jumped out, and it could be seen that the fighting power of the green dragon was indeed a bit weaker, but in fact, if it hadn't been for Dick desperately jumping on top of it, plus being trapped by the nightmare The controlled green dragon was somewhat irritable, and his normal thinking was disturbed, otherwise Dick would never be able to escape the pursuit of a giant dragon.

However, history is written by the victor after all. Dick put his hand on the top of the green dragon's bloody head. On the smooth scales, there was a cold breath. This bold action made the green dragon struggle a bit, but this The struggle took the last of its strength.

It wailed with the last breath of air squeezed out of its lungs, and Dick also sighed. He took off the hammer with his backhand. This dragon was controlled by Nightmare. If there is no purification power to save it, it will be unstoppable , sliding into the form of the Nightmare Dragon.

In today's era where the level of power is still slightly weaker, even a nightmare dragon is enough to drive tens of thousands of people crazy.

But just when Dick raised his warhammer, intending to end this evil life, the green dragon suddenly opened its eyes, and the green pupils had already returned to normal yellow snake pupils.

This made Dick stunned for a moment. He was silent for a few seconds, and the hammer he held high suddenly swung down.


Ashenvale Line of Defense.

This is already the third day since Dick left. The First Expeditionary Force lost the Supreme Commander. Some people are somewhat unstable. However, under the suppression of Eligor and other commanders, the soldiers on the defense line are still vigilant. stationed here.

After Dick left, the eldest lady returned to Theramore. As Dalaran's representative to Kalimdor, Jaina's task was no easier than Dick's.

The destruction of Dalaran taught the mages a good lesson. The mages who have learned the lesson plan to follow the example of the Silver Hand Knights and build a new mage training base in Kalimdor. Theramore is a great place .

The eldest lady must prepare a place to live and study for the upcoming 500 mage apprentices before the end of the 20th year of the Dark Portal. In Theramore, where there are almost no idlers and human resources are very tight, this is not an easy task. .

Leaving aside Jaina's work in Theramore, almost at the same time when the mysterious white-haired elf and Garald's wife Sarah Hill woke up, the defense line of Ashenvale also ushered in a heavyweight visitor .

Stop whoever comes!

Liadrin, who was fully armed, stood at the entrance of the defense line and shouted at the dozen or so elves riding on the black night saber, walking from the direction of Falling Star Lake.

These elves put a lot of pressure on Liadrin. They were all dressed in uniform black robes, covering their entire bodies in the robes. The purple moon blade, which can be used for close combat and long-distance attack, represents the strength of these guys.

This kind of weapon with beautiful shape but cruel and insidious style is not something novices can control.

After being stopped by Liadrin, the black nightsaber spread out to both sides, revealing a passage, and the elf riding on the ancient frostsaber with black spots and white text stepped forward. She was wearing a moon-white robe, elegantly Sitting on the saddle, there is a green longbow that keeps blooming and withering on his body.

The most striking thing is that this beautiful elf with long green hair has a faint moonlight shining on her slightly purple skin all the time, and there is a crescent moon emblem on her forehead.

Get out of the way! Descendant of Dath'Remar, there is a noble one in your camp, the world needs him!

Tyrande, the priest of the moon, saw Liadrin's heels wrapped in armor at first sight. As a comrade in arms who once fought with the first Sun King Dath'Remar, she had no malice towards Liadrin. Although Dath'Remar eventually parted ways with his tribe and the night elves, the achievements of the Sun King in the War of the Ancients were enough to offset that unhappiness.

But Liadrin didn't appreciate it. She didn't move her body. Even after thousands of years, the high elves didn't forget the hatred of being ostracized and expelled. When Tyrande recognized her, she also recognized Tyrande, the former king of Dath'Remar could not forget the humiliation of being driven away until his death.

This humiliation was engraved in the bones of the high elves, and the woman in front of him was the culprit who let all this go on.

Liadrin's hand subconsciously held the hilt of the phoenix epee behind her, but at this moment, her movement was interrupted by Eligor who rushed over.

Miss Liadrin, take care of the overall situation.

The paladin commander whispered something to the high elves. Liadrin struggled for a while, but her eyes lit up the next moment, she quickly put down her hands, and angrily turned and left the line of defense.

Come this way, Ms. Tyrande, Mr. Garrod is waiting for you!

Erigor made a gesture of please to the expressionless Tyrande who was neither humble nor overbearing. The Moon Priest jumped to the ground lightly, touched the gem-studded forehead of the Frostsaber with one hand, and brought the sentinel troops The elite, the huntresses, walked into the camp of the First Expeditionary Force.

A few minutes later, in the simple command room, Garrod sat across from Tyrande. I don't know if it was Errigor's illusion. Mr. Garrod, facing the leader of the night elves, seemed a little cold.

You are finally willing to stand up, Jarod, in this critical moment.

Tyrande's voice was a bit hoarse, but besides being charming, there was an unexpected sense of sacredness. Thousands of years later, seeing Jarod again, the priest of the moon seemed very happy Yes, and very pleased.

Okay, Tyrande, don't say these words.

Jarod waved his hand, interrupted the Moon Priest's words, and got straight to the point, The demons have captured most of Ashenvale, and Cenarius alone can't fight against the great demon. In the battle of the ancients, we sacrificed half a dozen God, you blocked the big demon's surprise attack, if you still want to win now, then you'd better use the fastest speed to contact other surviving wilderness demigods, guardian dragon side, I will find a way.

Tyrande was not angry because of Garald's rudeness. On the contrary, her beautiful face had a bit of bitterness. Faced with Garald's request, the Moon Priest sighed,

At the beginning of the war, I contacted the surviving demigods, but neither Tortola, Goldrinn, or even Aviana responded to our request. They're badly hurt, and we...

Enough! Tyrande, don't play your tricks in front of me!

Before Tyrande finished speaking, Jarod yelled uncharacteristically, Before I left, I warned you repeatedly to resurrect those demigods who died in battle as quickly as possible. Not stable yet, but now, look what you've done!

The descendants of Agamaggan, who were as noble as me, have fallen to the predicament that they have not even preserved their own culture. The bears of the Grizzly Hills have become sworn enemies with us. The believers of the Raptor God no longer respond to the call. This is you What did you pay for the heroes of the War of the Ancients? Tortola and Goldrinn are not fools, let you play with that narrow-minded forest king!

Jarod's outburst startled Eligor. He didn't expect that this white-haired elf, who didn't care about everything, would be so terrifying when he was really angry. He couldn't bear the aura. He took a few steps back.

And Tyrande's expression also changed drastically when facing Garald's scolding, and after Garald finished speaking, she also retorted fiercely,

I know you have feelings for those demigods in the wilderness, but Garrod, have you considered how difficult it is to resurrect the demigods who died in battle from the Emerald Dream? Even in the world 10,000 years later The tree also needs to consume nearly half of the energy. Not to mention these, the most important thing is that even Malfurion is not 100% sure that he can be resurrected successfully! What will happen if it fails? Do you understand! The clansmen can’t bear it This loss!


Garrod sneered, As long as you do anything, there is hope for success! In ten thousand years, I don't believe that the druids can't even think of a proper solution. Even if there is really no way, I don't believe that Queen Ysera of the Emerald Dream can't do it either! But have you contacted me? No!

You said you were doing it for the people! Then tell me, in this situation, without the assistance of the demigods and the trust of the guardian dragon, how many people's lives are you going to sacrifice to keep this world going?

I... I don't know.

Tyrande relented, but Jarod's accusations continued.

I don't know, what do you think of me? An omnipotent god? What can I do in this situation? Have you seen the descendants of Dath'Remar in the camp? Can you feel The anger in their eyes? And those self-enclosed high elves in Feralas! This is all you do for your people! Let those fools crowd out the real heroes, and let the inheritance of the elf empire be torn apart! Exile the spellcasters and suppress the watchers , Sentry, look at the Sentinel you formed, it's a joke!

I said long ago that you are not suitable to be a leader at all. Your stubbornness, your weakness, and your unreasonable mercy will destroy the Kaldorei sooner or later!

Jarod's voice resounded throughout the room, Tyrande remained silent, and Erigor swallowed. It was the first time he came into contact with such a powerful ancient secret, which made the elder Paladin's mouth dry, but At this moment, a tired voice came in.

Yo, it's quite lively!

Lord Delia Sera

Lord - Faint Chaos

Dragon - Legendary Creature Template

Strength -500, Dexterity -400, Energy -2000, Mana -2000

Comment: Don't pay attention to this bluffing value. The rank calculation method of legendary creature templates and ordinary creature templates is different. If you survived, be lucky, because this unlucky dragon is just an adult Little rookie.

Another: It’s not that I satirized Tyrande through Garrod’s mouth. In short, from my point of view, Tyrande is really not suitable to be a leader. It can be seen that she lacks the courage to make a decision at the critical moment.

But considering that she is a woman, it's understandable. In short, I don't have a good feeling for Tyrande. Of course, this is not because I love Illidan so much.

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