Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 108 11. The Spoiler Malonos

Mortals cannot enter the Emerald Dream, because the soul of a mortal cannot exist without the body, but relying on the dream portal of the temple, combined with the spell effect of the druid's Heaven and Man, can allow you to transform into a dream form in a short time , into the Emerald Dream.

Garald put on leather armor and a long sword, and looked heroic. His wife Sarah Hill stood beside him. Dick just glanced at it and knew that this beautiful female elf was An excellent assassin, his fighting power is at least ten blocks higher than Garald.

It seems that in addition to being a wife, Sarah Hill is also Garrod's protector, although she is not very competent.

Gathered around Garald are the commanders who have already assigned tasks. Their current location is in the Forest Song Temple near the shade of the big tree. This is also one of the ruins left by the Highborne. When Dick was investigating that day, he walked The ruins are one.

According to the information detected by the watchmen, most of the dragonmen in the shade of the big tree were involved in the war with the demons. Now the battlefield in the west of Ashenvale has become a mess. The nightmare dragon and the demons are fighting. This is our chance, the Dreamland Portal and Tailar, if these two are settled, we can drive into the Emerald Dreamland.”

Garald talked eloquently, and he pointed to Dick who was pinning the delicate leaf-shaped Heaven and Man emblem on his collar,

Dick has observed the giant dragon Tailar at close range. According to him, Tailar should not be completely controlled by the nightmare. If possible, we should purify it instead of killing it directly, understand?

Tyrande, who put on a close-fitting leather armor, nodded, The power of the Moon God is enough to purify Tylar, but you need to control it first!

very good!

Garrod took over the conversation, coughed lightly,

Then, people above the lord directly join the attack and restraint on Tailar, and leave the other soldiers to me temporarily. I will block the dragon's return for you, but hurry up!

Five minutes later, in the deepest part of the shade of the big tree, the number of patrolling dragonmen has decreased a lot, but for ordinary people, this place is still a forbidden area. The tall dragonman warriors hold hammers and axes made of iron and wood. The petite dragon caster is leaning on a staff.

They patrolled their territory vigilantly. Nightmares would spread, especially after Tylar, who was guarding the temple, was infected. The spread of this spiritual plague was already unstoppable.

The dragon man felt a chill, and he looked back. The scarlet snake eyes were full of doubts, but he didn't notice that the shadow under him began to squirm slowly.

The next moment, five slender figures holding knife wheels jumped out of the shadows. The sharp and ferocious giant knife wheels slashed across the dragon man's neck, and hot dragon blood sprayed out. When it was issued, the dagger glowing with green light pierced into their hearts.

paralysis! The heart was paralyzed in an instant!

The knife wheel slid on the fatal wound, and 3 seconds later, the five-headed dragon men fell to the ground in unison.

Watching the watchman's straightforward assassination, Dick couldn't help touching his neck. This kind of shadowy killing intent made him feel a little chilly. Watcher is indeed a heroic profession, but any watcher who can perform tasks is a A tyrannical force above the lord.

Today's leader of the watchmen, Jarod's sister, the greatest watcher, Maiev-Shadowsong, is probably a proper epic hero.

Dick was still in a daze, and Tyrande not far away had already drawn his bow and arrow. Unlike Cirvanas' murderous aura, as one of the best huntresses, when Tyrande attacked, it was like a breeze blowing on his face. It didn't feel threatening, but when the long silver arrow was put on the bowstring by Tyrande wearing a leather glove, the sharp edge made Dick's eyes shrink.

Moon God, bless my arrows!


With a murmur, the silver arrow shot in and out at a distance of at least 700 meters, and the wind pressure brought by it plowed a shallow ravine on the ground. This is no longer an arrow in the traditional sense. It is the combination of archery and magic!

Tyrande, worthy of being the most outstanding moon priest and the best huntress ever, she could think of such a miraculous way of fighting!

The silver light shone, and the arrow was sure to hit. The sleeping emerald dragon Tailar let out a terrifying roar. The silver arrow sank into the root of its wing, piercing the connecting bones.

Dick smacked his lips. These rangers are really savage guys. Even a gentle wife like Tyrande directly abolished Tailar's flying ability as soon as he made a move.


Grom and Varok yelled the orc's war advice Never win, mother would rather die, and rushed out of the hidden woods with weapons in hand. These orc heroes who focus on combat skills are familiar with all kinds of weapons. Heart, Grom waved his hand while running, and the three whistling axes flew straight towards Tailar's eyes who rushed down from the high platform.

The giant dragon stretched out its claws and yanked the throwing ax away, but the pause gave the orc a chance to attack. Varok, who was wearing simple metal armor, let out an angry roar, holding the beast bone battle ax high in both hands, and the whole person soared into the air , and cut towards Tailar's neck.

Warrior Advanced Skill - Leap of Heroism

This blow was like a catastrophe, and Dick, who was charging along with him, heard the sound of thunder in a trance. Just as the giant dragon raised its claws, it used Grom's battle ax Blood Roar, which dominated the charge, with afterimages. The heavy slash on its strong claws disrupted the dragon's attack, giving Varok the opportunity to deliver the fatal blow.

The bone ax fell, and the hard dragon scales couldn't stop this crazy blow. Tailar was hit hard again. On its neck, which was nearly ten meters long, there was a slashing wound, which looked miserable. Extremely.

However, after Varok landed on the ground, the dragon tail, as thick as a warhammer, swept over. The dragon tail sweeps, and all dragon creatures have the attack instinct. Tailar's body is 50 meters long, and a dragon tail has 15 With a length of nearly 20 meters, coupled with the power of the giant dragon to open mountains and crack rocks, if this blow hits, even Varok will temporarily lose his fighting power.

But just at this moment, the quaint singing sound came from behind, as if leading everyone to the barbaric period, the ancestors were praying for the protection of the world, and the vast scene brought indescribable shock.

Earth Spirit! Protect your loyal warriors!

Thrall held high the ancient stone hammer named Doomhammer, with one hand propped on the ground, and was eliminated in the air by the khaki totem among the four totems of different colors he placed beside him, and the earth in front of Varok violently Shockingly, an earth elemental with a complete body, thick arms and a circle of rolling stone legs blocked in front of the orc warrior.

The dragon tail swept across, creating a whirlwind in the air, and smashed on the tall earth elemental body, knocking the elemental creature back several steps, but Tailar's dragon tail was also hugged tightly by the elemental creature. In front of him, this time, Tailar couldn't even dodge.

The sky was howling, black clouds gathered, a dazzling blue thunder appeared from Thrall's Doomhammer, and went straight into the clouds. The next moment, four thunderbolts fell from the sky, and each blow hit the on Taylor's body.

This high-concentration elemental attack made the emerald dragon unbearable. Its mouth began to spray black and green spherical dragon breath that Dick had seen once before. Grom and Varok were the main attackers, and Tyrande and Thrall Doing harassment, more than a dozen watchmen jumped back and forth in the shadow of the dragon. Every time the knife wheel shone, it could bring out deep and visible scars on Tailar's body.

Wojin's fighting posture is the strangest. He casually pulled out a wooden spear from behind and threw it like a throw, but the moment the spear was released, it would exceed the speed of sound, and the edge of the wooden spear was engraved The troll's mysterious voodoo rune has a penetrating power even surpassing Tyrande's sharp arrow. Every time he takes a shot, a transparent blood hole will inevitably appear on Tailar's body.

I don't know what secret method the troll used. Even with the vitality of the dragon, the blood hole cannot be healed! That strolling posture, in Dick's eyes, this bent, low, and somewhat wretched figure of the troll also grew taller in vain.

The visual effect of the group attacks of the close-combat Watchers is extremely terrifying. It seems that there are several clusters of blade storms lit up on Tailar's body. The blood and flesh flying all over the place is not enough to explain the tragedy. For the Watchers who can manipulate the power of shadows, they Every attack of the sword will have a strong paralysis and damage enhancement effect, so it is definitely not a good idea to fight with the watcher.

These ladies, nimble as blade dancers, are natural shortstoppers.

Even Dick pretended to use the energy sword unsheathed by the Holy Light to block Tailar's dodge space. If there were no accidents, it was only a matter of time before the defeat of the emerald dragon.

After all, the power of six heroes and more than a dozen lords has been gathered. If this power is used to fight against the great demon Archimonde, you can play back and forth for more than ten minutes.

However, Dick noticed that Tailar's struggle became weaker and weaker, especially when the watchmen bound Tailar's head and limbs with special chains, the emerald dragon's abdomen The phantom-like traces of nightmare infection began to expand rapidly. In just a few minutes, Tailar's entire abdomen turned into a green mist-like shadow.

Dick, who was holding the dragon hook, narrowed his eyes. He turned his head and shouted to Tyrande who was bleeding Tyrande with arrow after arrow,

Start the purification! The nightmare is devouring it!

In the game, the completely depraved Tailar is also known as the Shadow Dragon. The completely virtual body can manipulate the power of fear, and can also be divided into nightmare clones. The attack comes with strong corrosive damage. It is a very difficult enemy.

Hearing Dick's shout and looking at his fingers, the Moon Priest's expression changed drastically. He quickly put the Blossom Bow back behind his back, took out a staff from his storage ring, and walked a few steps quickly. , began to chant the Luna Prayer.

It is worthy of being the chosen one of the Moon God, and Ashenvale is also worthy of being the home ground of the Moon God. When Tyrande whispered prayers in the wind, two thick rings of moonlight fell from the sky, one circled around Tyrande, and the other The scope was expanded, and it was surrounded by the struggling Tailar.

The moment the moonlight appeared, the flame of justice behind Dick's back began to buzz, and Little Lolita's exclamation also sounded in Dick's mind,

Mother! Mother! Mother! Mother! That's his mother! Go! He wants to talk to mother! Go, Dick!

Dick was so quarreled by Anveena, but he could only smile wryly in return. At the moment when the moonlight cast on his body, black smoke emitted from Tailar's body, like a piece of paper being ignited. The dragon was in great pain, and it was struggling hard in the purification process. Even Dick and the other watchmen were pulled towards the dragon's body by the fast-moving chains.

Under such circumstances, Dick couldn't even resist the dragon hook, so how could he help Anwena contact Elune.

Dick was holding the dragon hook with both hands, the chain was wrapped around his body, his whole body was leaning back, his footsteps were dragged and plowed two depressions on the ground, the power of the emerald dragon was too strong, and the legendary creature template was too inappropriate To be reasonable, this emerald dragon is at best a hero, but its strength is comparable to that of an epic hero.

Under the moonlight containing the power of purification, the nightmare phantom that spread rapidly in Tailar's abdomen was suppressed for the first time, and then as if being burned by fire, black mist rose up, and the materialized nightmare twisted from the huge Flying out of the dragon's mouth and nose, completely black mist twisted into a wailing human face, making people shudder at a glance.

But it wasn't waiting to die either. Tailar's eyes were getting redder, and the last trace of his sanity was gone. It seemed that Nightmare was desperate and planned to take this opportunity to completely control the emerald dragon.

However, under the power of the moonlight, Tailar had no ability to fight against it.

Just when Dick breathed a sigh of relief, the sudden sound of howling and breaking wind made everyone turn their eyes to the sky behind. It was a double-headed halberd burning with dark green flames, piercing through the space, and in front of everyone Without even reacting, a blow landed on Tyrande who was presiding over the purification ceremony.

The Priest of the Moon God was swept away, but protected by the moonlight, she was not injured. The war halberd disappeared suddenly after interrupting the purification ceremony. Dick recognized the war halberd, it was Maronor the Destroyer The double-headed halberd of Sith - torture!

Hahaha, don't you think about saving this group of damned crazy dragons, they will wipe you out for me! Burning Legion, unstoppable!

The moonlight on Tailar's body dissipated, and the purification ceremony that failed to succeed was interrupted. At this moment, the emerald dragon, completely dominated by the nightmare, broke free from all shackles, broke through the blockade arbitrarily, and the suppressed phantom spread rapidly. In a short moment, Tailar became the Shadow Dragon in Dick's memory!

Flapping its repaired bone wings, the Dragon of Nightmare rushed into the portal of the Emerald Dream, carrying an unlucky egg with it.

When all the watchmen realized something was wrong and loosened the chains decisively, it was too late for Dick to untie the chains wrapped around his body. The consequence was that when the Shadow Dragon broke through the green portal and entered the Emerald Dream, The knight was also pulled into that mysterious world.

The emblem of Heaven and man are one clipped on the collar played a perfect role. Dick felt himself being pulled by a huge force through a layer of water curtain, and everything he saw was emerald green.

No! Dick!

Liadrin rushed to the portal, and was pinned to the ground by a watchman who jumped out of her shadow. The spiritual connection between the high elves and Dick had never been broken, and when Dick entered the Emerald Dream At that moment, it was completely blocked.

Liadrin once again felt the loneliness of being abandoned. She struggled, biting the watchman's steel gauntlet like a she-wolf, her eyes were red.

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