Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 112 15. Dreamland Tyrant

The current staghelmet is just a hero. Due to the loss of his beloved son, Malfurion has said more than once that it is difficult for staghelmet to advance to an epic hero. That is to say, staghelmet has not mastered Drew Iraq's most quintessential power.

That is the power of natural balance and world affinity. When the strength reaches the hero level, if you want to go further, you must find the essence of this kind of Tao. This principle is common in all worlds. It sounds nice to say it, but it's just a beautiful fantasy.

The truth is there, if you don't understand it, you don't understand it, so what if the power is strong?

However, we should not underestimate the combat effectiveness of Staghelmet because of this. In fact, as the most talented Druid after Malfurion, if Staghelmet is not strong enough, it will not cost the Balrog King so much in 7 years. Energy, even at the expense of attacking Mount Hyjal, but also to take him under his command.

At least Dick knows that Staghelm is the only freak who has mastered the seventh form among all the druids in Azeroth, except for the guardian bear, the wild leopard, the healing tree, the sky raven and the silver dragon. In addition to Moon Owl, and at this point in time, the mysterious Wild Wolf, Deer Helmet also has the form of a poisonous scorpion at the bottom of the box.

This secret was not revealed until the Arch Druid Staghelm became the flame manager Staghelm. The first time they saw the flame scorpion form of Staghelmet, all the druid players seemed to be slapped A slap in the face, a player who claims to be a genius, was shocked by the NPC's truly unconstrained wisdom for the first time.

Of course, this is probably a secret that only Dick and Staghelmet know.

When approaching the Sleep of the World, a ray of white-gray light flashed on the body of the Staghelmet turned into the Stormcrow, and the whole person transformed in the air, and the dark armored Nightsaber reappeared. This time, facing the Dragon of Nightmare , Buckhelm didn't hold back his hands like he did when facing Dick.

A shot is a lore!

The shadow of the black nightsaber flashed in the air, and when it reappeared, it was lying on the neck of the nightmare dragon Isendre. The six sharp claws on the two front paws tore out six intersecting bloodstains in the air. The small half of Ysondre's neck was scratched, blood and flesh flew everywhere, and the dragon screamed!

But this was only the beginning of the nightsaber's wild combo, and soon, the cheetah roared, and the dragon screamed. It sounded on the top square of the Sleep of the World.

Tyrande's beautiful body, also accompanied by the moonlight, danced back and forth in the square. Her opponent was the shadow mad dragon Lythorn, who imprisoned Queen Ysera. This guy was simply crazy. His nightmare breath is like money, swaying wildly in the square.

It seems that he didn't take into account his comrades who are being brutally abused by the staghelmet and the watchmen, but this guy is not a fool. Seeing that Isendre is being abused under the strong support that the elves just arrived, Leso En let out a howl.

Immediately afterwards, Dick raised his hand and blasted the most powerful holy shock in the eye, which would not blind its dog's eyes, but this blow undoubtedly made the already crazy Lythorne even more crazy. The way of changing injuries was actually the first time he was head-on, completely suppressing Tyrande.

In the final analysis, the Priest of the Moon is just a huntress. Once the Crazy Dragon abandons his defense and becomes tough head-on, Tyrande really has no advantage. The big move Stars Fall that can completely reverse the trend of a war, in this small area The battlefield is also unusable, surrounded by friendly troops!

There is no such thing as friendly immunity for lethal magic in the real world.

But Dick already knew the plan of this vicious fellow, Lethorne. The paladin looked back and saw that the dream tyrant Eranikus, who was restrained by the three orc heroes just now, no longer paid any attention to the harassment from the three of Thrall. He turned around and strode back toward the Sleep of the World.

The most terrible thing is that Wojin has fallen limply on the grass, and his life or death is unknown. It can be seen that the shadow hunter with an extremely high status in the belief of the troll God Alo has indeed given his life.

The figure over 100 meters long, raised its head, was nearly 20 meters high, and had mutated into the dragon horns of the emerald jade-colored crown, and the green natural magic patterns that kept shining at the bottom of the closed wings, all over the body. The change of Youlan and Youlv, even after the fall, this tyrannical dragon has not lost its nobility and brilliance, which made Dick feel guilty for a while.

This not much smaller than the World Destroyer Dragon at all! Deathwing, with his own strength, almost destroyed the fallen guardian of the entire world, and the giant dragon of the entire world, at the cost of sacrificing the power to protect the world in his hand, he wiped out the dragon that destroyed the world.

Dick is sure that the full version of Eranikus is definitely one of the few guys who can confront Deathwing head-on! Eranikus in the Emerald Dream is just one of two incarnations of the dragon hero!

How strong does a complete Eranikus have to be?

The paladin couldn't imagine it at all.

In the previous life, some players said that Eranikus is the strongest combat power of the five-color dragon army besides the black dragon king and the crazy blue dragon king. The dream queen Ysera and the life queen Alexstrasza are purely famous , just luck. Not to mention the bronze dragon Nozdormu, that pervert who will never die is a bug, no, it should be said that all bronze dragons are bugs!

Dick used to sneer at this statement, but now feeling the vibration of the entire Tower of World Sleep under his feet, Dick had to admit this statement. Even Tyrande and Staghelm, who just knocked Ysondre to the ground, are looking for a way out!

The archdruid still seemed to attach great importance to Dick, he opened a green portal, and did not forget to reach out for Radek's arm, but the paladin gritted his teeth, threw down a word, and rushed to Into the poisonous mist that Lythorn diffused in the deepest part of the platform.

You go first! I...I have to fight!

Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Why are you rushing here? Are you courting death?

Little Lolita's exclamation sounded in Dick's mind, who couldn't see the front at all. After a period of adaptation, the little guy was completely used to this unique way of speaking, but this time, Dick was very rare. Ignore her.

Dick didn't intend to commit suicide, but at this moment his heart was also broken. He might have the power to fight Eranikus in the future, but he definitely didn't want to face such an enemy at this moment!

But the problem is that there are some things that you can't do if you don't want to.

Drip... The side mission Under the Shadow is completed, triggering the second phase of the mission, Salvation of the Dream Tyrant

You have discovered the troubles encountered by the Green Dragon Legion. You have successfully solved the shadow behind the history of the world. The fate of the epic dragon Eranikus will change because of you!

Description: Try to save Ysera 7 years in advance, and start the series of missions of the hidden plot character Iranikus

Mission Reward: Blessing of the Power of the Dragon, Gift of Ysera

Series task reward: twist rate +5%! Open the hidden history node!


Seeing this number, Dick made up his mind in less than 1 second. The two large-scale missions of Stratholme and Quel'Thalas only rewarded less than 10% of the twisting speed. There are too many important plot characters involved in large-scale historical nodes, and Dick can't even reach the 19% level now.

But now, just a series of tasks, there is a 5% reversal rate, and there is another historical node to choose from. As the saying goes, money touches people's hearts, wine makes people cowardly... Cough cough, I mean, Dick weighed it for a moment , or decided to take a risk!

More importantly, there is only one step away from rescuing Ysera! He was not willing to fail like this! Without the help of the Green Dragon Legion, Dick and his 10,000 people were thrown into the Battle of Mount Hyjal, and even a splash would not even be possible!

Most importantly, Ysera is related to all of Dick's subsequent plans! Of course the paladins know that the night elves cannot revive the demigods in ten thousand years. Although they have their own ideas, the most important thing is the difficulty of summoning the souls of demigods from the world of the Emerald Dream Simply break through the sky!

Under normal circumstances, the boundary between the two worlds is unbreakable. In the game, only Deathwing smashed the pillar of the world, causing a catastrophe in the present world. Coupled with the appearance of the nightmare disaster, the communication between the Emerald Dream and the present world In a smoother situation, those demigods were resurrected one after another with the efforts of the players and under the personal auspices of Ysera.

So this matter, logically, cannot be blamed on the head of the elves, and in this season, except for Ysera who is in charge of the Emerald Dream, who can summon the soul of a demigod from the still very strong world boundary No one else can do it!

If Ysera can't be rescued, all Dick's fantasies and plans for the second demon war are nothing but fantasies!

Having reached here, having come this far! How did you make Dick willing to give up?

He ran forward for dozens of meters, but when he couldn't see the front at all, he bumped into the wings of the green dragon queen Ysera, who was imprisoned in the large magic circle on the ground by the chains made of black mist. , was ejected several meters, and sat down on the ground.

However, the paladin didn't care about the rapid corrosion of the sacred barriers around him. He ran to Ysera's side. The Green Dragon Queen seemed to have passed out. She was smaller than Eranikus, but she was also 70 meters tall. Long, coiled together now, just her dragon occupies a quarter of the top of the entire World Sleep.

The 6 black chains wrapped around her gave Dick a very bad feeling, that kind of visual dislocation that made people feel sick and dizzy when facing the phantom of the nightmare beast and Harveys. With his eyes closed, he grabbed the black chain with both hands, but before his hands touched the surface of the nightmare chain, Anveena's scream sounded again.

Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Don't touch that with your body! Use Holy Light! That's the energy of opposition to consume that disgusting thing!

Dick responded, took out the holy water from the storage backpack, poured it into his mouth, held the Flame of Justice with both hands, Anveena obediently opened the seal, and the next moment, a ray of light from the torch forced him back The black poisonous mist around Dick was activated by the Holy Avenger, and Dick, who was surrounded by holy flames, held the hammer in both hands and smashed it viciously towards the chain on Ysera's back.


Obviously it is only a physical object transformed by energy, but when it came into contact with the holy hammer, it brought out the smell of metal clashing. Dick's hands were numb from the recoil force, but the chain in front of him was only consumed. by a third.

To make matters worse, he couldn't see clearly what was outside the square when he was shrouded in black mist.

But it has already rushed in, so there is no reason to retreat! His hands are sweating now, and he can only hope that Eranikus will come slowly!

Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang!

The continuous iron-like sound resounded through the Sleep of the World under Dick's slamming hammer, like a horn calling for battle, or like a bell chanting death.

Hundreds of meters away, Tyrande, Thrall, and the others looked at the top of World Sleep with shame on their faces, and the sound of clashing steel seemed to reverberate in everyone's hearts.

There was no one braver than him...

Tyrande looked sadly at the World's Sleep. The Dream Tyrant had spread his wings and risen to the edge of the tower. It was definitely beyond the limit of their strength.

Running away at this time is generally called a wise retreat.

But Grom raised his fists and ran back towards the World's Sleep without saying a word, but was stopped by Thrall.

Get out of the way...I owe him my life!

Enough! Grom, think of our people, they need you!

Varok's eyes were tightly closed, and the veins on his neck burst out. This was not the first time that the warriors of the proud Thunder King clan had retreated. Vol'jin, who was on his back, also sang the troll's vicissitudes of farewell battle song in a low voice.

Even the deer helmet, who was indifferent to everything, tightly squeezed the sickle and staff in his hand, muttering words.

With Bloodthirsty Oak, that guy won't die...yes...he'll live...he has to live!

At this time, Dick was unaware of the dangerous situation he was facing. This may be regarded as ignorant and fearless, but when he gritted his teeth and broke the penultimate chain, the black mist suddenly dispersed , as if an ancient beast was breathing, the black poisonous mist was blown away by a sudden storm.

Dick blocked his eyes with one palm. After the storm of flying sand and rocks disappeared, a pair of scarlet dragon eyes as tall as him appeared in front of his eyes. Cruel, vicious, and destructive, they were all negative emotions. ! That is the embodiment of death in reality!

The paladin opened his mouth wide. He saw Eranikus, the dream tyrant flying on the edge of the World's Sleep, and saw the sharp teeth of this epic dragon. The abyss representing death was also looking back at him.

It was like the giant stone cave in the mountain that Dick had seen in Quel'Thalas. He saw the teeth that were bigger and sharper than the largest human epee, and the deepest part of the dragon's kiss. The black gray and dark green mixed dragon's breath light that is rapidly spewing out.

Dick only had time to cross his arms in front of him, and the next moment, the endless black and green dragon's breath completely submerged him.



Moon God above... this... this is impossible!!

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