Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 119 22. Demon Slayer (Part 1)

The headquarters camp of the First Expeditionary Legion is very close to the big tree shade. In the previous melee between the nightmare dragon and the demons, the demons in this area were almost wiped out by the dragons. Arriving, Dick's First Expeditionary Corps, soon established itself at the easternmost point of Ashenvale.

The first thing they did was to blow up the bridge from Azshara to Ashenvale. It was a craft of the ancient elf empire, and it was so strong that it was unimaginable. In fact, blowing up this amazingly wide stone bridge almost Using up all the gunpowder of the dwarven mortar squads of the First Expeditionary Force, and barely doing it with the help of the mysterious mountain giants.

But for the effect alone, it's worth it!

Ashenvale and the edge of Azshara are 180-200 meters apart. They are two dangerous cliffs. Below is the endless River of Rage. Demons without wings cannot jump over it. Wizards from Quel'Thalas also The space within the scope of the original stone bridge was locked for the first time, and the demons crowded around the edge of Azshara, but except for those powerful but cumbersome demon cannons, a few demons with wings, and the gargoyles of the Scourge Threat aside, the camp of the First Crusade is impenetrable!

As long as the Durotar orcs connected to Azshara don't collapse, there is no possibility of Dick being attacked.

But this does not mean that the First Expeditionary Force is idle.

In fact, capturing the scattered small groups of demons roaming the battlefield in the eastern region has already consumed a lot of energy of the expeditionary force. Even Dick, who is the largest gathering place for demons in the eastern region battlefield - Fireblade Canyon, has no extra strength. To annihilate and mop up.

And according to the letter sent by Thrall two days ago, the orcs are likely to make big moves!

Although Dick didn't have much malice towards the orcs, in order to take care of the opinions of his subordinates, Dick had to adopt a business-like attitude with the orcs. No one mentioned the blood feud with the orcs anymore.

After quietly returning to the command post with a group of watchmen girls, Dick managed to spend two days on his birthday. This morning, just as the paladin sat up from the bed, a blue figure appeared in Dick's room , Immediately afterwards, the figure of the eldest lady appeared on the spot.

Hey kiddo, miss me?

How can language catch up with action at such a delicate time?

The paladin in unlined clothes took the eldest lady into his arms, and the young couple, who had been separated for less than 10 days, soon entered a state of confusion and fascination, but when Liadrin walked into Di When he was in Dick's office, the blush-faced eldest lady sat on a chair in a regular manner, and Dick, who was wearing casual clothes, sat behind a simple desk.

Liadrin's smile froze for a moment, but she quickly regained her composure. She greeted the eldest lady with a graceful manner.

Hello, Miss Jaina.

The woman's instinct made the young lady feel that something was wrong, but seeing Dick who almost buried his face in the dinner plate, she just glanced suspiciously, then smiled, and stretched out her arms to hug Lia Madeleine,

I miss you so much, sister Liadrin~MUA~

Dick secretly raised his head to see the eye-catching scene of the two beauties hugging and kissing each other, and couldn't help touching his nose. Thoughts like killing dogs with a hatchet flashed through his mind, causing the paladin to beat him up. It was a chill, but he quickly turned his attention to business.

Speaking of which, Jaina, aren't you preparing for the mage base in Theramore? Why come to me when you have time?

When the mage heard this, she let go of Liadrin, took out a letter made of World Tree leaves from her storage space, handed it to Dick, and said with a puzzled look,

An elf messenger delivered this letter to Kalia, but she said that the First Expeditionary Force is under your full control, so she asked me to deliver the letter to you.

As Jaina spoke, she stroked her long golden hair, and Dick, who opened the letter, turned gloomy with a frown.

What's wrong?

Liadrin walked to Dick's side calmly, and taking the opportunity of clearing away the dinner plate, three slender fingers squeezed Dick's waist, and then turned it vigorously.


Dick jumped up, and before Jaina could react, Dick threw the letter made of leaves on the table and said loudly,

Tyrande really has a problem with me! I thought she was weird the last time we met!

As he spoke, he grabbed Liadrin's buttocks with the help of his body, and then quickly walked out of the desk, walking back and forth in the house, while walking, as if thinking quickly,

They wanted Theramore's elite to set up a coalition defense camp on Mount Hyjal, but Jarod clearly knew that there were Theramore's elite troops in the First Expeditionary Force, just like what Kalia said Yes, this letter should be sent directly to me, but they sent it to Kalia, and Tyrande also suggested in the letter that Kalia transfer me back to Theramore, and replace me with a new general, how vulgar Divorce!

Hearing Dick's words, the eldest lady's face also became ugly,

These elves are so hateful! We came to help them with good intentions, but they still have such a plan. Could it be that Garrod, don't you say he is very good at this?

Dick shook his head,

No, according to Garrod's character, he wouldn't use such a dirty trick. I suspect that it should be Tyrande... But I'm curious, why did she target me like this? She shouldn't be such a small-minded person, right?

Everyone acquiesced, and there was even a hint of worry on Jaina's pretty face.

As the princess of Kul Tiras, although Jaina grew up in Dalaran since she was a child, when she occasionally returned to her motherland, she had seen too many political tricks in the court, and now even she likes People are also caught in the siege of this trick.

But Dick quickly said that this matter was temporarily suppressed, and he had more important things to do.

Dick's eyes turned. He picked up the cold water glass from the table, drank the water in one gulp, and then set his sights on Miss Jaina.

My baby, I now appoint you as the commander of the First Expeditionary Corps in Mount Hyjal, and Liadrin as your adjutant. You are fully responsible for the establishment of the human position in Mount Hyjal.

Remember, you must put the fixed portals of the human camp and the First Expeditionary Corps in a hidden place. Once the demons attack, you will withdraw immediately. Errigor and the others will replace yours at any time! Do you understand? ? My baby, don't take risks, don't make me worry!

This pun made Jaina's worried eyes firm. Liadrin also grabbed Dick's palm where the eldest lady couldn't see, and a line of words was gently drawn on Dick's palm. .

I'll protect her...

This moved Dick very much, but he felt very guilty. He stretched out his hand, touched Liadrin's long hair quietly, and then said to them,

I'll see you soon.

Is there anything you want to do, Dick?

Jaina looked up at the paladin, who touched his nose and looked up at the location of the west end of Ashenvale.

Yes, the orcs have invited me to a 'hunt', though I must go anyway.

The orcs have this custom, and Dick knows it. When the game progresses to the Lord of Draenor expansion, players can enter the world of Draenor 30 years ago through the time portal. The orcs at that time Horde, upheaval is taking place, and you are in the final stages of preparation for the orc invasion of Azeroth.

So frankly speaking, Dick actually knows more about the customs of orcs than the current Great Chief Thrall. After all, Thrall was raised by General Blackmore in a human way since he was a child.

When Thrall led Grom, Varok and 100 elite wolf knights across the war zone and arrived at the camp built by the knights, it was already the time when the sky was full of stars and moons.

Dick personally greeted Thrall at the gate of the camp. Of course, apart from Dick, the other paladins still didn't have a good look at these orcs. They were just fulfilling their responsibilities as an ally.

The warlord didn't care about these things either. He got off his horse and got off the wolf. The tall orc stepped forward and gave Dick a hug. Varok could feel Dick's kindness towards the orc. Dick's senses changed quickly.

But Varok quickly set his sights on the two strange elves behind Dick, looking at their owl helmets and the knife wheels in their hands, Varok asked in a low voice,

Who are these two?

Oh, they are the reinforcements I specially invited, and they are professionals in the face of high-level demons!

Dick let out a haha, and dismissed the existence of Mai Lin and Mirana. The orc warlord didn't say much, and the paladin waved his hand.

Come with me, friend, I have all the information ready!

A few minutes later, the center of the expeditionary army camp, inside the command room.

Thrall, who was wearing a shaman robe, handed a map of animal skins to Varok. Grom sat on the side and kept sharpening his battle ax with a whetstone. Erigor stood behind Dick. , Watching the actions of the orcs vigilantly, as a veteran, of course he can see that the three heroes of the orcs are ready to slaughter the demons madly.

Seeing this, even Eligor had to admit that the orc's enthusiasm for battle and fearless courage are indeed worth learning from him!

Dick waited until the three orc heroes finished reading the map, and then said,

After Thrall sent an envoy, I entrusted the Green Dragon Army to search around, and finally confirmed that it, Malonos, is now hiding in the deepest part of Fireblade Canyon. Although we won, the green dragon is not easy to mess with, that demon is resting, this is a good opportunity! I will take the knights and go to Fireblade Canyon with you!

Thrall nodded. The clansmen were suffering unspeakably from the toxemia. It is rare to have a chance to get rid of the disease and a chance for revenge. He will not miss it, but he heard Dick say again,

However, the Green Dragon Army flies to Azshara to carry out air raids on the demons every day, and the emerald dragon that can confront Maronos head-on has its own affairs, so in the matter of besieging the abyss lord, the green dragon Dragons probably won't be much help

No need for their help!

There was a flash of excitement in Grom's scarlet eyes. He put the sharp battle ax blade near his mouth, blew on it, and listened to the singing of the blade. The orc sword master said in a deep voice,

This is the war of the orcs, this is the war between me and that demon, we will do it ourselves!

Varok also spoke,

Dick, don't participate in this hunt, you have done enough for us! The orcs will not forget your help, but Grom is right, this is our war, no Reason will involve you too!

In the end, even Thrall was persuading, Dick, as the commander of the human expedition, you are really not suitable to rush to the front with us. Orcs have no tradition of letting their friends bleed!

The corner of Dick's mouth twitched, and he heard the meaning of Thrall's words. Indeed, he is really not very useful as a lord against the enemies of epic heroes like Maronus the Destroyer, and even The orcs even had to concentrate on helping him.

However, the statement that the orcs took revenge themselves was not a hypocritical refusal. The troll Vol'jin did not follow this time, and Thrall appointed him to build a second line of defense on Mount Hyjal.

But Dick also has a reason to go. The mysterious power left by Norgannon, since Dick joined the Second Demon War, missions have become very frequent, and the difficulty of the missions has risen sharply. Under the threat of Eranikus, Ysera was rescued, and this time it was even more extreme.

Drop trigger mission, Slaying Demons

The Great Demon Archimonde's right-hand man, Maronus the Destroyer is lurking in Fireblade Canyon, and the most famous demon-slaying battle in history is about to begin. This is a symbol of the end of the orc disaster, and perhaps it is also a scenery you should not miss.

Description: Participate in the demon-slaying war and guarantee the death of Maronos!


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