Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 123 26. The End of the Hero

On the third day after the Demon Slaying Battle, Dick woke up from a deep sleep.

He was lying on the bed in the command room, but his consciousness was still on the demon-slaying battlefield. As soon as he opened his eyes, he jumped up from the bed. As a result, he was limp and weak, and his body was overwhelmed with pain. With a scream, Dick jumped in mid-air, and then fell to the ground in an extremely embarrassing state.


With a muffled sound, Dick rubbed his head and got up from the ground.

The chest, abdomen, legs, and almost nothing in the whole body is normal except for the pain in the left arm. It is a tingling pain, just like the feeling after being scalded.

The paladin moved his body onto the chair with difficulty, opened the drawer, took out the pipe of the archmage, took a breath of cold air, and put it in his mouth.

Wisdom is priceless!

The secret words were spoken, and full tobacco leaves appeared on the empty ebony pipe, and then the fire was automatically lit.


White smoke covered Dick's face. He leaned back on the chair and stretched out his other hand in front of his eyes. A familiar number jumped into his eyes.

Dick Don


23 years old, male, healthy

Strength 180 (+60), Dexterity 180 (+60), Energy 1150 (+300), Holy Power 650 (+300)

Occupation Template: Paladin - When the opponent is a non-order creature, the damage is increased by 100%

Lord Template: Stratholme. Follower - Elite Paladin Liadrin

Evaluation: The power of the dragon has been activated. Although it is an elementary blessing, maybe you can have a nickname in the future, called Dragon Knight?

Dick's eyes widened. The dragon power of All Attributes +30 was the reward for saving the Green Dragon Queen and Eranikus last time. It was personally blessed by Eranikus who had recovered his sanity. The blessing given to Dick, it is said that it will be opened after it is fully fitted with the body. So Dick wasn't curious.

What really surprised him was: his real energy value, that is, stamina and life, had unexpectedly doubled!

What's the situation? Is the plug-in I recharged finally activated?

Dick clenched his fists talking to himself, feeling the blood flowing in his body. As expected, both the toughness of his body and the viscosity of blood had increased a lot, which meant that Dick's The ability to resist blows and healing has been greatly improved.

Although it wouldn't be doubled out of thin air like the numerical value, this surprise joy still made Dick's face dignified.

The inexplicable increase in strength is not simply a good thing, especially in the wonderful world of Azeroth, there are many ways to make a person's strength several times out of thin air, but without exception, they are all fatal Condition.

Anwena, do you know... what happened after I fell into a coma?

Dick put his finger on the handle of the holy hammer on the weapon rack beside the table, and the voice of little Lolita came into Dick's mind weakly.

Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! People don't want to talk to you! It's so uncomfortable

What's wrong?

Dick frowned and asked. He noticed that the light on the hammer had also become thinner, which made him a little worried. In the dangerous demon battlefield, the Holy Light Unsheathed provided by the Flame of Justice was missing for free. , Dick's combat power will be reduced by at least one-fifth out of thin air.

Although he usually pampers Anveena and tries not to disturb the sun spirit's dormancy, he can't let the little loli do anything wrong when it comes to matters related to his own life.

Oh! I don't know. I just feel that my fit with the Holy Hammer is getting higher and higher! It may take a while to connect myself with the Holy Hammer. It's so uncomfortable! Idiot, wait until someone completes this Contact, your holy hammer can become bigger and smaller~!


Dick rubbed the corners of his brows, this function is completely unattractive.

Apart from becoming bigger and smaller? Is there no other function? For example, it can increase my combat power by three times or something...


Anveena's growl echoed back and forth in Dick's mind, and the paladin covered his ears, but it was of no use, so he had to grit his teeth and give up in the end.

Okay! Your state has already affected the holy hammer. How long do you need it? Also, tell me what happened after I fell into a coma?

I don't know how long it will take! And I don't want to talk now, so uncomfortable!


Fool! Go see for yourself!

Accompanied by Anveena's painful whimpers, a weak force came from the handle of the holy hammer, and Dick didn't resist. As soon as his eyes went dark, he felt that he had entered a fantasy from a third-party perspective.

In front of his eyes, Grom's powerless body was falling from the pit lord's head. His blood-red battle ax was left on the severed skull of Maronos, and the scorching dark green blood was on his red-stained body. The ground continued to explode, and the orc sword master finally fell powerlessly on the dusty battlefield.

At this time, a staggering figure rushed to the side of Maronos whose body swelled three times and was about to explode, with both hands stuck to the body of the abyss lord, and then there was a burst of creepy buffalo drinking water the sound of.


Amidst the sound of rhythmic liquid flow, Maronos' swollen body calmed down strangely, and with the passage of time, its lifeless body was still shrinking further, and finally it was ten years old. After a few minutes of absorption, Malonos' body disappeared, leaving only a pair of huge white bones and an ugly skull cut open by an axe.

The blood-red battle ax stayed straight on the top of the skull.

Blood-red vines separated from the tops of the ten fingers, and among the white bones, spread like roots that had been pulled out, shocking and dense.

In the end, that wobbly figure withdrew his hands, and those slender blood-red branches, like flowing snakes, retracted into his fingertips.

The figure turned around, lowered its head, took two steps forward, and then fell headfirst on the ground. Before he fell, his face disappeared before the grim-looking Dick, and the whole environment changed. It became dark and then disappeared.

The paladin's fists creaked, he bit his pipe, and squeezed out two words between his teeth.

Staghelm...bloody oak...dry!



The muffled bell rang in the depths of the Burning Blade Canyon that had been completely cleared within three days.

Thirty wolf cavalry in traditional costumes stood not far away, singing the songs of the Warsong clan in a low voice, and 10 heavily armed paladins walked on both sides, carrying a heavy sarcophagus. Dick was wearing a black dress and stood beside him. The eldest lady and Liadrin in long black dresses stood behind Erigor and Daryan with solemn faces.

Herod, who was the strongest, was bare-chested, holding the white skull left by the abyss lord on his shoulders, and walked in front of the sarcophagus.

Even the elves sent rare messengers from Mount Hyjal, bringing the condolences of Tyrande, Malfurion and Jarod.

Thrall and Varok were still wrapped in heavy bandages, but the two orcs, each with a shovel, silently leveled the graveyard that had already been dug.

The stele carefully carved by the dwarves of the First Expeditionary Legion was placed in front of the cemetery. It was a black stele, engraved with the life story of the hero and the prayer written by Thrall for him.

Here lies Grom Hellscream,

Chieftain of the Warsong clan.

The beginning and the end of our nation's curse are bound up with it.

His name means giant heart in our Old Speech,

He lives up to his name!

His giant body stood in front of Manornos like an iron tower, and he won freedom and glory for us with blood. Hats off to you!

My brother, may the battle song never die. ?”

This is also the prayer that Thrall, with his eyes reddened, recited in grief before the sarcophagus was covered with soil.

This is probably the first time for the commanders of the First Expeditionary Force to attend the funeral of an orc, but at this moment, in this solemn and suffocating scene, no one expressed their disdain and hatred. No one stared at those tall orcs with hatred anymore.

Perhaps after today, when they met on the battlefield, they would try their best to hack their weapons into each other's bodies, but at least at this moment, Grom used his own sacrifice to open a path of peace for the two blood-feuding races.

All soldiers, all veterans, worship heroes, and this chaotic era needs such heroes more than ever before!

The sarcophagus was covered with soil. Everyone stepped forward in order and put the white flowers in their hands on the black stone tablet. The orcs put their own daggers and short swords in the tomb. This is to bless their chief and his brothers. After arriving in another world, there will be no shortage of weapons to kill enemies.

This is a glorious tradition.

Dick stepped forward, unfastened his Grand Crusader Sword from his waist, stooped to place it in the pile of weapons, and placed his left hand on his chest.

I wish you all the best, my comrade-in-arms, my brother!

Seeing Dick's actions, Thrall didn't stop him. Dick has this power. Although no one knows what happened that day, Thrall, who passed out last, can be sure that Dick inspired Grom. Otherwise, with the state of the orc sword master at that time, it would be impossible to complete that incredible counter-kill.

Wait, Dick!

Thrall stopped Dick, who turned around, and saw the chief took the blood-red ax from Varok's hand, with dark green blood stains on it.

This is a pure black heavy battle ax, even in the eyes of the most picky dwarves, this is a nearly perfect weapon, cruel and wild, ferocious and powerful, all the qualities that belong to warriors, in the On this weapon, you can find the traces that should be there.

The barb-shaped thick ax blade and the animal bone spurs on the back of the battle ax make this weapon full of barbaric style. The black animal skin is cut into strips and wrapped around the ax handle in circles. This weapon has a restrained demeanor.

Dick looked at Thrall suspiciously, watching him hand the tomahawk that belonged to Grom to his eyes,

Take it, Dick. At the last moment of brother's life, he handed it over to you. He said, I hope you will give it to its next owner. This battle ax is called...

It's called Bloodhowl, a weapon passed down by the Hellscream family for thousands of years, the symbol of the Warsong clan, and the hand of the patriarch!

Dick interrupted Thrall, he looked at the orc chief seriously,

This kind of weapon with such obvious symbolic meaning, is it really appropriate to give me a human being?

Thrall squeezed out an ugly smile on his not-so-good-looking face, his blue eyes were full of sadness,

The new country and home of the orcs have been established. That world, the world that left us with tragic memories, is meaningless. We can't go back. I will give it to you, hoping to become the world of the orcs and Sebastians. Memorial of Lamore Peace.

Dick took a deep breath. Facing this legendary weapon, which man would not like it? His hands trembled a little, but in the end he stretched out and grabbed the handle of Gorehowl's axe.

He even felt that the battle ax trembled at this moment, as if resisting, but quickly quieted down again.

Don't worry, Thrall, I know what Grom means, and I will find its real owner for it!

Dick held the tomahawk in his hand, feeling the heaviness, the wildness and blood rushing towards his face, he narrowed his eyes,

In the name of a paladin! I swear, I will make its owner worthy of it!

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