Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 126 29. Gardner

Alsace left, just like when he came, silent and soundless, like death coming with the wind, quiet and suffocating.

Illidan and Dick also set off, the former for his mission, the latter for his woman.

As Arthas said, they had no other choice.

Very aggrieved, but there is no way!

The Scourge of the Lich King's undead is a pawn placed by the demons in the world of Azeroth, but the Lich King is unwilling to be subordinated to others. The Great Demon Kil'jaeden also knows this.

Illidan was walking in the twisted forest, and Dick followed him, explaining the relationship between the undead Scourge and the demon army for the demon hunter who had been imprisoned for 10,000 years.

Tichondrius, the leader of the Dread Demon King, and his subordinates, are the pawns used by the great demon Kil'jaeden to monitor the Lich King, and the only link between the Scourge of the Undead and the Burning Legion. Arthas is the leader of the Lich Wang Ner'zhul's right-hand man, his words have already revealed a meaning, the Lich King intends to part ways with the demons.

Dick twitched his mouth, The two of us are the knife that Ner'zhul used to kill people with a borrowed knife. The best thing is, even if Tichondrius is dead, the demons will not suspect the undead. We discovered the Lich King's betrayal, and when we started the war with us, even demons couldn't tell enough strength to destroy the Lich King who had completely controlled the dark forces of Northrend.

Illidan's body stopped, he shook his head,

So, this is a conspiracy?

Yes, Yangmou, we know that doing this will release a wolf, but in order to fight the fierce tiger in front of us, we have to put aside the threat of being killed by a wolf, otherwise a wolf plus a tiger will be killed. , we are dead.

Dick sniffled, pushed aside the branches in front of him with his hands, and saw the ancient fortress surrounded by demons in the distance, Gardner, where demons had been entrenched for 10,000 years.

As I said before, 10,000 years have brought the whole world into a sea of ​​vicissitudes. Many places are controlled by frenzied magic power and evil energy. Felwood Forest is an example, but there are other reasons why it is more dangerous. One, that is Gardner's demon.

These demons are not the same as the demons that can be seen everywhere in Felwood Forest now. To be precise, they are a small group of demon deserters left over from the War of the Ancients. When the Well of Eternity exploded, most of the demons were blown up. Back to the void, but there are still some talented guys left in this world.

At least Dick knew that in the four hidden places in the whole world, there were four high-level demons disguised as normal creatures wandering around. They seemed to have gotten used to Azeroth during these ten thousand years. His life, even when the demons invaded, did not take the initiative to show up.

Leaving aside these eccentric demons, the demons entrenched by Gardner are also remnants of ten thousand years ago, but after the demon army was blown back to the void, these guys restrained their behavior and shrank their However, because Gardner itself is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and the demons built a fortress called Shadow Fort deeper in Gardner, so in these ten thousand years, even if it is The paranoid druids failed to get rid of this group of demons.

However, these demons hide themselves very well. In fact, apart from the high-level druids of the Cenarion Council, few people know that there are demons here in Gardnar.

But Dick knew it!

In fact, when he was playing Warlock back then, he often ran to this place for the epic mission of the mount, and he also knew that Shadow Fort, in the past 10,000 years, has become a hidden place in the world of Azeroth. A paradise for the rats and dark walkers of the shadows.

Stationed here is a powerful dreadlord named Bainholder, who has controlled everything in the underground world of Shadowhold for the past ten thousand years. Even after the Burning Legion returned to this world, Bainholder His old masters are also at peace with each other, as can be seen from the fact that the demons in Gardnar Shadow Fort did not join any of the legions that attacked Mount Hyjal.

Obviously, Bainholler is using this method to show his old opponents in a subtle way. The druids are not all pedantic guys, so after the war broke out, the demons were attacked everywhere by the druids. Gardner's side only had a few symbolic raids, and from Jarod's mouth, Dick knew that these raids were even to cover up the intelligence of the high-level officials and the demon king Bainholler. trade.

In the eyes of Dick before, this was simply unimaginable!

But when he was really in this world, he discovered that there are freaks in every group, and the demon king Bain Heller should be the freak in the group of demons. He is not interested in conquering at all, and even fears The destruction in the devil's bones can also be suppressed. The only thing he is interested in is the Shadow Fort and the underground world it has built.

In other words, this demon king really regards Gardner's Shadow Castle as his home?


Dick said, this statement is disgusting!

He would rather believe that Bernholer is just obsessed with the taste of mastering people's hearts and power.

Don't underestimate Gardner's Shadow Fort. At a time when most of the eleven professions are in the ascendant, almost all the warlocks in this world have connections with Shadow Fort in one way or another. If the dark world of Azeroth is really If there are big bosses, then the Demon Lord Bainholler of Shadow Castle is definitely one of the big bosses hiding behind the scenes.

As the saying goes, it's better to be a chicken head than a queen, which is actually what Bernholer is thinking. To be a middle-level commander in the Burning Legion, being called around by superiors, exhausted to death, and thinking about destroying the world all day long, how can I sit in the comfortable Shadow Keep and watch hundreds of thousands of attributes Next, because of an order of his own, how about the joy of crazily killing each other?

Dick and Illidan waited patiently in the forest outside Gardner. Ten minutes later, a treacherous green-skinned kid tore open the space and appeared around the two of them. It looked around ghostly, Then he coughed lightly, and then said to the two people in a very standard common language,

Ahem, according to the will of the great, evil, and despicable Demon Lord Bainholle, Mr. Urdan, the humble servant of the Demon King, came to help the warriors of the Lord, are you the warriors of Lord Bainholle?

Dick glanced at Illidan, the proud demon hunter didn't even look at this humble demon kid, as if he didn't bother to deal with it, the paladin could only turn around and look at the kid who called himself Urdan (forget Urdan Dan is an orc, or a kid, so I will treat him as a kid here.), it doesn’t matter, Dick almost spits out.

This brat doesn't know where he learned his faults, but he is still wearing a decent black dress, with three golden rings on his slender fingers, matching his head which is a bit huge compared to his body, and his pair of writing Full of treacherous big eyes, full of joy.

It looks like Bainholler is really enjoying life in Azeroth.

The idea crossed Dick's mind, but he wasn't bored enough to argue with a brat, so he nodded.

If your master has an agreement with Alsace, then we are here for him.

Uldan stretched out his hand and touched his chin. It looked at Dick, and then at Illidan who was not far away. The kid probably sensed the demon hunter's natural enemy-like feeling. It inadvertently moved towards Dick took a step in the direction and snorted,

Very good! The Shadow Castle is different from those idiots who only know how to destroy. We are happy to see the stability of this world, so Lord Bainholler decided to help you. In the deepest part of the Jade Fire Path, those idiots Sartre and Lord Bainholer's evil brethren are corrupting the land under your feet, but they did not report their actions to the masters here, and Lord Bainholle decided to punish them! Come with me, and I will take you there of!

Don't look at the little devils who are weak and have almost no ability to fight head-on, but the special talent of this kind of devil determines that every warlock must find a way to sign a contract with a devil devil. They can manipulate space. For some powerful For the kid, tearing open a portal is as easy as drinking water.

For example, the little ghost Uldan in a formal dress just opened his palm and swiped to both sides. A dark green portal opened in front of the two people. Uldan clapped his palms and said to Dick and Illidan: ,

Going out from here, you can directly reach the deepest part of the camp of those satyrs, but Urdan wants to remind you that although the group of satyrs are weak, there is a powerful dreadlord there recuperating. Work hard to get what you want!

Illidan walked into the portal without saying a word, and Dick wanted to follow, but was stopped by the kid.

Hey Paladin! Look here!

When Dick turned his head, he saw the kid raised his hand, and a black bead landed on his palm. It was cold and evil, but strangely, it didn't cause the force of order to counterattack.

Uldan drew another space door in the air for him to enter and exit. It looked at Dick treacherously,

You are different from all the paladins Urdan has seen, so Urdan decided to give you some benefits! With that bead, you can talk to Urdan. Shadow Castle welcomes all guests in need. Of course, the premise You can survive this adventure, and you have to be able to pay the commission!

Dick was stunned for a moment, but after seeing Urdan leave, he still put the beads in his backpack. Dick didn't have a complete plan for the future, but this didn't prevent him from leaving a place where he could get a unique The intelligence channel, especially the intelligence of the dark world of Azeroth, Dick needed such a channel after he had a bad relationship with the League of Assassins.

However, there was only a delay of more than ten seconds. When the paladin stepped through the portal, he saw Illidan who was wiping his war blade, and the corpses of a dozen satyrs who had been cut into dozens of pieces.

For the demon hunter who sacrificed his eyes in exchange for the power to hunt demons, beheading these low-level demons is no different from crushing small bugs to death.

I feel it, the magic container is to the north!

Illidan raised his head and looked in another direction with his eyes covered by black cloth strips, In the south, there is the smell of prey! Moreover, it found us!

The demon hunter inserted the war blade back, and he looked at Dick,

Go and get the container. There are no strong enemies over there. I'll help you block them! But remember, you only have ten minutes. Once the ten minutes are up, I will leave immediately!

Dick glanced at the steep mountain in the north, and drew out the blood-red battle ax with his backhand. After taking two steps, a golden holy flame appeared on the battle ax. He pursed his lips and rushed up quickly.

Behind him, Illidan stretched his arms, then took off the samurai robes on his body, and threw them aside. His upper body was naked, and the strange magic lines that were curved like burnt marks looked like the coolest Like a tattoo, it covered the body of the demon hunter.

Accompanied by Illidan's movement of drawing out his war blade again, the magic lines on his body also lit up one by one, like the sharpened blade of a warrior, like the arrow shot by a hunter, like the long teeth of a ferocious beast.

Facing the large group of demons rushing from the other side, Illidan opened his mouth, revealing teeth that were sharper than other elves. The bloodthirsty atmosphere spread at this moment, and death also opened its arms to the believers.

The hunt...begins!

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