Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 140 - The Last Book - Promise

The mild afternoon sun shone into the room from the edge of the window, and there were some dust particles floating up and down in the sunlight, but this did not affect everyone's good mood.

The war is coming to an end!

Yes, I came to Kalimdor from the Eastern Continent, fought a battle with the devil, and defended the survival of the world. This kind of fantastic experience made the guys who survived the fierce battle somewhat ignorant , especially after the proud elves uncharacteristically sent a lot of fresh supplies and elf-style medals, this ignorance quickly turned into a kind of excitement.

Not only because the soldiers wearing the medals made by the branches of the world can swagger around the rebuilding Mount Hyjal, but also because in the circle of elf civilians, there are many elf girls who worship heroes, willing Limited contact with these rude soldiers.

When Herold, who was as strong as a brown bear, swayed and proudly led a petite and lovely elf girl who was very curious about everything, the entire barracks was immediately empty. Even the guys in the wounded barracks supported each other and wandered back and forth in the elf town on the outskirts of Mount Hyjal.

Regarding this situation, Dick and Eli Gore and other high-level officials did not care about it.

Elves are longevity species. Although they are no longer immortal because of the disintegration of the World Tree, most of them regard marriage with humans as an experience in life due to their lifespan of thousands of years. This kind of relationship is destined not to be happy Yes, but Dick is not qualified to hinder others' pursuit of happiness.

Especially when one-third of the warriors of the First Expeditionary Force left their lives on this beautiful land forever in the final battle, everyone needed an indulgence to numb their painful nerves.

Of course, for Dick and the others, the war is over, but the complicated situation they need to face is still beyond their control.

Eligor walked out of the room with his helmet in his arms. Dick had just authorized him. The old knight would return to Theramore with the remaining half of the army. Liadrin and a group of young commanders would take the remaining half of the army. His troops continue to clean up Ashenvale and Mount Hyjal.

In the end, this war did not bring all the demons back to the Twisting Nether, so the entire Ashenvale is not safe yet. In order to deal with these fleeing guys, even the seriously injured demigods had to appear again, and Dick even had an unprecedented , contacted the dark bosses of Shadow Fort once.

That's right, it was through the communication orb left to him by the imp Urgo.

Dick secretly hired a group of warlocks. After these guys paid a high identity certification fee to the First Expeditionary Force, they were allowed to freely hunt all the demons they could find on the Ashenvale East battlefield.

And after the news came out, the mercenaries of the dark world also continued to enter the war zone. The materials on the devil have always been hard goods in the dark world, and the money is touching.

Half a month after the war ended, Dick heard that the orcs had also taken similar actions.

For these mercenaries roaming around, the Sentinels under Barnes also turned a blind eye. The Battle of Mount Hyjal, the night elves suffered heavy casualties, but at least the souls of millions of veterans were saved. It can be regarded as barely keeping their own background. In this case, they wished for a stunned youth to help them clean up those demon scum.

Felwood Forest has been completely reduced to the hardest-hit area ravaged by demons. According to the message Dick got from Garrod, the elves will focus on this for at least ten years, and the defense of other parts of Kalimdor will be It will be shrunk, which is good news for Theramore, who urgently needs time to develop.

But right after Eligor left, an unexpected guest soon appeared in Dick's room.

I never knew you were an uninvited guy too

Dick put the obscure paladin tome back on the bookshelf. His arms were still somewhat stiff, which was the aftereffect of the explosion. He turned around and exhaled circles of smoke from the ebony pipe. However, under the gray smoke, the paladin had a long-lost smile on his face,

Anyway, let me inform you in advance, and I will also prepare a welcoming ceremony for you.

The elf sitting at the table waved his hands, groped the table, picked up the fruit on the table,

You know I don't like that stuff Dick, I've come to say goodbye to you.

Are you leaving? Is your brother still not accepting you?

Dick took a deep breath of smoke, sighed, looked at the elf in front of him, he was silent for a few seconds, and said,

How about you stay with me for a while? I'll go and talk to you


Illidan turned to Dick with black clothed eyes, an ugly smile appeared on his stiff face,

Malfurion didn't reject me, but, there is a very troublesome crazy woman looking for me, and there is no use for me to stay here, you know, I am a restless person, so I plan to travel the world , the demons were repulsed, but the trouble we faced has not diminished at all. I have seen the power of the demons in the void, it is not something Azeroth can deal with, I have to think Think of ways to.


There was a hint of surprise on Dick's face. It seemed that Illidan was not chased away by Tyrande and Malfurion as in the original book this time, but was forced to leave by himself under Maiev's pressure. of?

Thinking about it, if it wasn't Illidan, Uther and Maiev who temporarily blocked Archimonde's attack in the last battle half a month ago, even Medivh, who was hiding behind the scenes, would have no chance to turn the tide. Probably because of this reason, Malfurion finally accepted Illidan again.

But Dick also knew that with the existence of Tyrande, Illidan would not be able to stay in the elf gathering place for a long time. Seeing his lover with another person, this kind of torture is definitely considered to be a true man like Illidan. Not a good experience.

But Dick thought about it, and still expressed his worries,

Illidan, have you ever thought about it? Archimonde has noticed your demon transformation. I'm afraid that you will be discovered by those demons if you leave the holy mountain alone. Kil'jaeden, that's a cunning guy, You have dealt with it before, and it will not let you go.

The demon hunter smiled,

Isn't that just right? A great opportunity to get inside them.

Dick nodded. After experiencing so many things, he has already learned to look at the problem from both sides. Now it seems that in the original history, Illidan's vote for Kil'jaeden may not be completely forced by the power of the great demon. , but he himself had this plan.

When Illidan accepted the power of Sargeras, Dick knew exactly what he saw, and now it seems that this dark and tragic hero has finally embarked on that lonely road.

Fortunately, this time, he has obtained the understanding of his lover and relatives, which is probably the only thing that can make him feel gratified.

Just as Dick was about to speak, Illidan's expression suddenly changed. He silently put away the luggage behind him, and with a wave of his hand, a wooden box just rightly landed on the table in front of Dick.

This is the loot I got from Tichondrius last time, and you have a share! Well, my friend, I should go, the lingering lunatic is here!

Wait, Illidan.

Dick walked quickly to the demon hunter and gave him a parting hug. Illidan was obviously not used to this kind of warm etiquette, but he still let Dick hug him, but just as Dick let go At that time, a low voice came into Illidan's ears.

My friend, if you have a chance in the future, please help me find one thing, the Sargerite Keystone. You don't need to look for it deliberately. Fate will guide you to get it. When necessary, just lend it to me! Finally , if you have nowhere to go, go to the Dark Portal, the orcs thought their world of Draenor was destroyed, it wasn't, it's now ruled by demons, I think, that's for you A great place to relax!

The demon hunter's face changed slightly, but he didn't say anything, he just patted Dick's back uncomfortably, and then disappeared in front of the paladin in a flash.

The next moment, the mysterious watchman with a slender figure, wearing an iron owl helmet and a blade cloak, also appeared in front of the paladin.

Illidan is gone?

Her voice was hoarse, and there was a trace of impatience and paranoia. The Paladin dared not face this epic hero who had no intersection with him as casually as he faced Illidan.

He coughed solemnly and changed the subject.

Dear Ms. Maiev, your visit makes me.


The emerald green dagger was suspended around Dick's neck. Heck, the leader of the watchmen didn't even raise his hand!

Get to the point! I don't have time to waste with you.

Ahem, what I mean is, the dozen or so watchmen under your command, Mai Lin and the others, don't you go and see them? Those children are all looking forward to your arrival.

Dick didn't dare to be negligent. Although Maiev-Song of Shadows was Garald's biological sister, even Garald didn't dare to say a word when facing this powerful sister who single-handedly pulled him up. This person dared to reprimand the former king of the forest face to face, the weak demigod Cenarius who died under Archimonde.

And from the fact that she dared to attack Archimonde alone, it can be seen that this is also a daring guy. Dick has no doubt that if he hides it, this dagger will definitely make a hole in his body somewhere come out.

Facing Dick's question, Maiev also fell silent. A few seconds later, she waved her hand irritably, and the dagger floating in the air disappeared. The powerful leader tilted his head and looked at Dick. Fan, continued to say in a hoarse voice,

That bitch in Tyrande canceled the establishment of the watchmen. In order to release Illidan, she wounded and captured my subordinates. If there were no casualties, I would never let her go. But right now, hunt down Illidan. Dan is the most important thing, Mai Lin and the others are not senior watchmen, they can't play any role in this kind of operation, and my subordinates have only recently been released and need a place to recuperate.

Maiev sat on the chair in front of Dick, and unceremoniously put her legs on Dick's table. The pair of perfect long legs wrapped in leather armor and iron armor made Dick a little distracted. Thinking about what kind of character he was facing, his eyes immediately became honest.

Hey, human kid, are you interested in taking in some of my subordinates?


What? I can't go back to the Watcher's Vault right now. When Illidan left, he released some prisoners there. Although they couldn't break through the defense of the Vault, I don't have that much time to deal with those guys. After I leave, Mai Lin and some other injured young watchmen, I will hand them over to you! I heard that you are good to your subordinates. Anyway, there is no place for us on the elves side, and there is no need to change places. It's difficult.

While talking, Maiev threw a small iron plate, Dick hurriedly took it in his hand, and looked it over, it was a finely crafted owl pendant, it was an important proof of the watcher at first glance, and then he Dazed, I heard Maiev say,

You take good care of those sisters for me, Garrod recommended you to me, my incompetent younger brother still has his own way of judging people, but if I come back and find that my sisters have passed not well

No! Boss Maiev, I will definitely take good care of those watchmen. Please rest assured! The Theramore royal family needs an elite inner court force, and your watchmen are absolutely perfect!

Dick hurriedly patted his chest and promised, but then he asked cautiously,

Boss Maiev, you know, I have some high elves under my command. Can you, I mean, let Mai Lin and the others help me train a team of scouts?

Boss? I don't like this title! Just like Garrod, call me sister.

Maiev stood up from the chair and wrapped her whole body in the sharp bladed cloak. She turned her head and glanced at Dick. A few seconds later, the leader of the watchmen yawned lazily and said lazily,

Whatever, anyway, our generation is already the last watchman. If it can be passed on in other places, it would be good. Well, I have wasted too much time, I have to go! Take care of those poor child.

Wait! Maiev... sister.

Dick stopped the watchman, he didn't forget what Maiev encountered in the process of hunting down Illidan, so after thinking about it, he decided to remind her.

Illidan intends to lurk alone to the devil's side, so if possible, my lord might as well let him go when necessary, and the devil has been watching his actions, so if it is not necessary, you should also be careful not to rush Most of the watchers are released, so they will be scattered and defeated by demons, especially in some mysterious and weird places!

Oh? Is he planning to go undercover?

Maiev shook her head, and the iconic white hair of the Shadowsong family was tied into a single ponytail at the back of her head. With the shaking of Maiev's head, the white ponytail was also shaking, and then Dick heard Maiev's cold voice came.

But that's his business, my mission is to capture him, that's all!


Dick looked at the empty room, and smacked his mouth. These agile heroes who are flying high and high are really annoying!

But there is an extra sister for no reason. Although it is possible that people don't care about it at all, Dick also has an extra long leg to hug. You know, in this season, there is an epic hero like Maiev. , Dick can definitely walk sideways on Mount Hyjal.

Well, although with his current status as a war hero, he could have walked sideways.

The paladin put the owl pendant on his neck, and turned his head to look out the window, which was already getting dusk. He sighed, and there was a burst of exclamation and laughter outside the camp. , this wild boar demigod with a happy nature, likes human food very much, Dick smiled and reached out to close the window.

Kalimdor is temporarily quiet here, but the Silver Hand and Eastern Continent.

Hey, it's all things!


I made a mistake this morning and made a mistake in the scheduled release time~ This is my mistake~ So I will add another update~~~ Brothers recommend collecting and going! !

Archimonde is dead, the Battle of Mount Hyjal is over, the Tide of Darkness historical node is completed, all attributes +30!

Change the fate of the important plot characters, the Astral Mage and the Prophet Medivh - 1%

Change the fate of the important plot character Ysera the Awakened - 1%

Slightly change the plot character Garrod - Shadowsong Fate - 1%

Weakly change the fate of the important plot forces Guardian Dragon Legion - Green Dragon Legion - 1%

Weakly change the important plot force - the fate of the wilderness demigod - 1%

Current world twist rate: 24%

The world's rotation rate exceeds 20%, the second-level talent is unlocked! The lord template is updated, Theramore-Northern Castle joins the territory, and the number of followers +1.

Exclusive series of missions for special plot characters are open: currently accepting exclusive missions: 1

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